Word count: 727
Choice count: 24
Section count: 17
Image count: 17
Error count: 1
Field Related Analysis
Topic: Graphic-Design
art history (1 match)
design (3 matches)
drawing (2 matches)
graphic (4 matches)
graphic designer (2 matches)
illustrations (2 matches)
packaging (2 matches)
studio (3 matches)
Topic: History
research (1 match)
Topic: International-Studies
history (1 match)
institution (2 matches)
students (3 matches)
Topic: Police-Technology
right (2 matches)
Topic: Geography
field (3 matches)
Topic: Accounting
interest (2 matches)
Topic: Corrections-Technology
environment (1 match)
Topic: Education
advanced (1 match)
bilingual (1 match)
choice (23 matches)
classes (2 matches)
college (1 match)
colleges (1 match)
course (3 matches)
courses (2 matches)
educational (2 matches)
examination (1 match)
fail (2 matches)
field (3 matches)
graduate (2 matches)
knowledge (1 match)
learning (1 match)
level (2 matches)
reader (7 matches)
research (1 match)
sabbatical (1 match)
students (3 matches)
teaches (1 match)
university (11 matches)
Topic: Nuclear Medicine
left (1 match)
Topic: Dance
action (1 match)
Topic: Business
client (2 matches)
company (2 matches)
entrepreneur (2 matches)
opportunity (4 matches)
packaging (2 matches)
Topic: Wildlife management
animals (1 match)
environment (1 match)
Topic: Nursing
environment (1 match)
Topic: Paramedics
advanced (1 match)
level (2 matches)
Topic: Web development
action (1 match)
client (2 matches)
field (3 matches)
history (1 match)
open (1 match)
path (2 matches)
write (8 matches)
Topic: Environmental Protection Health and Safe
packaging (2 matches)
Topic: Chemistry
research (1 match)
Topic: Archaeology
environment (1 match)
here (9 matches)
history (1 match)
study (2 matches)
Topic: Theatre
part (7 matches)
Topic: Forestry
branches (1 match)
environment (1 match)
Topic: Literary Studies
history (1 match)
Topic: Sociology
entrepreneur (2 matches)
institution (2 matches)
language (1 match)
open (1 match)
Topic: Film
designer (2 matches)
story (7 matches)
studio (3 matches)
Topic: Fine Arts
art history (1 match)
right (2 matches)
Topic: Law
action (1 match)
animals (1 match)
client (2 matches)
examination (1 match)
independent (2 matches)
interest (2 matches)
living (1 match)
Topic: Social Work
client (2 matches)
opportunities (1 match)
patience (1 match)
projects (2 matches)
Topic: Communications
language (1 match)
Topic: Tourism
client (2 matches)
educational (2 matches)
environment (1 match)
field (3 matches)
language (1 match)
multiple (1 match)
Topic: Psychology
action (1 match)
bilingual (1 match)
client (2 matches)
environment (1 match)
field (3 matches)
Topic: Anthropology
language (1 match)
Topic: Biology
animals (1 match)
environment (1 match)
learning (1 match)
Topic: Construction and Civil Engineering
design (3 matches)
drawing (2 matches)
independent (2 matches)
level (2 matches)
road (2 matches)
Target Structure
I am currently studying at Ahuntsic College in Graphic Design. I only got one year left in this program and then I could start working in a studio, from home, go to university and improve my knowledge or travel for the next year (sabbatical year). If I am going to university, there are several choices available to me : l'UDEM and L'UQAM.
Choice 1 : Go to university.
Choice 2 : Start working right away.
A University is an educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions.
Choice 1 : Go to l'UQAM.
Choice 2 : Go to l'UDEM.
What is work? It is simply the action of doing work. "Working with animals teaches patience"
Choice 1 : Work from home.
Choice 2 : Working in a studio for a company.
The University of Quebec at Montreal is a university educational institution founded in 1969, in Montreal, Canada. It is affiliated with the University of Quebec.
Choice 1 : Success all of my courses in university and then an amazing opportunity for work present itself.
Choice 2 : I fail all of my classes and go travel instead. Another amazing path revealed itself to me.
Although University de Montreal is a French-language university, many of our research departments are open to creating a bilingual environment for students in graduate-level programs. ... Students who are proficient in English are therefore welcome and accepted into some graduate-level programs.
Choice 1 : I find another interest in university du to a complementary course I also took.
Choice 2 : I continue the road toward Graphic Design because I love it. I get an opportunity to study abroad in the same field.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
I success in this course and I start working in the field of art history.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : Good! I am my own boss, and I am now working as an independent entrepreneur with amazing client and various projects.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : I get to specialize in something I like!
Write a choice here.
Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
There are multiple different things to do as a graphic designer. Here are three.
Choice 1 : I can work around packaging.
Choice 2 : I can work around illustrations and drawing.
Choice 3 : I can work around comic books.
Amazing, I love what I do as a living.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.
I love the work I am doing.
Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.