My Career as an Actuary

A hypertext narrative by

Dereck Saavedra-Diaz

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 895

Choice count: 23

Section count: 14

Image count: 14

Error count: 20

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 23 matches (CEGEP, School, choice, class, college, courses, diploma, don, field, field of study, first, graduate, high school, motivation, register, research, school, semester, social, student, teacher, teachers, university)

Psychology : 12 matches (analysis, attention, class, dream, field, hit, love, motivation, pandemic, profile, register, thinking)

Tourism : 12 matches (First class, Program, administration, field, first class, interests, master, online, program, register, registered, stop)

Target Structure:

straight A's (2 matches)

wage (1 match)


My Career as an Actuary

The beginning of my career.

I finally got my diploma from high school! I really wanted to go to Montmorency College just because it's the nearest cegep from where I live. I want to become an Actuary in the future. I was wondering... in which program should go if I want to become an Actuary?

Choice 1 : I'll go in Social Science: Individual Profile

Choice 2 : Social Science: Administration Profile.

Choice 3 : I have to work.

College Montmorency

I have to work.

I'm not registered to school this semester. I can't spend all this by doing nothing. I have to at least get a full time job to get money. Where should I work?

Choice 1 : McDonald's

Choice 2 : Tim Horton

Choice 3 : Walmart

McDonald's Restaurant

Not what I wanted initially.

I have been working here for two years now. That also means that during these two years I have been waiting to apply at Montmorency. Now that I made money ( with the minimum wage), I have to do something else.

Choice 1 : Start again


My first class day.

It is my first day as a student at Montmorency College! I was so happy at the beginning of the day. Then, I realized that no teacher managed to captivate my attention. It was so boring. Maybe, it is because this program do not interest me. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Drop out of school

Choice 2 : Continue persevaring

First day of school

The wrong program...

Ok. I decided to continue to go to school and persevering. It's not because I have boring teachers that I can't have straight A's. But oh... I just realized something. After a lot of research about my career path, I noticed that I can't become an Actuary even if I graduate from this program. I was in the whole program during this whole time! What a waste of time! What should I do next?

Choice 1 : Start all over again

Choice 2 : Do a diploma of professional study in Accounting

Choice 3 : Drop out of school


I didn't want to spend another 2 years in cegep. Being an Accounter have always been my second choice for my future job. Because it's the same field of study. I love everything that is connected to mathematics. I won't realize my dream to one day go tu University. But it doesn't matter, at least I will get a job more quickly and gaining money earlier.

Write a choice here.


Social Science: Administration Profile.

It is my first day as a student at Montmorency College! I was so happy at the beginning of the day. Then, I realized that no teacher managed to captivate my attention. It was so boring. Maybe, it is because this program do not interest me. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Drop out of school

Choice 2 : Continue persevaring

Social Science: Administration Profile

I continued persevaring.

So, I decided to continue persevering even if I had boring teachers. And it was not a bad choice! I started to get straight A's, and I loved the field of study I decided to study in. Now that I got a diploma in Administration in cegep, I can finally realise my dream and go to university. But I don't know in which program I have to register in becoming an Actuary. In which program should I register?

Choice 1 : Baccalaureate in business administration at HEC.

Choice 2 : Informations and systems security analysis certificate

Choice 3 : Nevermind, I'll go in Accounting

Baccalaureate in business administration at HEC.

Good! I think I chose the right program! I was so grateful that I got accepted at university. But now, we have a little problem... the pandemic of COVID-19 has hit the entire world and now all the courses are online. I hate that. I don't have the same motivation as at the beginning. All I do now is staying home and not moving. I think that online school is not for me. What should I do now?

Choice 1 : School is just not for you

Choice 2 : Take a year off

Choice 3 : It's not a pandemic that can stop you

It's not a pandemic that can stop you.

Great choice! You now have a diploma in Business Administration at HEC! Now, I have to do a master in analytics.

Choice 1 : Doing a mastery in Analytics.

Doing a mastery in Analytics.

Success! I finally realized the dream that I was always thinking since I was a kid. Getting a diploma of mastery from university. My parents are very of me and I thank them to always support me during this long path. It was difficult, but it was worth it.

Write a choice here.

Doing a mastery in Analytics.

Informations and systems security analysis certificate.

I started doing this certificate and it was very interesting. I liked that!

Choice 1 : Getting my diploma.

Informations and systems security analysis certificate.

Getting my diploma.

I finally got my diploma in this certificate from HEC! I'm very happy. I'm excited for what will happen next!

Choice 1 : What's next?

Getting diploma

What's next?

Oh oh... I'm so pissed! I registered in the wrong program! Why did I do that? I can't become an Actuary with this certificate. I don't know what to do because nothing else interests me. I regret everything. I wasted all my time.

Write a choice here.

What's next