A normal SLA experience.

A hypertext narrative by

Émile GM

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2433

Choice count: 35

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 26

Field Related Analysis:

Target Structure:

internship (1 match)

retirements (1 match)


A normal SLA experience.

Still Lost in Awe.

Still. You're still lost. In the dark room, with mirrors for walls, you advance. Slowly. Floating in the air, in your eyes, everywhere, you see thousands of little glints of possibilities, bathing the room in an eerie clair-obscure. In front of you, you see an infinite line of doors. You sigh in apprehension. The doors are now. You need to choose a door. You have to. Which door do you choose?

Choice 1 : I pick a door.

Choice 2 : I don't pick a door.


There are no wrong choices. But you've just made one.

Congratulation, you have chosen a normal program! Instead of giving yourself the possibility of following all or any of your passions, you settled for one program in one area of study, like a normal person. Like a decided, responsible adult. I bet it feels good. I bet you'll have a lot of free time. Well, enjoy your Social Science program, you lazy pothead with no future, or your Natural Science courses, you sad and lonely nerd. Or whatever really precise and not stupidly condensed program you've chosen. I guess the SLA experience isn't for you... Sorry for the harsh words.

Choice 1 : Go back

angry dude

Welcome to the Sciences, Letters and Arts program.

You don't choose a door, because you can't make a choice. You're not ready to choose one path for your future, not yet. Welcome to the SLA program!!! Before your first session begin, you decide to connect yourself to the application of your cegep to go see your schedule. It's very badly distributed! You begin Monday at 8 a.m., finish Friday at 6 p.m., and you have a tone of big gaps throughout your week. The app tells you you can pay twenty-five dollars to change it. Do you change it?

Choice 1 : What a bad schedule! Of course I'm going to change it!

Choice 2 : Meh, it's too much trouble, I'll just deal with it.

welcome aboard

Sorry, Liberty Ain't real.

It doesn't matter you chose, but if you tried to change it : What did you think, that you could actually rearrange your schedule? This is SLA, you don't have a word to say about your crappy schedule! At least you have some interesting courses. Your first week begins with a course of, of what again?

Choice 1 : Cool Chemistry

Choice 2 : Extreme English

Choice 3 : Sick Sociology


Cool Chemistry.

You come to your first class, a bit nervous. Your Chemistry teacher passes the first 30 minutes presenting himself and his course. All the while, you slowly lose yourself in your thoughts. You begin daydreaming about science, the meaning of it, and what is its real use. The teacher seems nice, but he doesn't seem to understand the depths of his field. Or maybe he does, who's to say? Suddenly, you hear the distinct sound of a pencil being dragged on a poor piece of paper. You see another human person, sitting behind a desk, right next to you! What do you do?

Choice 1 : I try to engage a social interaction with them.

Choice 2 : I stay in my profound contemplation

cool chemistry

Strange Loop Actually.

Your first course is Extreme English. Rad! You are now an ESL student. All throughout the session, you find your course quite interesting, and you enjoy the workplace narratives and screencasts. At the end, your final project is to write a hypertext narrative using the tools of Virtual Writing Tutor. It has to be about your program, so you decide to create a narrative about the SLA experience and, oh. I think you know where this is going... You begin writing your first section, that you name :

Choice 1 : Still Lost in Awe.

extreme english

Sick Sociology.

You're so exited to go to your first class of sociology. You feel a personal connection with this subject because you live in a society! In the class, everyone else seems to be as exited as you are, you feel like you are at beginning of a musical! The teacher, a friendly woman in her thirties, starts the class by greeting everyone with a big smile! She then proceeds to tell all of you that the S in SLA actually stand for Sociology. Do you believe her?

Choice 1 : Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I!?

Choice 2 : No. I know the truth!

sick sociology

A good life.

Of course, you believe it, there are no such things as lies. You need to believe in this life if you want to live it well. And that's what you do! You pass through tow stressful but exciting years of college, and then decide to go study sociology at university, because you've always loved this subject. You become a teacher. At thirty-three, you meet your wife, that will give you two wonderful children, which will give you tow wonderful grandchildren, and an OK one. You are now eighty-two. You've recently had a stroke, you lie on a hospital bed and you're not sure if you're going to pass the night. All your family is here, besides your cousin that will only arrive tomorrow. You've already said your last words to those who are here, and you are tired of fighting to stay alive. What do you do?

Choice 1 : I fight through the night to say goodbye to my cousin

Choice 2 : I can bear the pain anymore. I'm sorry for my cousin, but I'm ready, I must let go.

death bed

See your Life Again.

Peacefully, you let life flow out of your body. During your last moments of existence, your mind wanders through your memory, reliving different moments of your life, some important some insignificant. You see the shepherd's pie that your mom had cooked you after a long day at school, the face of stranger who knew, and that moment you were lost, when you didn't know which path to choose for your life...

Choice 1 : Here we go again...

something strange

Sweet Last Atonement.

By drawing from your last reserve of energy, you manage to pull yourself through one last night. It's around 4 p.m. that your cousin finally arrives. He apologies many times for being late, there was a lot of traffic. He then looks at you, and apologise again, but for something else. You know what it is. You forgive him. As tears start to flow his eyes, you smile one last time. You need to go now.

Choice 1 : That was nice.


There's something wrong.

"NO!", you shout loudly while standing up. This is a lie, I know it. The "S" stands for Science, and nothing else!!!! Your teacher angrily stares at you. "You shouldn't have said those words, child. I'll give one chance to repent yourself." She points at the door. You know what it means, you can either stay silent, let the resistance die, and then go to your next class like nothing happened, or stand your ground and face the consequences.

Choice 1 : The resistance will never die!

Choice 2 : There are some fights that are not worth taking.

something bad

Still Looking Awake.

