Funny Fate

A hypertext narrative by

Laulau Hudon

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3752

Choice count: 55

Section count: 37

Image count: 37

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 163 matches

(activity, choice, class, classes, course, courses, down, education, educational, elementary school, fails, first, grades, graduate, head, high school, homework, integration, knowledge, learn, level, memory, monitor, motivation, points, school, second language, student, students, teach, teacher, teachers, university, vocabulary)

Dance : 62 matches

(action, back, behind, break, close, complete, face, front, jump, kick, lady, lock, out, quick, recover, rock, run, side, through, turn, walk)

Web development : 53 matches

(action, break, call, child, class, clear, close, drop, escape, event, integration, name, object, open, path, read, require, return, row, stop, table, theme, true, window)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

internship (4 matches)

though (5 matches)


Funny Fate

The Clairvoyant.

The room feels eerie. It is dark and dusty. The walls are covered of red velvet curtains. At the middle of the room, there is a small round table slightly lighted by a small bulb hanging from the ceiling. Under the light, an old lady with black eyes stares at you. You only see her long nose and her wrinkled forehead. She smiles and you hear her crackling voice. "Hi! What brings you here, darling?" You tell her how you are undecided about your future. You tell her how much you like languages and how much you are curious about seeing the world. "Well, you have come to the right place!" she says. "Let me help you find your path" She smiles and gives you a weird, creepy look. You give her your last $20. You don’t have any other choice; the pressure from your parents becomes more and more stifling.

Choice 1 : ...


You go straight to Laval University, in the program Teaching French as a Second Language.

You are lucky, you can live with your grandmother, close to the University. The first year makes you realize how much you like teaching. You are passionate about communication and creating educational activities. Plus, you really enjoy your grandmother's company and cooking. Overall, it seems like a very good choice. However, one day in your second trimester, your grandmother lets you know that she is sick and that she isn’t sure that she will survive. You are bewildered and you question the rest of your studies.

Choice 1 : You stay in your program.

Choice 2 : You drop out and try the Nursing program at Laval University.

laval university

You stay in your program.

Aren't you relieved? Your grandmother’s sickness is gone! Plus, she is a more energetic and enthusiast grandmother than ever. She even helps you with your homework. You are more and more excited to do your first (and very important) internship in an elementary school. You obtain good grades in most of your classes. It is time to chose in which school you will have your internship.

Choice 1 : You choose school A.

Choice 2 : You chose school B.

granny and granddaughter

You choose the school A.

You come to your first day fully prepared and you teach fruit vocabulary to young children. The teacher of the class is at the restrooms. While you look away, a small boy puts a plastic fruit toy in his mouth and chokes. He falls on the ground and hit his head. Before you notice, there is a crowd around the blood pound and the blue boy. What do you do?

Choice 1 : You call 911 and try to make him spit the object.

Choice 2 : You ask for a doctor in the class.

school A

You chose the school B.

What a mess! Nobody listens to you. Children jump onto their desks and spit everywhere. You make the last effort to have their attention and screams, "Stop! Listen to me!". Every little face turns to you. You start to sob and run out of this school. You drop out of that program: it is certainly not for you! You decide to return to Montreal and to give swimming courses in a dark and dirty pool for the rest of your life.

Choice 1 : Try again

funky kid

You call 911 and try to make him spit the object.

You have taken the first aid course in the past, so you know what to do. Fortunately, you save the boy’s life. When the ambulance arrives, the boy is conscious and has a big bandage on his head. He smiles and thanks you. That experience has really traumatized you. You decide to quit your program because every time you hear education-related words you remember that event. Even though you know you made the right choice calling 911, you can’t imagine yourself teaching again and experiencing such a traumatic event. Back in Montreal, you are interned in a psychiatric hospital for the rest of your days.

Choice 1 : Try again

first aid

You ask for a doctor in the class.

Who would call a doctor in a class of seven-year-old children? Of course, there is no doctor. You are panicked, so you take a desk and throw it through a window. You are about to do it a second time, when the teacher enters the room and screams. She tries to save the child but fails. It is too late. She looks at you, disappointed. Plus, you didn’t realize the desk you just dropped from the third floor killed an old lady walking on the sidewalk. You are arrested and finishes your life in prison. The last thing to do in an emergency is to throw a desk through a window. Now you know it.

