My life as an international student in Business Management.

A hypertext narrative by

Terence Jonathan

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1021

Choice count: 19

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis:

Business : 33 matches (administration, brand, budgets, business, businesses, commerce, company, consumer, consumers, customers, development, distribution, entrepreneurship, financial, gain, leadership, management, manager, market, marketing, money, products, profit, representative, sales, sell, seller, share, staff, team, trainee, value, workload)

Education : 27 matches (achievement, behavior, choice, classes, college, courses, diploma, don, educational, extracurricular, field, field of study, first, goal, homework, management, market, mentor, objectives, points, social, student, students, teaches, test, trainee, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 23 matches (action, Development, director, distribution, documents, driving, family name, family, Financial, Information, International, law, market, option, order, power, process, seller, society, soliciting, test, value, young)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

internship (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My life as an international student in Business Management.

Educational Path.

After my studies at St Andrews College in Mauritius, I decided to do a three-year Business Management program(DEC) in Canada. The world of commerce is something that fascinates me from a young age especially since my father started a business out of nothing in 2010. However, at Lasalle College when we start our session during winter, we can do it either over 2 or 3 years. Thus, it is not a choice to be made lightly since it can have several consequences for the years to come.

Choice 1 : Over 2 years.

Choice 2 : Over 3 years.

Educational path

Over 2 years.

By choosing the option of completing the diploma over two years, I would have had classes all over those two years since I would be having three sessions each year. By doing so, I would finish my studies earlier and I would be able to start working and earning a wage on a regular basis. However, it also means that it would have been impossible for me to work during my studies to gain experience and have some money especially during the summer holidays where I could work Full-Time. In other words, by going on a two-year program, I won't be able to visit my family during the Christmas holidays.

Choice 1 : Business Management path.


Over 3 years.

By taking the option of performing my business management diploma in 3 years, I can work during the summer holidays to save some money but especially gain invaluable working experience. By working during the summer holidays, we can also build a network that might prove to be very important at the end of our studies and since we already have a foot in the door. Also, on a 3-year program, the workload during the session tends to be lower and it allows the student better time management to do homework, have a job, do extracurricular activities, and even traveling abroad.

Choice 1 : Business Management path.

Study + work

Business Management path.

Business management courses are designed to extensively train students in all aspects of the business process and leadership, and prepare them for real world situations. Even there is a constant evolution in the world of business, the student must still understand the role of managers and what to do to successful in the world of entrepreneurship.

Choice 1 : Marketing.



Marketing can be defined as the analysis of consumer needs and the set of means of action used by organizations to influence their behavior. In other words, we should determine what are the expectations of consumers and the market situation in which we operate in order to try to influence the behavior of consumers. Good marketing attracts the attention of customers.

Choice 1 : Accounting.



The first and fundamental role of accounting is to be a financial information tool for businesses. This mandatory function has both financial and legal value. It is through accounting documents that all the operations carried out by the company are entered. By doing so, businesses will know what's their profit and where they should try to improve.

Choice 1 : Management.



Management consists of organizing the business to ensure its development and sustainability. Managers bring together the individual actions of employees and ensure the achievement of objectives.

Choice 1 : Business administration.


Business administration.

Administrative services play a central role in all organizations since their staff manages budgets, information, distribution of work, etc. In other words, the proper functioning of a company depends very much on the workforce of the administrative sector.

Choice 1 : Communication.



Communication has the power to encourage discussion and to intelligently share different points of view, and that is why it can make society evolve, and become a true guarantor of social cohesion.

Choice 1 : Job opportunities after two years of study.

Choice 2 : Job opportunities after three years of study.


Job opportunities after three years of study.

After completing all the courses including the internship, the student can either continue his studies at the university in business administration, Human Resources, etc., or look for a job in his field of study. However, since we gained working experience during our studies, there were several job opportunities related to the Business Management program that arose.

Choice 1 : Managerial position.

Choice 2 : Supervision.

Choice 3 : Sales representative.


Managerial position.

The role of a manager is to manage his team well in order to ensure cohesion and increase productivity in the company. The manager should make sure that the employees are completing their tasks.

Choice 1 : Supervision.



The supervisor acts as a mentor. It teaches the trainee to establish therapeutic relationships whose goal is to optimize interventions with patients. It teaches him to maintain good working relations with colleagues.

Choice 1 : Sales representative.


Sales representative.

The main function of a representative is to promote and sell a company's products and services, often within an assigned territory, to current customers or by soliciting new customers, for example by organizing sales blitzes, site visits and familiarization tours.

Choice 1 : Success story.


Job opportunities after two years of study.

After completing my Business Management program in two years, even though I have been pulling off straight A's, I don't have any job experience. The only way to get a good job is to flirt or bribe the human resource director. That's definitely not what I expected when I started my studies at Lasalle College. I should have chosen a three-year program instead.

Choice 1 : Educational Path.

Try again

Success story.

Finally, I started as the sales representative for the BuyBye car company. I ended up being the best-seller in my first year, and I was promoted to the luxury car selling department. One day, I met a very beautiful lady and I offered her a test drive in the brand-new Porsche. Two months later, she was the one who was driving me crazy. When we married two years later, I took her family name, and now I'm Mr. Terence Dion, Celine Dion's favorite son-in-law.

Choice 1 : Success story.