You don't want to live this lie. You're ready to fight, and she knows it. "You are now banned from these lands, Truthseeker! May the dark forces of Sociology hunt you down forever!" You run out of the class, ready to follow a different path. Chemistry seems nice.

Choice 1 : I empty my mind and go to my Chemistry course.


Let the truth die.

This fight is not work taking. Not for your future. You calmly sit back on your chair, and forget about everything. At the end of the class, you see a group of friends with tattoos of books and pens "chilling" in the corridor. What do you do?

Choice 1 : I introduce myself to them. What's the worst that could happen?

Choice 2 : No way José. I have an Art course to attend, and I won't let myself get distracted.


Security Lies Ahead.

Because you've just decided to not get distracted, and because you went directly to your Art class, you chose Security. Good choice. You're going to become chalk artist, and because of your stable job, you'll be able to afford all of the retirements and assurances in the world. Hell yeah! Oh, and you'll probably die alone, but at least with a life assurance...

Choice 1 : Let's try again

hell yeah

Seems Like Armageddon.

You know what is the real meaning of science, and it's more important than anything else. You start really paying attention to the course. You absorb every once of knowledge that floats in the air, and soon, you know all that you need. Fifteen years later, the world is on fire. Every big city has been annihilated, and humanity is on the verge of extinction. And that's you. You did it. You sigh of relief. You've finally accomplished what you needed to do. You can now rest.

Choice 1 : Nice end! Want a retry?


A human person.

This human is a girl. Her name is Alex. You talk, and she seems cool. She warns you that you shouldn't get to attached to her, because she's in this dangerous gang called the Literates. She's actually going to see them right now in her French class. She also tells you that you could continue to get to know each other by meeting in the student café at 5 p.m. What do you do?

Choice 1 : Well, I think I also have this French course next, so I can't wait to meet your friends!

Choice 2 : Yeah, let's meet up after class!

Choice 3 : No, I'm sorry, I prefer to focus on my study, and now I need to go to my Art class.

new friend?

The Literates.

You quickly get along with this group of friends called the Literates. Even if they can be a bit scary at first, you learn fast that they actually very rarely use violence, unless someone insults their favorite book or use the wrong form of "there". All throughout your three first sessions, you make a lot of good memories with them, and they even teach you some of their secret techniques, like how to kill someone with a bookmark. But, in the middle of your fourth and last session, in the evening of grim Thursday, you go to the secret hideout as always, only to find there a horribly gruesome spectacle. What is it?

Choice 1 : There is no cake. But I wanted cake!

Choice 2 : All of the other members have been murdered.

book power

Sick Literature Adventure.

All of your friends laugh. "Well maybe there's no cake, but at least we got each other!", you say while shrugging with a big smile. Later, you are all accepted to letters related programs in different universities. After that, you pass an interview and do an internship in the letters creating department of the Dictionary. After a little period of on the job training, you're finally accepted as a Letter Creator, and go on to invent three consonant and one vowel throughout the course of your career. Well done!

Choice 1 : Ouh, this one was wholesome! Want to see less wholesome ones?


Blood. Blood everywhere!

You discover horrified that all of your friends have been gruesomely murdered. NOOOOOOOOO! What do you do?

Choice 1 : As the Literate code demands, I "Seppuku" myself with a pen to join my comrades.

Choice 2 : I decide to avenge them.

death scene

your Soul Lives to Avenge.

By examining the crime scene, you see an angle protractor planted in the throat of one of your friends, and a literal pipe of physical realism sticking out of the eye of another. The Mathematics and Philosophy gangs must have teamed up to get rid of their common enemy. But you won't let their crime stay unpunished. You take out the bookmark of the book that you're currently reading. It's pay-back time.

Choice 1 : My "good" ending. But the others are also cool.


Suicide, Listen, Ain't a solution.

You pull out your pen and perform the traditional ritual, but right before striking yourself in the stomach, you stop. You can't do it. Screw the code, there are other things to live for in this life! You start breathing deeply. You decide to call the security of the cegep. The Council of the Clubs will deal with the situation. In the meanwhile, you go around the local and close the eyes of your beloved friends. You're going to miss them, but you'll have to live without them. To live for them. You are now ready to start your new life.

Choice 1 : Acceptance is the key. Still, want to see another version of your life?


a very Strange but Lovely Assembly.

Your last course of the day finishes at 4 p.m., so you have one hour before meeting your new friend at the student café. You decide to use that time to explore your cegep. You walk from stairs to stairs and door to door, and after half an hour, you end up, you don't know how, at the bottom of dark staircase. You suddenly hear some distant voices. It's coming from a narrow corridor hidden behind a rusty sheet-metal plate, and you decide to go investigate. The corridor leads to a mysterious door adorned with some dark gemstone, so you discreetly half-open it to see what's going on behind. You're shocked to discover most of your teachers dancing around a green fire while chanting strange incantations. They're all wearing colorful robes, but you can still recognize them from the presentation day of the program before the beginning of the session. "By the power of integrals, derivatives and matrices!" shoot your math teacher. "By the spirit of surrealism, the impact of the invention of photography on art and complementary colors!", shout you Art History teacher. "By the forces of classical conditioning, Freudian psychoanalysis and the environmental approach", "By the energy of macro nutriments, the "leave no trace" rule and efficient stretching", "From the forces of magnetic fields, the logarithmic decibel scale and general relativity", "With the influence of lexical fields, correct conjugation and metaphors!" continue your Psychology, Outdoors, Physic, and French teachers. Then, they suddenly all collapse on the floor, and the green flames immediately vanish. Instead of the fire, in the middle of the circle you see a dark brown chair. You smile. You know what to do.

Choice 1 : This is the only ending. You've found the truth.

the chair