Choice 1 : Try again

teacher panicking

You drop out and try the Nursing program at Laval University.

Even if you don’t like nursing that much, you believe that you could maybe help your grandmother with her illness. Her health decreases, and she starts having trouble to eat and to talk. You work harder and help her the best you can at home. You do her laundry, her lunch, and you even help her with her hygiene. Unfortunately, your grandmother passes away during your second trimester. You are wrecked and you question, again, your career.

Choice 1 : You return in teaching at UQAM in Montreal.

Choice 2 : You continue in Nursing at Laval University.

nursing shool

You return in teaching at UQAM in Montreal.

You knew nursing was not for you. Plus, returning to Montreal gives you the opportunity to live with your parents and to escape from the sad memory of your grandmother everywhere you go. You have good grades and plenty of friends. As you are preparing for your internship tomorrow, your friends ask you if you want to go to a party. You hesitate.

Choice 1 : You go to the party.

Choice 2 : You prefer to do yoga.


You continue in Nursing at Laval University.

You work in a hospital while studying for your hard exams. One day, a weird infection spreads on your cheek and you have trouble breathing. You think it is due to stress and don’t take it seriously. However, the strange infection reaches your neck and your arms quickly. You die in your sleep a few days later.

Choice 1 : Try again


You go to the party.

You have fun at the party, but you drink a little more than you should. The next morning, you wake up late and arrive at the school still hangover. You still think you will teach well. After multiple excuses, you stand in front of the class to start your activity. All the eyes are on you. You start to shiver when you realize you don’t remember what you had prepared and you swear, unconsciously. The teacher understands that you have a hangover and is negatively surprised a student like you can still be in the teaching program. He tells you to get out of her class, to go to sleep and to come back the week after. Just when you turn to him to apologize one last time, you throw up on his favorite T-shirt. Your reputation really dropped down. You are for now on called "Miss Hangover". Your self-confidence is hurt during the trimester, so you hesitate whether you continue in that program or you drop out.

Choice 1 : You continue.

Choice 2 : You drop out.


You continue.

You are persevering. That’s a great strength for students. You decide that you will become a normal high-school teacher instead of a French teacher. You graduate and become a boring teacher that always complains about its job and its salary.

Choice 1 : Try again

bored teacher

You drop out.

Your parents are disgusted by your decision. They don’t let you the choice: you can’t live with them anymore. You are a total disappointment. What a mess! You make your bag, and they close the front door behind you. You turn around and look at your past home with a lukewarm feeling. Will you listen to your bright-side voice or your dark-side one?

Choice 1 : You listen to your dark side and take steal their car.

Choice 2 : You listen to your bright side and you take an apartment with a weird guy.

mad parents

You listen to your dark side and steal their car.

For you, the province of Quebec means defeat. If you leave, you know you’ll succeed in life. Saskatchewan here you come! You enter a pub in a small village of the meadow. A man asks you if you are a singer, and even though you said, "no," he understands "yes". He hands you a guitar. Then, he points out a small stage and asks you to sing. You discover you have a real talent in country music. You change your name to "The Prairie Dog" and sing country music until your death.

Choice 1 : Try again

road trip

You take an apartment with a weird guy.

Even though you don’t like that guy and that apartment, you don’t have the money to have better. Your roommate is called Armand, he smells like asparagus, and he works at McDonalds. It turns out that, despite his appearance, he is a very cool guy. He recommends you to McDonalds and you are hired in the first week. You fall in love with him in fries and BigMacs. You have three kids with him and, even if you are poor and if you work at the restaurant all your life, you still manage to be happy and to make your family happy.

Choice 1 : Try again


You prefer to do yoga.

You slept well and you are confident that you will do a great job. As you planned, the activity is liked by everyone. The teacher is impressed by your proficiency. The rest of your studies are a success. You graduate and apply to a French school that offers courses in many countries. You also apply to a Quebecois immigrant integration school. After two long interviews, you are accepted to both jobs! Which one will you chose?

Choice 1 : You prefer to work for France.

Choice 2 : You prefer to work in Quebec.


You prefer to work for France.

Your dream came true! Your work requires you to travel a lot in a lot of countries. You discover new cultures and you learn new languages while teaching your beloved mother language to children. You have the chance to work in Germany, in Uganda, in Portugal, in Italy and in many other countries! You still prefer Italy and marry a pizza maker named Lorenzo. You retire and spend all your old days in your big villa with him.

