A big career plan

A hypertext narrative by


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Word count: 1405

Choice count: 30

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 29 matches (School, academic, choice, class, classes, classmates, college, courses, diploma, don, field, first, goal, high school, knowledge, learn, motivation, options, project, school, semester, skills, social, specific, student, students, teacher, training, vacation)

Tourism : 26 matches (Basic, Contract, Customer, Employee, Environment, Goal, Journey, Opportunity, Program, Quest, Sport, US, benefit, box, brand, chef, contract, field, interests, media, option, pension, program, through, times, vacation)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 17 matches (absence, access, additional, children, contract, criminal, fact, family, identity, Information, interest, notice, office, option, pension, surprise, young)

Target Structure:

lack of (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

pension (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

withholding (1 match)


A big career plan

The start of your journey.

When I was in high school, I had a hard time making friends and finding my identity. I did not have any specific interest until I discovered Art class. It was one of the options offered for additional classes. I thought that it might be interesting since I hated most of the mandatory academic courses and that it was a good opportunity to introduce myself to classmates. During the third year, the teacher observed a lack of motivation from students and offered us to do a sewing project for the Theater class. At the time, I still had the option to choose the other class instead of the Art class and since it was more dynamic, I had a hard time deciding.

Choice 1 : Choose to stay in Art class.

Choice 2 : Choose to take the Theater class.

A theater scene

Choose to stay in Art class.

I made friend with the weirdest kid of the class and even if we are perceived as social outcasts, she always introduces me to the newest trends. Because of this friend, I found a new interest for fashion. My goal is now to be the first one in class in the morning to brag about the different type of textiles that I found all through the week or to discuss a replacement for using glue everywhere. That night, when I come back home from school, my mom surprises me with a sewing machine. She tells me that it was one of my grandma’s most precious belonging and to make a good use out of it. For the rest of my high school, I sew t-shirts that are made from pillowcases that I find in my mom’s laundry basket. Even if she gets mad often times, she is still proud of my new set of skills and the fact that I was able to understand the ropes of pattern making in a short amount of time.

Choice 1 : Going to college.

Social outcast

Choose to take the Theater class.

I decide that I am tired of gluing wood sticks together and that I had enough of being teased by the mean kids who tried to add random pigments on my projects all the time. Even if most people do not understand my dark aesthetic, I have a gut feeling that someday this creativity will be rewarding. Since my parents forbid me access to social media because I am young, I do not get the chance to explore new clothing styles. My best friend starts to notice that I am being disgusted by the hippy wardrobe that my grandparents choose for me. Her brilliant idea is to introduce me to thrift shops. I end up finding a part-time job there to put money aside for college.

Choice 1 : Going to college.

Theater class kids

Going to college.

I am now in College and because of my previous interests, I choose to apply to the Costume Design program. I am nervous about meeting my future colleagues and first impression will be key to be able to make friends with the trendiest people.

Choice 1 : The safe outfit.

Choice 2 : Going back in time.

Choice 3 : Giving up.


The safe outfit.

I choose to wear a basic A-line dress. My garment is boring and nobody is impressed by my cartoon characters themed socks. I end up talking to a few people, but they will not introduce me to job opportunities after getting my diploma.

Choice 1 : I am now 25 years old.

The little black dress

Going back in time.

I choose to go through my mom’s wardrobe and find a box full of accessories that she was wearing in the 80s. I soon become my teacher’s favorite student, but my classmates start withholding specific information from me to try to undermine my work.

Choice 1 : I am now 25 years old.

the 80s

Giving up.

I took to many classes this semester and got sucked in the amount of work it requires. More often than not, it was too stressful for me to manage all the assignments. I am questioning myself if I choose to apply in the right study field. I drop out of college and I learn on-the-job training to become a successful pastry chef.

Choice 1 : I am now 25 years old.

sad image

I am now 25 years old.

After years of hard work, I finally got a diploma from the Tailoring program. I found out that the Costume Design program was not for me and I am now working for a small company that makes suits for successful men.

Choice 1 : A bad surprise.

Choice 2 : Buying a company.

Choice 3 : Having a relationship.


A bad surprise.

Yesterday, a new customer ordered five tailored suits but I have to call him back because his body measurements were not correct. I started to notice that my assistant was very distracted and after many leaves of absence, I decided to verify her background. I discovered that she is a criminal with no knowledge of fashion, so I decided to hire someone else.

Choice 1 : Nostalgia.


Buying a company.

My clothing company becomes successful and because I got rich, decide to move in the Bahamas without telling anyone. My life is great and I enjoy my pool every day.

Choice 1 : Nostalgia.


Having a relationship.

I fall in love with one of the employees and I am now the mother of five horrible children.

Choice 1 : Nostalgia.



After a few years working as a tailor, I look back on the brilliant student I used to be and I don't understand why I did not choose the Chemistry program instead. I hate the fact that the fashion industry is based on appearances.

Choice 1 : Become a model.

Choice 2 : Go to Italy.

Choice 3 : Create a nicer work environment.

Choice 4 : I decided to get a kid


Become a model.

I find that office politics are not right when it comes to choosing fashion models. I decided to become a plus size model for the brand Gucci and the world is now more accepting towards body diversity.

Choice 1 : Getting old.


Go to Italy.

I quit everything and decide to go travel to Italy. During my vacation I meet a group of young engineers who convince me to go study in that field once I get back in Canada. Afterward, I found a vacant position at their job and the salary is high. The company even offered me a pension.

Choice 1 : Getting old.


Create a nicer work environment.

I choose to go on a quest to find new types of fabric. There is a vast variety of textile constructing that I didn’t know about and it's interesting that a garment can have different textures.

Choice 1 : Getting old.


I decided to get a kid.

My teenager starts to ask me if I can sew her pleated skirts for her school and I get many orders from her friends has well. It’s a nice change from the previous tasks I was doing.

Choice 1 : Getting old.


Getting old.

I am getting to the age where retiring is becoming almost mandatory. My back hurts all the time and after years of designing sport wears, the brand Adidas decide to give me a small contract.

Choice 1 : Refuse the contract.

Choice 2 : I am too old.

Choice 3 : Help your new coworkers.


Refuse the contract.

I decide not to take the contract. I worked hard enough during my life and it’s time for me to move back with my family in Ireland.

Choice 1 : After all.


I am too old.

Because I am old, I don’t know how to dress anymore and I don’t think that I would be an efficient employee. A younger employee would benefit more the knowledge than me.

Choice 1 : After all.


Help your new coworkers.

I decide to create a listicle of new terms I might find while working for a shoe brand. It becomes useful to me on a daily basic and I decide to publish it for younger comrades.

Choice 1 : After all.


After all.

I lived a life that I am happy of and my career had many paths. It is now time for me to go retire in Japan and discover a new culture.

Write a choice here.
