Life Possibilities for an Architect

A hypertext narrative by

Alexis Dion

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 224

Choice count: 6

Section count: 2

Image count: 2

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis:

Business : 7 matches (gain, market, money, office, opportunity, salary, technology)

Education : 7 matches (Bachelor of, choice, college, diploma, market, technology, university)

Archaeology : 5 matches (ADS, college, curtain wall, market, technology)

Target Structure:


Life Possibilities for an Architect

Montmorency College

Diploma in Architectural Technology.

After nearly three years of intense work studying Architectural Technology at Montmorency College, I am getting ready to earn my diploma. With that in hand, I am faced with making a choice among the following three:

Choice 1 : Go directly to the job market since my diploma gives me the title of Technologist in architecture.

Choice 2 : Go directly to the job market since my diploma gives me the title of Technologist in architecture.

Choice 3 : Apply in the Bachelor of Architecture at the University of Laval

Hire me

Go directly to the job market since my diploma gives me the title of Technologist in architecture.

Going directly to the job market seems like a good decision. The idea of starting to make money right now is something to consider. I'm starting to get for a job looking at the ads on the internet, I must decide which of these three jobs I should apply for.

Choice 1 : A permanent job as an architectural technologist in a prestigious architectural office.

Choice 2 : A job as a building inspector in the city of Montreal where the salary offered is very interesting.

Choice 3 : . A non-permanent job at a curtain wall subcontractor that seems like an excellent opportunity to gain solid experience.

The End.