My career in physiotherapy.

A hypertext narrative by

ary-ane dupras

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1834

Choice count: 56

Section count: 29

Image count: 29

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis

Education : 158 matches

(choice, college, courses, degree, down, education, field, further, goal, grades, high school, homework, level, market, primary school, private, reader, school, skills, students, teacher, university)

Law : 37 matches

(house, market, master, private, rehabilitation, reputation)

Business : 23 matches

(leads, market, money, salary, upgrade)

Target Structure: (3 matches)

internships (4 matches)

retirement (5 matches)

wage (1 match)


My career in physiotherapy.

High school choices.

I was in high school and I had to make a choice for my future career. So I asked myself what would I like to do?

Choice 1 : Go to college and study into being a physiotherapist.

Choice 2 : Go to college and studies into being a Physical Education teacher.

High school

Go to college and study into being a physiotherapist.

In this choice of career, I had to decide between two different programs which leads me to the same goal.

Choice 1 : Go into the Science program.

Choice 2 : Go into the physical rehabilitation program.


Go into the Science program.

After choosing the Science program, I decided to go to the nearest college from my location and I had to decide if I wanted to do it in 2 or in 3 years.

Choice 1 : To do the program in 2 years.

Choice 2 : To do the program in 3 years.


Doing the program in 2 years.

If I do the program in 2 years, I won't be able to put one hundred percent of my effort. I also risk having lower grades because of the number of courses that I will have in addition. But, if I do it in 2 years, I will be able to finish college earlier than if I do it in 3 years.

Choice 1 : Go to university and studies in the physiotherapy program.

Choice 2 : Quit studies and works in a pharmacy.

2 years

Doing the program in 3 years.

If I do the program in 3 years, I will have more time to do my homework and I will also have much better grades. So, it allows me to take my time and do the things that I want even if I have to study a little.

Choice 1 : Go to university and studies in the physiotherapy program.

Choice 2 : Quit studies and works in a pharmacy.

3 years

Go to university and studies in the physiotherapy program.

After choosing to pursue my studies, I had to make a choice between which university I wanted to go. Each one has its specialties and it is a hard choice to make. If I choose the University of Montreal, I will be nearer of my home than if I choose the University of Sherbrooke, it would be easier for me to take this one but the other has a better reputation.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Go studies at the University of Sherbrooke.

physiotherapy program

Quit studies and works in a pharmacy.

I had quit school and, now, I work full time at my current part-time job.

Choice 1 :


Go to the University of Montreal.

After choosing to go to the University of Montreal, I have to decide if I want to quit and go on the labor market or to continue studies and do a master degree. If, I quit I will work in a clinic with other physiotherapist but if I continue I will upgrade my skills and also my salary.

Choice 1 : Do a master's degree.

Choice 2 : Go into the labor market.

University of Montreal

Go studies at the University of Sherbrooke.

After choosing to go to the University of Sherbrooke, I have to decide if I want to quit and go on the labor market or to continue studies and do a master degree. If, I quit I will work in a clinic with other physiotherapist but if I continue I will upgrade my skills and also my salary.

Choice 1 : Do a master's degree.

Choice 2 : Go into the labor market.

University of Sherbrooke

Do a master's degree.

I did the master degree, but now I have the choice to do another specialization or go into the labor market.

Choice 1 : Do another specialization.

Choice 2 : Go into the labor market.

Master degree

Go into the labor market.

This choice leads me in the field of physiotherapy where I will work maybe in a hospital or in a clinic somewhere.

Choice 1 : Work in a private clinic.

Choice 2 : Work in a public clinic.

Choice 3 : Work in a hospital.

Choice 4 : Work in a CHSLD.

Labor market

Do another specialization.

If, I do another specialization I will have the choice of doing internships or go into the labor market. If, I choose to do another specialization, I will have a better wage than if I go into the labor market, but if would take me much time to finish school.

Choice 1 : Go into the labor market.

Choice 2 : Do internships.

Specialization in physiotherapy

Go into the physical rehabilitation program.

I decided to go into the Physical Rehabilitation program, but I have the choice to do it in 3 or 4 years. If I do it in 3 years, I will have to study at anytime and every time, I will also surely have less good grades. If I do it in 4 years, I will have more time to do the things I like and to study too so, I would have better grades.

