Which school will rule?

A hypertext narrative by

Jessica Vincelette

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1064

Choice count: 22

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 29 matches (School, Scotland, accountability, choice, class, classes, classmates, college, course, diploma, don, exam, failed, field, field of study, first, grade, grades, learn, learned, management, project, school, semester, social, student, training, university, vacation)

Business : 19 matches (balance, bankrupt, benefits, business, commerce, company, competitors, efficient, firm, lucrative, management, marketing, marketing strategy, sheet, strategy, team, the amount, hire employees, entrepreneurs)

Accounting : 12 matches (accounting, accounts, accounts payable, amount, assets, balance sheet, budgetary accountability, capitalized interest, interest, small business, suppliers, tangible assets)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

dread (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


Which school will rule?

Bye college!

This is your final semester at college. You’ve been studying Social Science – Commerce at Maisonneuve College for almost two years. You now have to choose which University you want to go to. You hesitate between studying Accounting at HEC Montreal or studying Business at Montreal University. You decided to apply at the two, and you got accepted at both Universities! You now have to decide which want you want to go to.

Choice 1 : Choose HEC Montreal

Choice 2 : Choose Montreal University

Maisonneuve College

Welcome to HEC Montreal!

You are now beginning your first semester at HEC Montreal! You already made a few friends and you like your classes and your field of study. You learned a lot about accounting, such as accounts payable, balance sheet, budgetary accountability, capitalized interest and tangible assets. You were quite overwhelmed with all the work at first, but you succeeded to pull off straight A's in almost all of your exams! You are very proud of yourself, but you are anxious about the big exam coming up. This exam is your final exam for your first year! To prepare yourself for this exam, you must choose between:

Choice 1 : Study with your new friends at Starbucks

Choice 2 : Study alone at home

HEC Montreal

Welcome to Montreal University!

Yes! You are finally starting University! You like the school and already met new friends! You find your classes interesting, but you find the amount of work maddening. You worked hard but saw the benefits when receiving your grades. You never missed any day of school but unfortunately, this morning, you feel sick. You have to decide whether:

Choice 1 : Go to school anyway because you don’t want to miss any class

Choice 2 : Stay home and rest to feel better tomorrow

Montreal University

Too bad.

That day, you talked all long with your friends and didn’t even study. You failed your exam.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.

Failed exam


You made a great decision! You used time management to help you study without being anxious about your time. You also put aside all distraction in order not to be disturbed. Congratulations, you passed your final exam! You had a great summer vacation, but you are now starting your second year at HEC Montreal. The school offers student internships in other countries, and you’re really interested in going! You have to choose between going to:

Choice 1 : Scotland

Choice 2 : Japan

You passed!

Rest in peace.

You got a car accident that day on your way to school, and you’re dead.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.

Your car...

Feeling much better!

Today, you went to school and felt much better! Your new classmates even filled you in on what you missed in your Marketing class yesterday. In your Business class, you have a school project to do that will help you get a foot in the door in the world of business. You and your team have to become entrepreneurs and create an imaginary company, where you will choose who your competitors will be, find your suppliers, hire employees and build a team and find an efficient marketing strategy to make your business lucrative. For this project, you must choose your teammates. You have two drastically different group of friends that are in your class, and you have to decide if you want to work with:

Choice 1 : Your nerdy type of friends, who are very good at school and very smart but who are literally obsessed with their grades.

Choice 2 : Your party type of friends, who have good grades, even though they party more than they are studying.

team work

Hi Scotland!

You arrived in Scotland safe and sound. You fell in love with the beauty of the country, and you are really enjoying your internship there. You are working as an intern in a big accounting firm and are getting a great on-the-job-training. This OJT will come in handy to learn the ropes and will help you when you apply at a job back in Montreal. However, you dread going back to Montreal as you really love it here in Scotland. The firm is offering you to stay and finish your studies at a University here. They also offered to hire you once you got your diploma. You have a big decision to make:

Choice 1 : Stay in Scotland and build life here.

Choice 2 : Go back to Montreal to pursue my studies at HEC Montreal and to go back to my family and friends there.



Your plane got high jacked, and you crashed in the ocean. Of course, you are dead.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.

Plane crash


You chose the right crowd! You really got along with them and got a good grade in the project! You now finished University and you are ready to find a job. You have to choose between:

Choice 1 : Work in a multinational company

Choice 2 : Work in a small business


Welcome to McDonald's!

You got sucked up in the wrong crowd. They don’t help you with the project, and you’re stuck doing everything by yourself. You decided to abandon school and found a job at McDonald’s.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.


A new beginning!

You finished your studies with the greatest honors, and you got a great position at the firm. You met your husband, got married, bought a big house, and now have two kids!

Choice 1 : The end!

You and you family in Scotland!


More often than not, when you got back to Montreal, you felt depressed and missed the life you had in Scotland. You finished school anyway but only found a dead-end job where you felt invaluable and didn’t see any purpose of staying there. You decided to leave everything and go back to Scotland!

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.

plane back to Scotland

Burn out...

You were getting sucked up in all the work you had to do, so you had to work 50 hours a week and became sick. You have a burn out and can’t work anymore.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.



You took a vacant position in a small business and tried to do your best to save the company, but after a while, they went bankrupt.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start.
