volunteering as a paralegal

A hypertext narrative by

Dahlia Lévesque

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 959

Choice count: 19

Section count: 13

Image count: 13

Error count: 13

Field Related Analysis

Education : 41 matches

(choice, classes, field, first, law school, learn, learned, reader, scholarship, school, student, teach, teacher, teachers, term)

Law : 39 matches

(clients, close, family, hearing, house, human rights, interest, international, international law, law, law firm, lawyer, lawyers, living, offer, office, paralegal)

Social Work : 13 matches

(help, human rights, in need, opportunities, teacher)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)


volunteering as a paralegal

How my journey started.

As a student, you always dreamt about volunteering and studying abroad. Many opportunities have now come to you from very different people. But now it is time to make a choice. You are offered a scholarship to go study in Germany with many of your friends or a job as a part of an international group of lawyers and paralegal that went to different places in the world to help people in need, but it will be a big challenge. Both of the opportunities are interesting for you.

Choice 1 : India

Choice 2 : Germany


It was not what I expected.

When you arrive in India, there is a lot more work than you expected it to be. You have to wake up every day at 5 in the morning. In the morning, you have to study the laws of the country and in the afternoon you have to work and talk to people that needed you. After the first few weeks, you start to miss your family. Your superior offers you to stay or to return home where he can find you a job in Montreal.

Choice 1 : Stay and help people in need

Choice 2 : Return back home


Working in Montreal and beying with your loved ones.

You are now working at a law firm in Montreal as a paralegal. You are really happy because you see your family every day, but you regret not staying in India to explore all the opportunities that the job over there had to offer me.

Choice 1 : Start again


Continue volonteering.

After making your choice of staying to help people and learn more about their situation you are now meeting a lot of people. They are all so generous people. One of them offers you to take international Law classes at his school where he is teaching. And if you do, you will have a scholarship. It is a great opportunity but at the same time, you like what you are doing now.

Choice 1 : Continue working and volunteering

Choice 2 : Law school.


Law school.

Law school was amazing. You learned so many things about different countries. You are now an excellent lawyer in international law. You travel all around the world to make sure that most people are safe and that their rights are not violated.

Choice 1 : Start again


Volunteering all around the world as a paralegal.

I am now an international volunteer as a paralegal. I assist lawyers in different parts of the world to help people that their human rights are violated.

Choice 1 : start gain


where are you going to stay?

When you arrive in Germany, you have the choice to stay in the hotel with your new friends and living the wildlife of a student that is studying abroad. You would be in the same room as your new friend Emila, who could teach you Spanish. You also have the choice of going living with an old lady who has a beautiful house. Her house could be a great way to concentrate on your studies.

Choice 1 : Stay at the hotel

Choice 2 : Stay at the old woman's house


Maybe a change of field is coming for you.

Staying at the hotel was the best decision you could have made. You had so many friends that you would keep for life. Also, you developed a new interest in tourism. You are seeing a lot of tourist guides and you are thinking of maybe trying to study tourism. But you hesitate because one of your teachers offers you a long-term job at his office where you have a normal scandal and maybe pursues your dream of being a lawyer.

Choice 1 : Study tourism

Choice 2 : Accept the offer of your teacher


A new futur.

You are now studying tourism and you love it. It was maybe not the job you were expecting to do in your dreams but it has become your dream job. You travel to many countries and meet amazing people.

Choice 1 : start again.


A dead-end job.

You are now working for your old teacher. the job is the job you always wanted. You make lots of money and you help people, witch is what you always wanted. But something is missing in your life.

Choice 1 : Start again


Staying with the old woman.

At first, you weren't sure about your choice because you are hearing talking to your friends about all the cool nights at the clubs, but as the days pass by you are very happy to stay at the old woman's house. She is always there for you when you need to study and prepared amazing meals. She also has a son that you are completely in love with. One of her neighbours is a rich man who is ready to give you the money it would take to open your own firm. But the son of the old woman just proposed to you. You are completely in love with the son, Kevin but you also want to pursue your dreams.

Choice 1 : Open your own firm

Choice 2 : Get married to the son


Your own firm.

Everything is working amazingly. You have a lot of clients but something is missing. You really miss your family and you have no one in Germany that you are really close except the old woman that you still keep in touch with. You now decide to return home to Montreal to see your family.

Choice 1 : Start again


You are now happily married.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Start again