Choice 1 : Try again


You prefer to work in Quebec.

That job allows you to stay near your family in Quebec and to discover new cultures and learn new languages. The immigrants are full of experience and your exchanges with them is enriching. You become a better human-being but you start to wear yellow Crocs all day long.

Choice 1 : Try again


You become a French assistant in British Columbia.

You decide to try something completely new in a completely unknown city: Victoria, BC. You are excited, but very anxious about the paperwork you got to complete. You have decided in which neighbourhood you will teach, but you still have to find out somewhere to live before the end of the summer! One day, you find two perfect apartments that fit. One is a beautiful, luminous and huge apartment, but pricey. It would require having two jobs in order to pay for the rent but you would feel free! The other is smaller but comfy and colourful. It is also cheap because you would have a roommate who pays with you the rent. Which one would you prefer?

Choice 1 : You take the pricey one.

Choice 2 : You take the cheap one.


You take the pricey one.

Did you really think you were rich? Did you really think you would be able to handle two jobs at the same time? Are you dreaming? Even I, an old clairvoyant with white hair, would have taken the right choice!

Choice 1 : Make the right choice please.

cringe face

You take the cheap one.

When you enter in your room, the first thing you do is to make your bed and place your clothes. You already have a bed base and a small drawer, thanks to your parents. You’ve just finished when your roommate, Jimmy, knocks. You talk for a while and realize that you really like each other. You’ve just got a friend. A week passes and you’ve already met all of his friends, Mika, Duud, Sara, Camila, Oliver, and Beatriz. They make you visit the harbor, the malls, the pools, the lagoon, the bubble tea shops, etc. You already feel like you belong with them, in that city. It is the best time of your life! Your first week as a French monitor is coming and your friends ask you if you want to go for a boat weekend with them. You know you should prepare your activities, but you hesitate.

Choice 1 : You go to the boat trip.

Choice 2 : You stay home, alone, to plan your activities.


You go to the boat trip.

You wake up with an incredible headache in the boat. You don’t know nether where you are nor what day it is. You panic until you start to remember a few scenes of your weekend. Looking at the few bottles around you and your friends deeply sleeping, you remember that you drank quite a lot. It’s the first time you have a hangover and you decide it will be your last time. You manage to open the door and you are dazzled by the sun of midday. You notice you are at the marina of Victoria. When you take your phone, you notice it’s Monday! You are three hours late for school! While you try to pack your few belongings, you hesitate. Should you teach while having a hangover?

Choice 1 : Call the school to warn that you take a day off.

Choice 2 : Go even with a hangover.

boat trip

You stay home, alone, to plan your activities.

Your career is more important than your friends. You take your favorite blanket and start working on your Monday activity theme: the beach. You continue with the other activities. The more your work, the more you get anxious about them. You ask yourself questions like "What if that doesn’t work?", "What if this takes too long?" and "What if they don’t like the activity?". After a few hours of planning, revising and using your creativity to make the best activities, you decide to take a break for the night. What do you do?

Choice 1 : Buy ice cream and watch a sad movie.

Choice 2 : Call your mother.

work bed

You call the school to warn that you take a day off.

You are responsible and you know that being hangover would be problematic in your communication, your enthusiasm and your credibility. Plus, you are late. You call the school and say you are sick. You still want to return home to recover and prepare tomorrow’s activity. You leave a note for your friends that are still sleeping and pull out quietly. Tuesday’s activity is a success. Even though you didn’t take as much time as you wanted, you still rock it! That experience proves you are a very good teacher. However, you promise you will never let that mistake happen again. After a wonderful year in that school, you prepare to leave. You really like the country and the people here and it makes you cry only to think about how you will miss it. One week before your departure, you receive an e-mail from the school that mentions how big of a change you made there. You read it three times before you realize what is in there. They offer you to pay your studies in Victoria and become a teacher in their school! Finally, you marry a British Columbian colleague and have British Columbian kids. You live happily far from Montreal. You keep your friends close.

Choice 1 : Try again

victoria bc

You go to school even with a hangover.

Even though you have a hangover and you are late, you know going to work is better than being absent. The activity is not fantastic but not bad. The supervising teacher is suspicious about your estate. Since then, your good relation with her is hurt. At the end of the year, you are full of new knowledge and very confident to become a teacher. You hesitate on the school you go in.

