The game of life.

A hypertext narrative by

Asia Fortier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1336

Choice count: 22

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 30 matches (Education, School, choice, class, classes, college, colleges, field, field of study, first, goal, graduation, head, high school, learn, learned, management, method, motivation, options, reading, school, social, student, task, test, trainee, training, university, vacation)

Computer Science : 18 matches (check, choice, Class, clear, depth, drawback, dynamic, field, Game of Life, list, master, Method, online, parent, path, production, task, virus)

Sociology : 17 matches (class, depression, society, education, School, historical, difference, fact, game, goal, management, organization, production, school, Small, World, training)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

cursory (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

intern (2 matches)

internship (5 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

purpose (2 matches)

put aside (2 matches)

straight A's (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (1 match)


The game of life.

High school.

After finishing High school, I had to make the biggest decision ever. What field of study I was going to go into. I just turned 17, how was I supposed to know what I wanted to do in the future, I didn't even know myself wet, I was scared and unsure. I was under so much pressure, I thought I was about to drown. I wanted to be happy and that was my only goal for the future. I didn't want to have a boring job, where I didn't understand my purpose, always on the verge of depression, always regretting the path I chose... On the verge of giving up, I tried using a new method to see what were my passions in life and I started making a list; traveling, photography, reading, fashion...

Choice 1 : Fashion.

Choice 2 : Traveling.

high school


I stopped right there, fashion. Fashion was what I wanted to do all long, fashion was probably what would bring me the most joy and would make me feel like I wouldn't work a single day of my life. After I looked up witch where my different options for school, I ended up with one in Quebec, which was good, and one in Montreal which seemed amazing, but I had to leave my parents, my friends, my home, and start over. I was, again, in a rut, not knowing what to do.

Choice 1 : Montreal.

Choice 2 : I stayed in Quebec.



I choose Montreal, and it was the right one. I jumped into adulthood young, but it felt good. Growing in a family of six, being alone was a blessing. In the first year, I learned so much about fashion, I felt so inspired by the world surrounding me. Pattern making, sewing class, going fabric shopping, looking at fashion magazines, and analyzing trends were so much fun and exciting. I felt good, but quickly afterward, a pandemic hit the world drastically, changing our dynamic. And Online School became a thing for every student. Was I really gonna go in the same direction or was I going to take a break?

Choice 1 : Go back home.

Choice 2 : Continue my studies.


Continue my studies.

I continued, I was so much in love with my studies that it seemed weird stopping like that. But since the start of the Corona Virus, going to school started to be maddening. Between online class and real life, it was hard keeping up and be thorough in all of my assignments. I had to put aside all of my problems and clear my mind to concentrate and pull off straight A's. The only way, for me, to be successful was by dividing my time, creating space where I would work and moments where I would relax. Listening to music really helped me be more efficient. Slowly, I became a master of time management. My education almost finished I had to choose what was next; going to university or start in the real life.

Choice 1 : University.

Choice 2 : My first job.

fashion school

Go back home.

I went back to living in my parent's house. At first, everything was fun, I was free, well to a certain extent, but still. But quite quickly everything shifted and I got so bored, doing pretty much nothing was quite exhausting, I realized. Something had to change. I had to make a decision.

Choice 1 : Travel and enjoy.

Choice 2 : Continue my studies.

parent's house


But my parents did not think it was a good idea to choose like that, and if I wasn't quite sure I had all the time in the world to find out. So, I decide to go abroad and volunteer in a small organization, where I could come in handy and maybe make a difference. It felt like I had a purpose. Everyone was so nice the place was so beautiful, I was practically overwhelmed by how happy I was, and it had been a long time since. But I had to eventually come back home and think about my future. I was hesitating about two different kinds of careers.

Choice 1 : Fashion.

Choice 2 : Science.


I stayed in Quebec.

I choose Quebec, but only a month in, I realized that it was not for me, at least the school I was in. So, I moved out and went to Montreal to start over and hope of a better ending.

Choice 1 : Montreal.



I got excepted at UQAM, I was taking classes in historical fashion and fashion and society. I, also, decided to expand my horizon and take classes on the history of music and arts. I fell in love with all of my classes, I was all in. Eventually, graduation day approached and I had to decide, on one hand, I had the opportunity to go work, as an intern, in the production of a movie or work in a small studio with young but promising artists, music had, at the moment, really grown on me.

Choice 1 : The internship.

Choice 2 : A music career.


The internship.

On my first day as a trainee, I learned so much, I realized how everything was going so fast. But every task I was asked to do, I loved it. It was so nice to finally do a test drive and know if it was for me. It was ingrained in my mind that I was going to work in that field.

Choice 1 : My first job.


A music career.

For some reason, soon as I started, I hated it. It was clearly not for me, so I decided to take the internship instead.

Choice 1 : The internship.

music studio

Travel and enjoy.

One of my very good friends was in the same situation as me, so we both decided to go on a trip to France. I stayed at my family's houses throughout our vacation, it was so inexpensive and it felt like I was home. I was in a good space, traveling, for some reason, always broth up the best in me. We ended up finishing our trip in Paris, where we lived at my aunt's house. One night, she proposed to me an internship at the fashion magazine she was working at. She told me it was a good way to learn the ropes, to get a foot in the door. I was a little hesitant, at the same time I wanted to continue college but to have an on-the-job-training was the best way to learn really.

Choice 1 : Continue my studies.

Choice 2 : The fashion magazine.


My first job.

My first job was amazing. Since I loved what I was doing everything felt nice, the only drawback was one of my colleges, she wasn't doing a thorough job and I always had to check after her. Eventually, she got better, and we ended up being very good friends.

Choice 1 : Live happily ever after.


The fashion magazine.

On my first day as an intern, I was so stressed, the opportunity was invaluable. So, I put in the work and I made sure I was being in-depth with all of my assignments, and quickly I learned all the ins-and out. Three months later, I got my first pay despite the fact it was a small wage, it felt good to be considered. Even though I was working enormous hours a week, I was happy.

Choice 1 : Live happily ever after.



This program really felt like a dead-end, I absolutely hated it. In addition to forcing me to put aside any kind of social life outside my program, I was doing a cursory job in my studies, not being able to find any motivation.

Choice 1 : Fashion.


Live happily ever after.

Life continued and it was great. I met someone, and I was head over heels for him and so was him for me.

Write a choice here.
