Different career trajectories of a student in Biology

A hypertext narrative by

Ahmad Assaf

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2890

Choice count: 67

Section count: 44

Image count: 0

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 43 matches (Down, School, academic, achievement, choice, class, coach, college, colleges, course, diploma, don, elementary school, exam, faculty, fail, field, field of study, first, goal, grade, grades, graduate, graduation, head, high school, knowledge, learn, learned, management, memory, private, professor, review, scholarship, school, score, student, students, teacher, teachers, training, university)

Nursing : 29 matches (cells, biology, bleeding, body, brain, clinic, dentistry, Doctor, fetus, first aid, foot, grade, headache, hospital, HR, insult, liver, medicine, nosebleed, pancreas, pharmacist, pharmacy, pill, pole, sleep, solution, review, patients, treat)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 27 matches (accused, answer, assault, blood, brain, Child, company, complaint, crime, Development, Direction, firing, harassment, House, minutes, month, mortgage, noise, offer, office, pension, place of, private, referee, schedule, security, Sexual)

Target Structure:

HR (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (2 matches)

perpetrator (1 match)

retirement (13 matches)

set aside (2 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)


Different career trajectories of a student in Biology

Last year of high school.

You are in your last year of high school and it is time to choose a college and a field of study that you like. Since you were a kid, you were always passionate about the human body and how it works. So, you know that you want to study in Biology but you don’t know in which college. After a quick search, you found that there are three colleges near to your house.

Choice 1 : Finally, you choose to go to Montmorency College.

Choice 2 : Finally, you choose to go to Bois-de-Boulogne College.

Choice 3 : Finally, you choose to go to Vanier College.

Finally, you choose to go to Montmorency College.

You are so happy because you heard, during the summer, that it’s a great school: there is a lot of activities, teachers are nice and this school has the best coaches in Basket-ball.

Choice 1 : You choose to study in Biology and to be in the Basket-ball team.

Choice 2 : You choose to study in Biology and to assist at each Basket-ball game.

Finally, you choose to go to Bois-de-Boulogne College.

You aren’t happy because everyone told you, during the summer, that this school is so hard: teachers are strict and there are a lot of competitions between students and their grades.

Choice 1 : You decide to review your choices of college.

Choice 2 : You decide to continue studying in Bois-de-Boulogne College.

Finally, you choose to go to Vanier College.

You are happy because you know a lot of people at this college and it’s about nine minutes away from your house. Now, you have to choose between two schedule.

Choice 1 : You choose the schedule where you begin at 8 a.m. every day.

Choice 2 : You choose the schedule where you begin at 11 a.m. every day.

You choose to study in Biology and to be in the Basket-ball team.

During a game, someone on the other team pushes you and nobody saw that. Your head hits the pole of the basket and you have a big headache.

Choice 1 : You decide to stand up and go to punch the person in the face.

Choice 2 : You stay on the floor until the referee blow.

You choose to study in Biology and to assist at each Basket-ball game.

During a Basket-ball game, the best player on the other team receive the ball on the noise and it starts bleeding. You run directly in the direction of the person.

Choice 1 : You use your knowledge to stop the nosebleed.

Choice 2 : You use your knowledge to amplify the nosebleed.

You decide to continue studying in Bois-de-Boulogne College.

You never gave up and now you have the best R score in Bois-de-Boulogne College. You receive a scholarship but you lost it the next day.

Choice 1 : You go to your locker to see if it is there.

Choice 2 : You run to the direction’s office to explain to them your situation.

You choose the schedule where you begin at 8 a.m. every day.

You decide to wake up every day at 7:40 a.m. to maximize your sleep time. You think that 20 minutes are enough to eat, to get dressed and to go to school because you consider that Vanier College is next to your house. Unfortunately, you arrive late every day during the first week of school.

Choice 1 : You decide to wake up earlier (at 7:15 a.m.).

Choice 2 : You prioritize your sleep time and you stop eating in the morning.

You choose the schedule where you begin at 11 a.m. every day.

Your grades are good, you have enough time to sleep and you have free-times. So, you start working at Tommy Hilfiger Store next to your house. You pass from an ordinary employee to an assistant-manager.

Choice 1 : You stop going to school to be focused in your job.

Choice 2 : You write this experience on your resume to use it in the future.

You decide to stand up and go to punch the person in the face.

Every person who is on the opposite team stands up and runs to stop you. You punch your attacker’s face and the referee blow. You are suspended from your Basket-ball team and your school.

Choice 1 : Try again. You decide to change school.

You stay on the floor until the referee blow.

