Word count: 888
Choice count: 14
Section count: 12
Image count: 12
Error count: 5
Field Related Analysis
Topic: International-Studies
class (4 matches)
development (1 match)
humanity (1 match)
markets (1 match)
Topic: Medical-Electrophysiology
doctor (2 matches)
Topic: Medical-Records
doctor (2 matches)
medicine (1 match)
Topic: Pharmacology
health (1 match)
Topic: Police-Technology
charge (2 matches)
fine (1 match)
Topic: Radiation-Oncology
position (1 match)
Topic: Psychology
bit (1 match)
cannabis (7 matches)
class (4 matches)
field (3 matches)
Topic: Geomatics
math (1 match)
physics (1 match)
Topic: Geography
field (3 matches)
ocean (1 match)
Topic: Accounting
interest (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
salary (3 matches)
Topic: Aerospace Engineering
d.c. (1 match)
go around (1 match)
Topic: Anthropology
class (4 matches)
Topic: Applied Linguistics
move (1 match)
use (1 match)
Topic: Corrections-Technology
order (1 match)
Topic: Education
cegep (4 matches)
choice (13 matches)
class (4 matches)
course (4 matches)
degree (1 match)
diploma (2 matches)
don (1 match)
field (3 matches)
further (1 match)
grade (1 match)
high school (3 matches)
learn (1 match)
options (1 match)
prerequisites (1 match)
sabbatical (1 match)
school (4 matches)
university (2 matches)
Topic: Dental-Hygiene
stop (3 matches)
visit (1 match)
Topic: Nuclear Medicine
doctor (2 matches)
health (1 match)
left (1 match)
pet (1 match)
Topic: Biology
class (4 matches)
development (1 match)
grade (1 match)
order (1 match)
pet (1 match)
plants (2 matches)
Topic: Construction and Civil Engineering
gap (1 match)
grade (1 match)
ladder (3 matches)
plan (1 match)
Topic: Dance
around the world (1 match)
natural (3 matches)
position (1 match)
spring (1 match)
Topic: Business
development (1 match)
facility (1 match)
money (1 match)
paid (1 match)
production (3 matches)
salary (3 matches)
Topic: Wildlife management
natural (3 matches)
Topic: Physical Rehabilitation
long (2 matches)
medicine (1 match)
Topic: Nursing
cannabis (7 matches)
chemistry (3 matches)
director (1 match)
doctor (2 matches)
grade (1 match)
health (1 match)
Topic: Paramedics
care (1 match)
diploma (2 matches)
doctor (2 matches)
health (1 match)
medicine (1 match)
Topic: Web development
class (4 matches)
field (3 matches)
math (1 match)
position (1 match)
production (3 matches)
return (3 matches)
stop (3 matches)
Topic: Diagnostic Imaging
medicine (1 match)
radiologist (2 matches)
Topic: Chemistry
charge (2 matches)
chemistry (3 matches)
degree (1 match)
met (1 match)
physics (1 match)
science (3 matches)
Topic: Archaeology
bit (1 match)
class (4 matches)
goat (1 match)
plan (1 match)
study (5 matches)
Topic: Theatre
director (1 match)
house (1 match)
Topic: Forestry
natural (3 matches)
Topic: Sociology
care (1 match)
class (4 matches)
countries (1 match)
difference (1 match)
instruments (1 match)
interests (1 match)
medicine (1 match)
processes (1 match)
production (3 matches)
school (4 matches)
Topic: Film
director (1 match)
musical (1 match)
plan (1 match)
production (3 matches)
Topic: Metorology
degree (1 match)
winter (1 match)
Topic: Law
cannabis (7 matches)
charge (2 matches)
development (1 match)
director (1 match)
fine (1 match)
house (1 match)
interest (1 match)
order (1 match)
Topic: Social Work
health (1 match)
help (2 matches)
opportunities (2 matches)
projects (1 match)
studied (1 match)
Topic: Tourism
bit (1 match)
charge (2 matches)
field (3 matches)
gap (1 match)
interests (1 match)
journey (1 match)
natural (3 matches)
Target Structure
retirement (1 match)
Winter is over, spring is just around the corner and so is the end of my high school. I have to make an important choice about my future. Do I continue my studies, do I go directly to work or maybe I could take a sabbatical year to think about it?
Choice 1 : Think about it...
I don't want to stop my studies now, I would like to finish them quickly, so no gap year for me. As far as school is concerned, I am interested in two options. I really like plants, growing them and taking care of them, I noticed that the cannabis markets is in great development and I believe that there would be many career opportunities in this field. Also, a cannabis production and processing program has just been opened near my home. However, I also want to make a difference in this world, to help people, humanity. So, the world of medicine interests me a lot. However, the many years of study scare me a bit. What should I study?
Choice 1 : Get an ACS in cannabis transformation an production
Choice 2 : Get a DCS in Natural Science to go to university in medecin.
I chose to do an ACS in cannabis production and processing. However, I did not take my high school Chemistry course which is a prerequisite for this course. I decide to do my Chemistry course, at the same time as finishing my high school diploma in order to start the AEC in September. Once my class is over, I finally started my ACS. There are very few of us in the class, a total of 12 people. I am very excited about this program!
Choice 1 : Pursuing studies
The course is very interesting. Unfortunately, the people in charge of the program could not get the authorization to use real cannabis for the projects of the program, so we work with similar plants, but a little more banal. Also, my class and I went to visit a facility that produces and processes cannabis. I talked a little to the person in charge of this place and it discouraged me a little. It seems that our ACS doesn't give us much of an advantage in terms of salary and position compared to someone who wouldn't have done it. I'm wondering if I'm doing this for nothing. Should I continue?
Choice 1 : Continue
Choice 2 : Stop
I decided to go on regardless and finish this program. Some people left the program, leaving us with a total of 7 people in the class. When I finished, I went to work at HEXO, to learn the ins and outs of the job. I didn't get paid much more than others without a degree in the field but I'm fine with it. I hope to move up the ladder quickly.
Choice 1 : Continue to work and get better.
With the years, a lot of hard work and effort, I climbed the ladder of HEXO, and I became the director. Hooray! I had a good salary, which allowed me to save and have a respectable retirement. After all, it was fun!
Choice 1 : The End. Return at the beginning
I decided to leave the ACS, and go directly to work at HEXO. I'm obviously starting at the bottom of the ladder, but I hope to climb it eventually.
Choice 1 : Continue to work
I worked at HEXO for a long time, but I never had a great job. I did several other jobs but never got the salary I wanted or the interest. I retired with little money, few nice memories and poor health. Maybe, I should have studied after all...
Choice 1 : The End. Return at the beginning
I decided to go to CEGEP to become a doctor one day. However, I have to do my prerequisites to go to Natural Science, that is to say, my grade eleven strong math, my chemistry and my physics. I will therefore study for a year in Springboard to a DEC before being able to go to the program I want. Once done, I will finally start my Natural Science program!
Choice 1 : Study hard
I finally finished my CEGEP course, I now go to university where I will have to study for 11 years to become a radiologist. It will be a long journey.
Choice 1 : Persevere
I finally finished my studies, I am a doctor, a radiologist, and I plan to work and travel a lot. Lots of opportunities are waiting for me!
Choice 1 : Live the best life
I traveled around the world, met amazing people, treated tons of people, went to help in needy countries, and when old ages came, I moved to New Zealand, in a beautiful house overlooking the ocean. I now live with my wife, my pet goat and my musical instruments. I couldn't have had a better life than this one.
Choice 1 : The End. Return at the beginning