Choice 1 : You go to Laval University, in the program Teaching French as a Second Language.

Choice 2 : You go to Montreal University in Teaching French as a second language.


You buy ice cream and watch a sad movie.

It’s been a long time since you have taken time to yourself and you believe it will calm your anxiety. You crave for chocolate ice cream and you could do anything just to get some tonight. You get dressed, lock the door of the apartment and walk to the nearest convenience store. It takes 15 minutes. You notice a shady looking man while paying. You go out and start walking home. The man follows you. You shiver. You have not brought your cellphone. What do you do?

Choice 1 : You run directly to home.

Choice 2 : Turn around and eat your booger in front of him.

girl alone night

You call your mother.

Your mother has always helped you with your anxiety. As always, you talk for a few minutes nonstop about your insecurities, your friends and your work. She interrupts you politely and tells you something important. For a moment, you stop breathing. Did you hear correctly? You father? Sick? You love your father so much and can’t imagine your life without him. You want to fly to Montreal but hesitate.

Choice 1 : You come back to Montreal to live with your father his last months.

Choice 2 : You promise to be back for Christmas break.

phonecall mom

You go to Montreal University in Teaching French as a second language.

There, you make a lot of friends, but no one equals your beloved British Columbian friends Jimmy, Mika, Duud, Sara, Camila, Oliver, and Beatriz. After your studies you become a great teacher with a lot of confidence and a kind and attentive person. You meet a sensitive boy, who becomes quickly your boyfriend. At the middle of your career, you decide to take a job at your old high school, as a French Teacher. You work with your old teachers in your old classrooms who really appreciate your work. You live a great life surrounded with great friends and colleagues.

Choice 1 : Try again

u de m

You run directly to home.

The man is quicker than you. He catches you. You struggle with him, and he punches you in the belly. You think swiftly of what to do.

Choice 1 : You scream.

Choice 2 : You kick between his legs.

girl run

Turn around and eat your booger in front of him.

It’s a trick you saw on a feminist Facebook page. It is time to try it to see if it works. The man retreats and disappears. You are still shocked and hesitate on changing your plan.

Choice 1 : You go home and watch your movie.

Choice 2 : You hang out with a friend.

eating bugger

You come back to Montreal to live with your father his last months.

Your father is very touched by your action. You stay with him until he dies, and your sadness transforms into a need to help others. You fly to Africa and volunteer for the rest of your life. You live happily and truly always helping thousands of people that need water, food, clothes or simply an ear that listens. You learn progressively different African languages.

Choice 1 : Try again


You promise to be back for Christmas break.

Your father dies before Christmas and your motivation level drops and you abandon your internship. You come back home in Montreal and live with your sad mother. You clear all your money into drinks at the bar. You manage to become friends with the barman, and he gives you free drinks. Every day of every week your drink at the bar. Your mother dies one day, and you start smoking. You smoke and drink until your death at age 40.

Choice 1 : Try again


You scream.

A guy arrives and defend you. He calls the police. You are traumatized and become a public speaker at Ted talks where you tell your story again and again.

Choice 1 : Try again


You kick between his legs.

It is effective: he falls. You run as quick as you can to the police office. You are so traumatized by the situation that you return to Montreal and live in your parents’ house. You stay in your old bedroom eating chips for the rest of your life.

Choice 1 : Try again


You go home and watch your movie.

You watch the 9 movies of the "Harry Potter" saga in a row. Next, you continue with "The Lord of the Ring" saga and "Star Wars" saga. At the end of the weekend, you have red eyes. On Monday morning, your supervising teacher suspects you had drugs and you are fired. Somehow, you become a bohemian movie maker in British Columbia. You are poor and nobody understands you.

Choice 1 : Try again

binge watching

You hang out with a friend.

Beatriz invites you to sleep over. During the night, she confesses her dreams to become a famous actress in Hollywood. After a few drinks, she also confesses her homosexuality and her feelings for you. On a whim, you decide to leave everything behind and to live your life with her in Los Angeles.

Choice 1 : Try again


The Question.

The old lady takes your hand in hers and closes her eyes. "Where should we go first?".

Choice 1 : You go straight to Laval University, in the program Teaching French as a Second Language.

Choice 2 : You become a French assistant in British Columbia.
