What an interesting choice!

A hypertext narrative by

Mikael Mahoney

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1382

Choice count: 20

Section count: 24

Image count: 24

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 73 matches

(behavior, choice, classes, college, course, diagnostic, diploma, down, failed, first, further, grades, high school, options, school, social, teacher, vacation)

Web development : 26 matches

(behavior, break, pass, plane, session, write)

Tourism : 21 matches

(airport, balance, beach, bit, europe, high season, hostel, human)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


What an interesting choice!

Congratulation! You just finished high school with what looks like amazing grades! What Should you do from there? You have only two options. You take a year of traveling or you can directly go for a technique in Diagnostic Imaging at Ahuntsic College. What do you choose?

Congratulation! You just finished high school with what looks like amazing grades! What Should you do from there?

Choice 1 : Here I go!

Choice 2 : Let's go to college!

Ahuntsic College

Here I go!

You chose to leave for a year! Your friends are definitely jealous of your courage! Where do you wish to visit? You were hesitating for a long time in between Europe, Asia or just buy a car and visit the American continent. Now is the time to choose!

Choice 1 : Europe.

Choice 2 : Asia.

Choice 3 : American continent.


Let's go to college!

Wow! You are really smart! You got accepted in your programme! A lot of new obstacles await for you. You need to choose if you are going to put time in your studies or if you rather party with your friends.

Choice 1 : Party!

Choice 2 : Work hard.



You chose Europe! Congratulation! You first arrive in France. What do you wish to first?

Choice 1 : Go eat a real croissant.

Choice 2 : Find a hostel where you are going do be able to sleep tonight.



You chose Asia! Congratulation! You first arrive in Thailand. What do you wish to first?

Choice 1 : Go to the beach.

Choice 2 : Eat some Pad Thai.


American continent.

Oh, no. You chose to stay in America. The influence of your friends and family makes you stay home instead of leaving. It's now too late to get into college. What do you choose to do instead?

Write a choice here.


You go eat a real croissant.

Oh, lord! It's the best croissant you have ever eaten in your life! After all it's France it must be! Now, it's time to find a hostel where you are going to be able to sleep.

Choice 1 : Not yet, I still have time.

Choice 2 : Find a hostel.


Find a hostel where you are going do be able to sleep tonight.

What a great choice that you just made there! You arrive at the hostel and there is only one bed left since it's the high season of tourism in Paris. You have a great night of sleep. Its morning now what do you wish to visit?

Choice 1 : Catacombs.

Write a choice here.



This place is creepy. There's human skulls everywhere. It makes you so sick you try to leave. Unfortunately, you get lost in the numerous trails possible in the catacombs and you never find the exit.

Write a choice here.


Eiffel tower.

What a nice experience! It's one of the best experiences you have ever lived! So much that you chose that you wanted to stay in Paris for ever so you can see the Eiffel tower for ever!

Write a choice here.

Eiffel tower

Go to the beach.

It's one of the most beautiful beaches you ever seen! There almost no one there. Except this girl in the water a little bit further. Would you like to go in the water and talk to her or just enjoy you day?

Choice 1 : Go talk to her.

Choice 2 : Enjoy your day at the beach.


Eat some Pad Thai.

Why would you do that! You know you're allergic to peanuts! You had an allergic reaction and since no one could understand you're English you unfortunately die on the very first day of your trip. What an unfortunate accident!

Write a choice here.

Pad thai

You go talk to her.

Well, at least you try! You can't swim normally, only like a dog. Of course, she was going to laugh at you when you get there. It hurts your ego so bad that you leave the beach back to the airport and take the first plane back home.

Write a choice here.

Girl at the beach

Enjoy your day at the beach.

You are a bright guy! You know you can't swim! Since you stayed on land, the girl actually saw you too and decided to come and talk with you. She is really nice and offers you to pass the day with you!

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

Guy at the beach

Pass the day with her.

What a nice girl! You fall madly in love the very first day. You end up passing the whole year with her. You're unable to think about leaving her. You end up leaving everything you got back home and live the happiest love story in the entire world.

Write a choice here.

Passing the day together

Decline the offer.

Well, maybe she was the love of your but who cares? There's plenty of girls back home right? You end up passing a great year in Thailand. It's now time to go home and go back to school. You leave a pretty normal life after that. Maybe a little boring. Every day you think about what could have happened if you had given only one they to that amazing pretty girl on the beach. You will never know.

Write a choice here.

guy alone

Not yet, I still have time.

You didn't have time. Why would you do that? You search to late and now you have now where to sleep. Paris does look lovely but when nighttime comes it is dangerous. You sleep outside since you don't have any choice. You got robbed of everything you had and now your parents paid a plane ticket so you could come back home.

Write a choice here.

guy sleeping outside

Find a hostel.

You didn't have time. Why would you do that? You search to late and now you have now where to sleep. Paris does look lovely but when nighttime comes it is dangerous. You sleep outside since you don't have any choice. You got robbed of everything you had and now your parents paid a plane ticket so you could come back home.

Write a choice here.

guy sleeping outside


What a session! You passed but no one knows how! Your favorite teacher sat you down and explained to you that you will need to work harder from now on because it's becoming harder from now on. The choice is yours. Are you going to party or study?

Choice 1 : Start studying.

Choice 2 : Let's party tonight!


Work hard.

It's probably the hardest thing you did in your entire life. It's so boring and it seems like you lost every single one of your friends from studying. You feel horrible. Would you like to continue to study really hard or party?

Choice 1 : Continue studying.

Choice 2 : I'll take a break.


Start studying.

You did it! You perfectly balance your social life and your studies. You did great in college and got your diploma. You had a good life. You met your girlfriend at a party, had children bought a house and now live happily.

Write a choice here.


Let's party tonight!

Come on! You knew what was going to happen! You had the most fun you have ever had in your entire life! Unfortunately you failed your classes. You got kicked out of the programme for inappropriate behavior and now your borrowing money to everyone to pay your rent. You should have tried a little harder.

Write a choice here.


Continue studying.

It got worse and worse. You're now unable to get out of bed. You don't enjoy life anymore. You end up dropping out of school. It took you years to get over it. You never went back to school and now you struggle in every aspect of your life.

Write a choice here.


I'll take a break.

All the stress on your shoulder left slowly. You now understand that there so much more than just studying in life. You successfully get your diploma. Congratulation! You feel amazing. Now, its time for you to take a break and you decide to take some vacation and travel for a whole year. It makes you love the life you have and you end up doing everything you wished you would do in life.

Write a choice here.

party break