Life of a Student!

A hypertext narrative by

Francesca Giannini

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1806

Choice count: 31

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis

Education : 67 matches

(behavior, choice, college, course, down, field, field of study, first, games, grades, learn, learned, management, options, report, school, student, task, test)

Law : 45 matches

(case, close, condition, corruption, court, crime, death, director, evidence, fact, family, harassment, information, living, misconduct, offer, office, option, presents, proof, relief)

Dance : 29 matches

(back, brush, check, close, out, position, routine, slide, step, through, together)

Target Structure: (33 matches)

come in handy (1 match)

dread (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

hindering (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

internship (7 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (2 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often (1 match)

office politics (3 matches)

overwhelming (1 match)

premium wage (2 matches)

purpose (2 matches)

recipient (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

sexual harassment (3 matches)

test drive (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

though (2 matches)

time management (1 match)

undermining (2 matches)

wage (2 matches)

withholding (1 match)

corruption (3 matches)

corrupt (2 matches)

bribes (1 match)

bribed (1 match)

threat (1 match)

threats (1 match)


Life of a Student!

What's the first step?

We will start at the beginning. What school will you choose? It is important to pick a good school, because it kind of predicts your future. We have a dilemma. All of your friends are going to Maisonneuve College but you know Ahuntsic College has an amazing Business program. You must choose carefully because this choice predicts your fate.

Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College.

Choice 2 : Go to Maisonneuve College.

Ahuntsic College

Go to Ahuntsic College.

You have now chosen a school over your friends. You realise the work load is too much. Your school work is interfering with your internship and your boss fires you. You brush it off because school is more important right now and you have to focus on that. You are able to manage after a few months and you hear an opening for an internship in your field of study. Do you take the chance of risking your current situation for an internship abroad?

Choice 1 : Take the internship.

Choice 2 : Keep things steady.


Go to Maisonneuve College.

You have chosen friends over your future. Bad choice. You start slacking off and your grades reflect your lack of effort in school studies. Your time management is awful since the beginning of the school year and it hasn't gotten better. Finally, you drop out due to your disinterest and poor scores. Your only option is to try again at Ahuntsic College.

Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College


Take the internship.

How exciting, you have accepted the internship at Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton PA. You will now start to learn the ins-and-outs of the sales department. This will come in handy when you want to get your foot in the door in sales. This job seems pretty easy and you have learned the ropes quite quickly. An opportunity presents itself when you are offered a permanent position at a premium wage in the sales department. Do you take the job or move back to Montreal?

Choice 1 : Take the sales job.

Choice 2 : Move back to Montreal.

Dunder Mifflin

Keep things steady.

You just passed on an amazing opportunity why would you do that. Well, I think the only way to achieve your dreams is to pursue them. You won't do any achieving if you just let go, so you should take it and in fact that is your only option.

Choice 1 : Take the internship.


Take the sales job.

Great!!! How do you feel? This is a big accomplishment. Moving to another country, far away from family. You are ready for this. Everything is great in Scranton PA. Your boss is funny, you have great friends but all of a sudden something shifts. You feel like the odd one out. Office politics surface. A girl named Karen is jealous of your relationship with your best friend Jim. Even though you have no romantic feelings for him she is continuously undermining your actions and is hindering your day to day tasks at work. You have to decide to report her to your boss or let her play these games.

Choice 1 : Report her.

Choice 2 : Let it slide.


Move back to Montreal.

It was a great experience but it is time to come home. You took a test drive and decided it wasn't a good fit. It is quite an overwhelming task to take on and being back home is such a relief from the pressure the workplace. You decide to take on a different approach and try volunteering abroad. There are many advantages to being a volunteer. You could maybe even find your purpose. Or once again let society take over your life and fall into a deep depression with no other outcome besides death.

Choice 1 : Volunteer.

Choice 2 : DEATH


Report her.

You report her to your boss, Micheal, he does absolutely nothing leaving you with one option, to take care of this yourself. You get sucked up in office politics with Miss. Karen and eventually you begin mirroring all the awful things she did to you. The undermining and the withholding of information become a daily routine for you. More often than not you think about the good old day when you were an honest employee. You decide to end this charade and Karen takes over as manager to make your life a living hell. You have two choices.

Choice 1 : Stay in Scranton.

Choice 2 : Transfer to a different branch.


Let it slide.

You don't say anything to any of your superiors because it seems like every move you make against Karen doesn't pan out like you hope. You really got sucked up in those awful office politics. She eventually becomes manager at the Scranton branch. You can try to live with this unstoppable monster or you can move back to Montreal.