After the game, you go to the changing room of the opposite team and start fighting your attacker. You learned in your field of study that collision on the back of the head can faint the person. So, you push the guy and his head hit violently the wall. He stays on the floor without moving.

Choice 1 : You run away.

Choice 2 : You continue to hit your attacker’s face with your foot.

You use your knowledge to stop the nosebleed.

You use what you learned in your field of study to solve this problem. You succeed and the coach of the other team thanks you. Montmorency College’s direction offers you to work in the First Aid Service of the school.

Choice 1 : You accept the offer.

Choice 2 : You refuse the offer to go volunteering abroad.

You use your knowledge to amplify the nosebleed.

Now, there is more and more blood on the floor. The best player sits back until the end of the game. Montmorency College’s team won. You are proud of yourself. It’s actually your best memory at this college.

Choice 1 : You decide to tell everybody what you did.

Choice 2 : You decide to tell nobody what you did.

You go to your locker to see if it is there.

Fortunately, you find your scholarship. You tell everybody, who says that this college is hard, that you are the best one in Bois-de-Boulogne College.

Choice 1 : You take advantage of this scholarship and you apply in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University.

Choice 2 : You don’t want to continue studying hard in a faculty at university.

You run to the direction’s office to explain to them your situation.

During your running, a beautiful girl says your name. So, you stop running to know what she wants. You see in her hand an envelope that looks like your scholarship. It is yours! ! She gives it to you back. You decide to ask the girl her name and her number.

Choice 1 : She accepts.

Choice 2 : She refuses and she leaves.

You decide to wake up earlier (at 7:15 a.m.).

You are proud of your decision because you can take your time in the morning without being late for school. So, for the rest of your studies at Vanier College, you decide to wake up 45 minutes before your first class in the morning. Unfortunately, you wake up later the day of your final Biology exam. You know that you have good grades in every course, include Biology.

Choice 1 : You decide to stay in your bed.

Choice 2 : You decide to rush and to go for your final Biology exam.

You prioritize your sleep time and you stop eating in the morning.

You have learned in your field of study that it is very important to eat in the morning. However, you don’t think so. Because of this, you don’t feel good every day and you don’t do well in your exams. One day, you faint during a class.

Choice 1 : You feel embarrassed and you want to change school.

Choice 2 : You accept that it’s your fault and you start to bring some foods in the class in the morning.

You stop going to school to be focused in your job.

The Tommy Hilfiger Company likes you and offers you to be the owner of the new store.

Choice 1 : You accept the offer.

Choice 2 : You refuse the offer.

You write this experience on your resume to use it in the future.

You praise this experience to two different universities (McGill University and University of Montreal) in the Faculty of Dentistry. They like your facility to adopt a new job, your curiosity and your hard work.

Choice 1 : You choose to go to McGill University in the Faculty of Dentistry.

Choice 2 : You choose to go to the University of Montreal in the Faculty of Dentistry.

You run away.

The coach of the opposite team makes a complaint against you and you are evicted from the Basket-ball team and from the Montmorency College.

Choice 1 : Try again. You go back to your choices of college.

You continue to hit your attacker’s face with your foot.

The College’s security comes quickly to stop you. They call the police to explain to them that you try to disfigure a person. You are accused of a crime and you go to the jail. So, you can’t go back to your studies.

Choice 1 : Try again. You become an itinerant until the age of the retirement.

You accept the offer.

The Faculty of Medicine of McGill University heard your achievement and gives you a scholarship for studying at their university. With happiness, you graduate and become a doctor.

Choice 1 : You set aside money to open a private clinic.

Choice 2 : You decide to buy a house.

You refuse the offer to go volunteering abroad.

You travel in Africa, specifically in Guinea. During the third day, you don’t feel good and you start having difficulty to breath. You try to use what you learned in your field of study but it doesn’t work.

Choice 1 : Try again. You die in the hospital.

You decide to tell everybody what you did.

Even if you did that to a player from the opposite team, every person is against you and doesn’t like you. They call you “the perpetrator”.

Choice 1 : Try again. You feel intimidated and decide to change college.

You decide to tell nobody what you did.

After the game, a girl who studies in Biology tells you that she knows you intentionally amplified the nosebleed. You are scared that she tells to somebody else the situation. So, you sexually assault her and let her know that if she talks, you will continue the sexual harassment. The next day, the police comes to put you in the jail.

Choice 1 : Try again. You become an itinerant until the age of the retirement.

You take advantage of this scholarship and you apply in the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University.

After some months, you learn that you are accepted.

Choice 1 : Try again. You travel to Cambridge and become a university professor until your retirement.

