My career in the fashion World

A hypertext narrative by

Bianca Roberts

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1081

Choice count: 10

Section count: 10

Image count: 9

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 18 matches (School, choice, class, classes, classmates, don, field, field of study, first, high school, learn, management, school, social, teach, teacher, teachers, topic)

Psychology : 13 matches (class, dream, family, field, need, nerve, nervous, order, phone, reason, remember, stress, sweet)

Tourism : 13 matches (City, Marketing, Party, Program, Wings, field, hold, marketing, participating, program, racking, through, wings)

Target Structure:

cursory (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

maddening (2 matches)

office politics (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My career in the fashion World

Where it all began.

Before finishing High school, I knew exactly what field of study interested me the most. Although I was sure I wanted a career in the fashion industry, I was stuck between two choices that were both beneficial in different ways.

Choice 1 : Study in Fashion Design.

Choice 2 : Study in Fashion Marketing.

Study in Fashion Design.

As a young kid, I have always dreamed about owning my own clothing line and becoming a famous fashion designer. Therefore, in order to get an amazing job and be recognized for my talent I would have to move out of Montreal.

Choice 1 : Move out of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Stay in Montreal.


Move out of Montreal.

In order to move out of Montreal, I would have to convince my mom to let me go. I Have been an only child and seeing me leave may be hard on her. We have had many conversations about the topic and it never results in anything. She does not want to accept the fact that her sweet little girl is growing up. I have already volunteered abroad, in 2016 therefore being alone in another country away from my family and friends do not scare me. I had volunteered to teach an English class to children in Congo. At first, I was quite skeptical about dropping everything and moving there for a whole year but I realized that this wasn't going to be a dead-end job. Before going, I had to analyze the advantages and disadvantages that volunteering abroad can bring to volunteer's to make sure I don't end up in-dept.Since it was a premium wage job covered by the government I knew that although the job may came with some disadvantages I should be alright. Furthermore, I knew it would have been an invaluable experience! That is why I am not hesitant on taking a job anywhere around the world because volunteering abroad opened my eyes to new experience's and made me want to travel more.

Choice 1 : Convince my mom to move with me.

Choice 2 : Leave without her.


Stay in Montreal.

In order to stay in Montreal, I will have to find the best job out there that will also allow me to be successful and fulfill my dream of becoming a known Fashion Designer. Therefore, since the city is very small compared to big Fashion city's such as New York, Milan and much other places around the world, the chance of me finding a job is pretty small. Furthermore, I would not want to have to go through a million internships, learn the ins-and out of every job and get sucked up into office politics if they are not going to be beneficial for me in the near future.

Write a choice here.


Convince my mom to move with me.

The idea of my mom moving in with me in another country is pretty nerve racking. The reason being is that she does not adopt well to new environnements which can unfortunately become a problem because she can become a distraction. In other words, I would be less focused on my career and more focused on my mother's well being.

Write a choice here.


Leave without her.

Leaving without my mom would not be such a bad idea. It would help her realize that I am not a little girl anymore and finally understand that she needs to let me grow up and expand my wings!

Write a choice here.


Study in Fashion Marketing.

Studying in fashion marketing has also been a big dream of mine's. Furthermore, there are many places around the world even in Montreal where I could become a known person with great success in the fashion industry. On the other hand, unlike the Fashion Design program, It was revealed to me that you have to work a lot to succeed.That means outings with my friends, family dinners, date nights and other activities I enjoy would have to be put on hold.

Choice 1 : Do the program without necessarily giving up on my social life.

Choice 2 : Give up my social life.


Give up my social life.

I did not know giving up my social life would have been this mentally exhausting. After I have pulled off a long week of surviving maddening four-hour classes, dealing with a large amount of stress, trying to accomplish all of my paperwork in time and participating in group projects you would think that the weekend is when I get to rest but that’s not the case. My weekends are mostly consisted of me worrying about pulling off straight A's in all of the assignments that was assigned to me and my classmates by many of my thoughtful teachers over the week. Although I try my best to pull off everything my lack of time management and my cursory glance of my assignments after their completed can sometimes get in the way of my success.I often try to put aside my negative thoughts but my strong commitment to school often leads me to question myself thorough: Is all of this stress and sacrifice really worth it?

Write a choice here.


Do the program without necessarily giving up on my social life.

After I have pulled off a long week of surviving maddening four-hour classes, dealing with a large amount of stress, trying to accomplish all of my paperwork in time and participating in group projects. Instead of spending my weekends to complete my remaining assignments, I decided to go out and party with my friends over the weekend. We got really drunk and I couldn't remember one detail from that night. The weekend has passed and on the Monday morning my teacher wrote sent me a message demanding to see me immediately.Not knowing the reason why she request to see me made me very nervous. Upon arrival at her desk, she plays a video on her phone with somebody that has a voice that sounds exactly like me. She proceeds on asking me "Why did you send me this inappropriate video"

Choice 1 : Continue enjoying my social life.

Choice 2 : Give up my social life.


Continue enjoying my social life.

In order to survive my three years in this program, I need to have a social life! I'll just have to be very careful and keep my phone away from me while I am drunk!

Write a choice here.
