My life is in your hands.

A hypertext narrative by

Christopher Joseph

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 702

Choice count: 28

Section count: 18

Image count: 18

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 59 matches

(choice, class, college, diploma, failed, failure, first, grades, school, teacher, university)

Law : 27 matches

(cost, family, house, law, lawyer, lawyers, living, option, paralegal, rent)

Corrections-Technology : 11 matches

(law, lawyer, liberty)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


My life is in your hands.

My first choice.

It is almost the end of my studies in paralegal technologies at Ahuntsic College. Since it is a program that gives me the opportunity to directly go work after I get my diploma I could not do any more studies. I do have another option however. I could continue to study and do a bachelor in law in university.

Choice 1 : I continue my studies.

Choice 2 : I start working as a paralegal technician.

Ahuntsic College

I continue my studies.

I need to decide which university I will attend. Which, one should I chose?

Choice 1 : University of Laval.

Choice 2 : University of Montreal.

university class

University of Laval.

University of Laval is far from my parents house and it's hard to go there every day. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Rent an apartment.

Choice 2 : Stay at my parents house.

University of Laval

University of Montreal.

University of Montreal is way harder than I thought it would be. I hate going to this University. What do you think I should do?

Choice 1 : Finish my studies.

Choice 2 : Quitting school.

University of Montreal

Quitting school.

My parents are more than disappointed in me and don't want me to live with them anymore, so I end up living on the streets with no money and friends.

Choice 1 : My first choice should've been a better one.

Quitting school

Finish my studies.

I finally finished my bachelor, who should I celebrate it with?

Choice 1 : Family.

Choice 2 : Friends.


Rent an apartment.

I really love the liberty of having my own apartment, but it cost way too much money and I don't know what to do about it.

Choice 1 : I take more hours at my part-time job.

Choice 2 : My parents house.


Stay at my parents house.

Because I stayed at my parents house, I had more time to study and have better grades, and my teacher was impressed and gave me the opportunity of having a job with him. Should I take it?

Choice 1 : Take the job.

Choice 2 : Don't take the job

 My parents house


I now have a work that pays me way better than the job I would've had if I didn't get my bachelor.

Choice 1 : My first choice.



I couldn't find a work so now I work as a garbage collector.

Choice 1 : I wish I could go back to my first choice.

Garbage collector

I take more hours at my part-time job.

The hours of work I have makes me unable to concentrate and have god grades at school. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go back to my parents house

Choice 2 : Don't change anything

Part-time job

Don't change anything.

Because I didn't change anything I failed all my class and wasted years of my life for the liberty of having an apartment. I get discouraged and find myself working in a McDonald for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : I wish I did better.


I start working as a paralegal technician.

Two Lawyers want me to work for them. Which one should I chose.

Choice 1 : First lawyer.

Choice 2 : Second lawyer.


First lawyer.

I am extremely happy working with this lawyer even my pays are amazing and I live the rest of my life happy never worrying about money.

Choice 1 : My first choice.


Second lawyer.

This lawyer makes my life miserable and I end up finding myself in depression.

Choice 1 : I keep working for him

Choice 2 : I go work for the first lawyer


I keep working for him.

I keep working for this lawyer and I've never been more stressed in my life, so I quit, but the first lawyer doesn't want me anymore and I have to work at Burger King for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : My first choice.



I drink a bit too much with my friends but I'm happy I finally got my diploma.

Choice 1 : My first choice was the right one.



My family will always be there for me, I'm glad I'm celebrating with them.

Choice 1 : My first choice.