You don’t want to continue studying hard in a faculty at university.

You use the money of your scholarship to study in the Faculty of Management at McGill University. After your graduation, you own a small business and keep it until your retirement.

Choice 1 : Try again. You stay fair with your employees and you don’t give an overtime if the person doesn’t want.

She accepts.

Your relation gets better and better until your last year of university in the Faculty of pharmacy. One day, you return home and your girlfriend tells you that she’s pregnant. You know that you aren’t ready for this situation.

Choice 1 : You still want a child.

Choice 2 : You look for a solution to not have a child.

She refuses and she leaves.

You don’t know how to react. You are shocked. You are afraid that she tells this situation to another person.

Choice 1 : Try again. You decide to change school to not see this girl again.

You decide to stay in your bed.

You get a zero in your final exam of Biology. It reduces your final grade but you don’t fail the course. Now, you can’t apply in the best faculties of universities. You decide to have a simple academic career.

Choice 1 : You decide to become a teacher for elementary school.

Choice 2 : You decide to become a teacher for high school.

You decide to rush and to go for your final Biology exam.

You regret to be in the front of the final exam because you aren’t capable to answer to most the questions. You forgot the place of the pancreas and the liver in the human body. So, you use your cellphone to find the answer. The teacher, who is just behind you, takes your exam and put you a zero. You are excluded from Vanier College.

Choice 1 : Try again. You hope to find another college.

You accept that it’s your fault and you start to bring some foods in the class in the morning.

Given that you have time to eat, you bring delicious and healthy food to help your brain’s cells to be better.

Choice 1 : Teachers don’t want you to eat in the class.

Choice 2 : Every day, there is someone different who asks you for food.

You accept the offer.

You are the owner of a Tommy Hilfiger Store. You have to create a Human Resources Department (HR) to deal with the payroll, hiring, firing, and others. You want good employees, not thefts.

Choice 1 : Try again. You are the owner of this business until your retirement.

You refuse the offer.

You realize that it’s too risky to become an owner.

Choice 1 : Try again. You decide to go back to the college and to have a diploma.

You choose to go to McGill University in the Faculty of Dentistry.

During your on-the-job-training (OJT), a patient starts to insult you because you forgot to put your gloves. You know that you have to do it but it’s not the moment. The patient continues to insult. You eject a big amount of anesthesia in his mouth so he can stop talking. After few moments, he dies because he is allergic to it. You go to the jail.

Choice 1 : Try again. No one wants to and you are an itinerant until your retirement.

You choose to go to the University of Montreal in the Faculty of Dentistry.

With your diploma, you decide to build your own dental clinic even if you know that the drive of work will be high.

Choice 1 : Try again. You manage your dental clinic until your retirement.

You set aside money to open a private clinic.

As soon as you have enough money, you open your private clinic. You have a lot of patients and you are famous.

Choice 1 : Try again. You help a lot of interns who want to become doctors until your retirement.

You decide to buy a house.

You use a mortgage to have your own big house. You often work at the hospital but, sometimes, you treat some people in your house.

Choice 1 : Try again. You do the job of a doctor until your retirement.

You still want a child.

During the first month, you try to adapt yourself to this new life. As soon as you get your diploma, you find a job in a pharmacy. You are happy with having a great work and a child.

Choice 1 : Try again. You work in the same pharmacy until your retirement and you receive a pension.

You look for a solution to not have a child.

You go to the pharmacy to get a pill that can stop the development of the fetus. When you return home, you put this pill in a water cup and you give it to your girlfriend. You leave her.

Choice 1 : Try again. You live alone and you are a pharmacist until your retirement.

You decide to become a teacher for elementary school.

Your goal is that every kid has straight A’s. So, you give your maximum to achieve this.

Choice 1 : Try again. You are liked by kids and you do that until your retirement.

You decide to become a teacher for high school.

A student pushes you and you fell down the stairs.

Choice 1 : Try again. You are handicapped for life and you receive a pension during your retirement.

Teachers don’t want you to eat in the class.

You still continue to eat in class and you try to explain to your teachers that you don’t have time to do this at home. None of your teachers try to understand you so you are excluded from Vanier College.

Choice 1 : Try again. You decide to go to another college, and you hope that it will be better.

Every day, there is someone different who asks you for food.

You always refuse when someone asks you for your food. Sometimes, you lose your snack. With time, you understand that there is a thief in every class. One day, you get excluded from Vanier College because so many people start to eat your food in class. You are the starting point of this situation.

Choice 1 : Try again. You decide to choose another college.

The End.