Choice 1 : Do the program in 3 years.

Choice 2 : Doing the program in 4 years.

Physical Rehabilitation program

Doing the program in 4 years.

After doing the Physical Rehabilitation technique, I have to decide between go into the labor market or go to university and pursue my studies. If, I pursue them, I will upgrade in my future career and if I don't, I will stay on the same level for the rest of my career.

Choice 1 : Go to university and studies in the physiotherapy program.

Choice 2 : Go into the labor market.

4 years

Do internships.

We have the choice to do internships or not, but it takes us more time to finish our program if we choose to do it.

Choice 1 : Go into the labor market.

Choice 2 : Work in a hospital.

Choice 3 : Work in a private clinic.

Choice 4 : Work in a public clinic.

Choice 5 : Work in a CHSLD.


Do the program in 3 years.

If I do this program in 3 years, I won't have a lot of time to relax and to do the things that I like. My grades will also go down because of the time I won't have to do my exercises correctly, but if I do it in 3 years, I will finish school a year earlier and it would be the best for me.

Choice 1 : Go to university and studies in the physiotherapy program.

Choice 2 : Go into the labor market.

3 years

Work in a private clinic.

After choosing to work in a private clinic, I have finish school and I, now, have my career in hand with a good and stable job. In a private clinic, I will have regular patient who will come regularly.

Choice 1 :

Private clinic

Work in a public clinic.

After choosing to work in a public clinic, I have finish school and I, now, have my career in hand with a good and stable job. In a public clinic, I will have a lot of different patient that I will help every day.

Choice 1 :

Public clinic

Work in a hospital.

After choosing to work in a hospital, I finish school and I, now, have my career in hand with a good and stable job. I hope I would like to work around older people and that I will have fun with them.

Choice 1 :


Work in a CHSLD.

After choosing to work in a hospital, I finish school and I, now, have my career in hand with a good and stable job. I hope I would like to work around older people and that I will have fun with them.

Choice 1 :


Go to college and studies into being a Physical Education teacher.

After choosing to be a Physical Education teacher, I have to choose between two universities, between one that is far but have a good reputation or one which is nearer.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Quebec in Outhouses.

Choice 2 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Physical Education teacher

Go to the University of Quebec in St-Jérôme.

I have the choice to work in a Secondary School or in a primary one. The Secondary School has older students and the primary one has younger ones. So, I have to decide with what group of age I want to work with.

Choice 1 : Work in a secondary school.

Choice 2 : Work in a primary school.

University of Quebec

Go to the University of Montreal.

If I choose this university, I will be further than if I go to the University of Quebec, but this university has a better reputation. I have the choice to work in a Secondary School or in a primary one. The Secondary School has older students and the primary one has younger ones. So, I have to decide with what group of age I want to work with.

Choice 1 : Work in a secondary school.

Choice 2 : Work in a primary school.

University of Montreal

Work in a Secondary School.

If I retire at the age of 55, I won't have a lot of money to do whatever I want, but if I retire at this age, I will have more money to travel and do the things I like than if I retire at the age of 55.

Choice 1 : Retire at the age of 55.

Choice 2 : Retire at the age of 60.

Secondary School

Work in a Primary School.

If I retire at the age of 55, I won't have a lot of money to do whatever I want, but if I retire at this age, I will have more money to travel and do the things I like than if I retire at the age of 55.

Choice 1 : Retire at the age of 55.

Choice 2 : Retire at the age of 60.

Primary School

Retire at the age of 55.

I have the choice to go to a retirement house where I won't have to do anything by myself and just have fun with new friends or stay at my old house with only my husband who I love.

Choice 1 : Go in a retirement house.

Choice 2 : Stay at the same old house with my husband.

55 years old

Retire at the age of 60.

I have the choice to go to a retirement house where I won't have to do anything by myself and just have fun with new friends or stay at my old house with only my husband who I love.

Choice 1 : Go in a retirement house.

Choice 2 : Stay at the same old house with my husband.

60 years old

Go in a retirement house.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 :

Retirement house

Stay at the same old house with my husband.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 :

Old house