Choice 1 : Stay in Scranton.

Choice 2 : Move back to Montreal.



This is a great idea. Helping others, is a positive way to give back. Many options are presented to you. You may feel skeptical about the whole thing but as you learn the ropes you will see there is nothing to be scared of. Volunteering abroad seems like a great choice. Where would you like to go?

Choice 1 : Volunteer in Russia.

Choice 2 : Volunteer in Panama.


Stay in Scranton.

Scranton has been rough on you but you have been a fighter. You have learned many things, but not enough. You are going to work one day and when you arrive a man named Ryan introduces himself as your new supervisor. He says he won't be around a lot, he just comes to check in on the productivity of the Scranton branch. He starts to excessively flirt with you and presents a pattern of disrespect and misconduct. You are appalled by his behavior. Sexual harassment is a horrible thing to live through. You can report him to Karen and hope she has changed or you can endure this as a recipient of a disgusting crime.

Choice 1 : Tell Karen.

Choice 2 : Endure the crime.

Scranton welcome sign

Transfer to a different branch.

You talk to David Wallace the CFO, he suggests you transfer to Nashua. You have just moved in and you already feel the dread of work disappear. Back in Scranton you felt powerless, alienated and crushed by a lack of fulfillment. Nashua suits you and you couldn't be happier You have now been in Nashua for three years. How time flies! Your happy but there is something missing, or someone? With all this work talk you haven't even dated anybody. You want to get back in the game so you ask this guy AJ who works in sales, but he seems to already have a girlfriend names Holly. She abruptly gets transferred to Scranton and AJ then asks you out for a date a few months later.

Choice 1 : Accept his offer.

Choice 2 : Deny his offer.


Volunteer in Russia.

Russia seems like a strong and well-developed country but it needs lots of help. Your work helps the locals and the positive outcome helps you grow as a person. You pulled it off. You have to go back home soon because you are not getting a premium wage. Though your work may seem invaluable you know you have made a difference and you have found you purpose. It is time to go back to work. The paper company you worked for misses you hard work and dedication. They will do anything for you to come back. You have one condition, to not work in Scranton. They offer you a job in Nashua.

Choice 1 : Transfer to a different branch.


Volunteer in Panama.

What a change of scenery. This is not what you were expecting was it. You seem to lose your way and end up in a bad part of town. The locals try to rob you. I guess they don't really need your help after all. You still want to volunteer and experience all the advantages that volunteering has to offer. You go volunteer in Russia.

Choice 1 : Volunteer in Russia.


Tell Karen.

You would think a woman would've helped her comrade but no. She is corrupt, by Ryan's doing! He has bribed her on countless occasions. He is a threat. Corruption can do no good in the workplace. You have nothing left but to move back home and maybe try some volunteering that will help.

Choice 1 : Volunteer.

You telling Karen

Endure the crime.

You can't accept this so you think. Who deals with perpetrators like Ryan? The police obviously. You should probably wait to get some proof so the cops believe you. Sexual harassment can be taken lightly if you don't have the proper evidence to back you up. But the again, it shouldn't be taken lightly.

Choice 1 : Talk to the police.

Choice 2 : Wait for evidence.


Accept his offer.

This is awesome. You and AJ are finally together and in love. Both of you are great salesmen and that rivalry is what made you fall for him. He is pure and a great cook. He is building your dream home in Nashua. You are still close to home so your family can come visit and you are finally happy. He is the one.

Choice 1 :


Deny his offer.

Well, you have done it. Do you or do you not want happiness? You constantly set aside your dreams and for what. Nobody will ever know why you want to ruin your life all the time, but we know one thing for sure this is the end of our story. For now. Not forever.

Choice 1 :


Talk to the police.

You go down to the police department to speak to an officer about the sexual harassment you have been dealing with but nobody listens to you. You see Ryan at the police department with bags of money. The police department is corrupt. Of course, they won't listen to you, you are accusing your own boss of a crime. You cannot stop the corruption until you have undeniable evidence. So, you have to wait.

Choice 1 : Wait for evidence.


Wait for evidence.

Finally, it is here the proof you have longed for. Now all the horrible corruption occurring at your job and the police station can be over. You have brought this matter to the Supreme court, and they have helped you win your case. This is truly a blessed day. No more bribes and no more threats. You can go back to your happy life. How wonderful, you have been promoted to director of sales. This is truly the career of your dreams. Don't mess it up and good luck!

Choice 1 :
