My career as a criminologist

A hypertext narrative by

audreanne Parr

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1366

Choice count: 39

Section count: 26

Image count: 26

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis

Education : 80 matches

(adult, cegep, choice, college, continuing, detention, emotional, field, goal, homework, intervention, learn, learned, reader, school, skills, trainee, university)

Law : 27 matches

(close, criminology, detention, domestic violence, fact, family, house, independent, inmate, intervention, living, minimum wage, month)

Web development : 26 matches

(close, control, feed, field, join, open, pass, resource, stop, write)

Target Structure: (3 matches)

internship (5 matches)

trainee (2 matches)

wage (1 match)


My career as a criminologist

Which school?

I am about to finish Cegep at Ahuntsic College in Youth and Adult Correctional Intervention. I want to go to university to continue in criminology. I live in Laval and I need to find the best school to go. I am lost and I need to decide.

Choice 1 : Go to the University Laval.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.

College Ahuntsic

Go to the University Laval.

I decide to go to the University of Laval in criminology, so I had to move to Quebec. My boyfriend decided to find some work in Quebec, so we would be together. We need to find an apartment for the duration of my studies.

Choice 1 : I find myself an internship related to criminology.

Choice 2 : I need to find a job.

University Laval

Go to the University of Montreal.

I continue to live in Laval and decide to stay because this University will open up great opportunities for me.

Choice 1 : I live with my parents, so I can save money for my future.

Choice 2 : I decide to move to Montreal in a small apartment with my friends.

University of Montreal

I need to find a job.

I am walking on the street and I see that a domestic violence resource is looking for a worker or a trainee to join their team, so I decide to apply. I don't want to lose this opportunity.

Choice 1 : I am called to pass an interview.

Choice 2 : I realize that I won't have enough money to support myself.

Domestic violence resource

I find myself an internship related to criminology.

I am so happy! I found an internship in a prison, so I will be a trainee and I will learn a lot about how it is going in detention. I will be assisted by someone, but if I like the job, it's not a dead-en-job, so I will have a lot of good opportunities to make a good salary.

Choice 1 : I stay at this job.

Choice 2 : I'm going back to my parents house, because it's too difficult.


I live with my parents, so I can save money for my future.

My parents have good jobs, so they can help me save money. By living with them, I can continue my studies while having some money aside for my future. My mother pays for my car and my father told me that he will pay for my personal expenses and my studies.

Choice 1 : I abandoned my studies.

Choice 2 : I continue my studies while living with my parents

My house in Laval

I decide to move to Montreal in a small apartment with my friends.

I will live with my friends and my boyfriend, so I will not be alone and I will be able to be independent. I will learn adult life while continuing my studies in Criminology.

Choice 1 : I forget my studies and party every weekend.

Choice 2 : I take control of myself and continue my studies.

My apartment

I am called to pass an interview.

Yes! I got the job! I will learn a lot about this field and I will use the skills I learned in cegep.

Choice 1 : I accept the job.

Choice 2 : I want to go back home and cry.

My interview

I realize that I won't have enough money to support myself.

I have a lot of expenses. I have to buy food and feed my little dog named Coco. I also have to buy clothes and pay my bills every month. I spend around $600 per month and find it really expensive. I don't know what should I do.

Choice 1 : I want to go back home

Choice 2 : I decide to stay here

Spending my money

I stay at this job.

An inmate attacked me and told me he was going to kill me. I was afraid. He said that I had no place in prison and that I am too weak to do this job. He told me I was never going to be successful.

Choice 1 : I want to go back home and cry

Choice 2 : I continue my internship in detention

My attack

I'm going back to my parents house, because it's too difficult.

I find that I do not have the emotional strength for this field and that I was well with my parents in Laval.

Choice 1 : I find myself a job as a counselor at CAVAC

Choice 2 : I decide to stop my studies

Back home

I forget my studies and party every weekend.

I live with my boyfriend and my friends in an apartment, so why not take the opportunity to celebrate! I drink every weekend and take time to enjoy life instead of studying. I miss my parents, but I don't miss the rules established at home!

Choice 1 : I don't do my homework

Choice 2 : I take control of myself and continue my studies

My friends and I

I focus on my studies and work hard.

Every night I do homework. I really want to be a criminologist, and I am working hard to achieve my goal. I have to stand out from others. This job gives a good salary. They aren't giving the minimum wage for these kinds of jobs.

Choice 1 : I become a criminologist

Me studying

I accept the job.

I decide that the job I got is the one for me. I want to continue my studies while I am working here. It is the best decision for me.

Choice 1 : I am successful

Choice 2 : I am still studying and it's going well

I accept the job

I want to go back home and cry.

I miss my parents so much and I think I will be happier if I continue my studies by having my parents near me. It is gonna be easier for me to succeed if I don't have the stress of paying bills every month.

Choice 1 : I am back home, and I am happy

Me crying

I abandoned my studies.

I think that I am not made for this field and I want to go back home to my family.

Choice 1 : I want to go back home and cry.

Abandoned my studies

I found myself a job as a counselor at CAVAC.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : I found myself a job as a counselor at CAVAC.

Write a choice here.

Found myself a job

I don't do my homework.

I don't think about the fact that I need to do my homework to become a criminologist.

Choice 1 : I abandoned my studies.


I continue my studies while living with my parents.

I am so close to my goal!

Write a choice here.

Choice 2 : I focus on my studies and work hard.

working hard

I become a criminologist.

I did it! I am a criminologist!

Choice 1 : I am called to pass an interview.

Write a choice here.


I take control of myself and continue my studies.

Enough partying! It's time to focus on my goal!

Choice 1 : I become a criminologist.

Write a choice here.

My books

I think that I am not made for this field and I want to go back home to my family.

It's too difficult for me, so I want to go home.

Choice 1 : I'm going back to my parents house, because it's too difficult.


I decide to stop my studies.

I realized this field is not made for me.

Choice 1 : I abandoned my studies.

Write a choice here.


I want to go back home.

I realize it's too difficult to live in an apartment, because it's very expensive.

Choice 1 : I'm going back to my parents house, because it's too difficult.

Write a choice here.

need work

I continue my internship in detention.

I like this job and I want to prove myself that I am made for this job.

Choice 1 : I found myself a job as a counselor at CAVAC.


I am still studying and it's going well.

I am working hard and I do my homework every day.

Choice 1 : I become a criminologist.

Write a choice here.
