My career as a Lawyer.

A hypertext narrative by

Heidi Jean-Françoiss

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 609

Choice count: 7

Section count: 8

Image count: 8

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 31 matches

(bachelor of, campus, choice, college, exam, first, learn, monitor, student, teacher, technology, university)

Tourism : 21 matches

(amusement, amusement park, apartment, bit, camp, charge, competition, forward, monitor)

Law : 8 matches

(charge, children, fact, family, lawyer, paralegal, rent)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


My career as a Lawyer.

The start of something new.

Next year will be my last year in Paralegal Technology at the College Ahuntsic. After that, I would like to continue my studies by doing a Bachelor of Laws. That means that I will have to choose which university I want to go to.

Choice 1 : University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : UQAM University.

Choice 3 : University of Sherbrooke.

Ahuntsic College

University of Montreal.

I can not wait to start studying at this university. I went there once for a volley-ball competition and I loved it! It is very accessible by subway and my mom studied there too. However, none of my friends is going there, but I am not afraid to meet new people and begin my new student life.

Write a choice here.

University of Montreal

UQAM University.

I am looking forward to start my Bachelor at this university because it is where my boyfriend and all of my friends are going to study too. I am sure that I will have fun with them in my free time! Obviously I will have to be careful and to hang out with my friend if a have to study for an important exam. In other words I have no other choice than to arrange my time and see my priorities.

Write a choice here.

UQAM University

University of Sherbrooke.

Indeed, this university is a little bit far from where I live, but I plan to rent an apartment there. Luckily, I have some family members that lives in Sherbrooke, so I will be able to visit them whenever I want. I will also find a job on the campus and maybe a roommate. However, I do not know what job a want to do.

Choice 1 : Working in a summer camp.

Choice 2 : Working in an indoor amusement park.

University of Sherbrooke

Working in a summer camp.

I worked in a summer camp for four years and I loved it so much! It is not a surprise that it will not be very difficult for me to work there. I love kids, and I already have some game ideas, However I do not know for what I should apply.

Choice 1 : Applying to be a monitor.

Choice 2 : Applying to be an accompanist.

Summer camp

Working in an indoor amusement park.

We all know what an indoor amusement park looks like and I think it would be fun to work in one. I love children and as a kid I always loved going in those types of park. I learn very easily and my experience in a summer camp can help me get this job.

Write a choice here.

Amusement park

Applying to be a monitor.

In a summer camp, being a monitor, means that you are in charge of a whole group of kids by yourself or with someone else. I would be able to decide the name of my group and all the activities that we will do during the summer. It is like being a teacher but in a cooler way. The first rule in my group will be, "always have fun!"

Write a choice here.


Applying to be an accompanist.

Being an accompanist is a harder job that to be a monitor. In fact, the accompanist is in charge of a single kid, who have some particular needs. It may be a physic disease or a mental one. Either way, I will have to be there for the kid that I am with and help him whenever he needs. I also will be in touch with his parents to male sure that I am doing the best that I can for their kids.

Write a choice here.
