Possible life paths

A hypertext narrative by

Ariane Renaud

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1016

Choice count: 30

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 6

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 30 matches (Environment, Europe, Food, Goal, Guide, Hiking, Natural, Nature, Outdoor, Package, Plane, Program, apartment, benefit, bit, climate, compensation, door, green, guide, hearing, interests, international, leg, multiple, package, program, tourist, tourist guide, vacation)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 20 matches (community, compensation, crimes, criminal, criminology, family, Financial, General, harassment, hearing, hire, International, living, misconduct, offer, possibility, power, products, Sexual, victim)

Sociology : 18 matches (community, ecological, criminology, School, goal, housework, care, interests, international, interview, management, organization, power, school, sexual, social science, World, zone)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

background check (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

compensation package (1 match)

dread (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (3 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

leg work (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)


Possible life paths


You just finished high school with a wonderful prom and you're so thrilled to start a new part of your life. You're now wondering if you'd rather start college, travel in Vancouver or catch a plane to France, in Europe.

Choice 1 : College.

Choice 2 : Vancouver.

Choice 3 : Europe.



Studying Social Science, you're starting to get interested in the world of crimes and police, but the climate crisis is worrying you and you want to do your part. You don't know yet if that's what you really want, but you feel the need to discover this possibility. With your straight A's and your perfect time management, you can go in any program you desire. Considering your interests, you now have to choose between Criminology and environment.

Choice 1 : Criminology.

Choice 2 : Environment.

Social Science


Lucky you! Your uncles are hosting you in North Vancouver for as long as you want. You come in handy with housework and taking care of the yard, so they are very grateful for your help. It's time to consider what are the options you have to earn a living. After a lot of thinking and organizing, you have to choose between opening your own natural products store and learning to become a tourist guide in the region.

Choice 1 : Own store.

Choice 2 : Tourist guide.

North Vancouver


You're in love with the program because it's getting you out of your comfort zone. Indeed, studying criminal minds and patterns of criminals are scaring you, but at the same time you're passionate about it. You're finally graduating, you need to choose between a job offer at the SPVM or doing an internship in the united states.

Choice 1 : SPVM.

Choice 2 : Internship in the United States.



You're studying the different issues of climate change and the environment in general. You start hearing about those who have tried to get involved in politics to fight climate change, and they all failed. You could choose to work for an environmental organization instead and make real changes for your community.

Choice 1 : Green Peace.

Choice 2 : Politic.



Living in a little apartment in Paris's suburbs and working in a bakery, you're starting to love this kind of life. You now have to choose between staying there and study or come back home and go to college.

Choice 1 : Stay there and study.

Choice 2 : Come back home.



Before they hire you for the job, they did a background check to make sure you were clean. Since SVPM cares for its employees, you can benefit from an advantageous compensation package that allows you to take some vacation and relax. You now have the choice to work in different police stations around the country or staying in Quebec in a specific police station during all of your career.

Choice 1 : Working around the country.

Choice 2 : Staying in Quebec.


Internship in the United States.

As an intern, you're learning the ropes to become a great criminologist. It's not always easy, but you put a lot of effort into it. Even though your English is a little bit insecure, getting a foot in the door will facilitate your career path. You have the chance to go for a job interview with the FBI or come back to Quebec.

Choice 1 : You have an interview with the FBI.

Choice 2 : Come back to Quebec.



You're happy! You're feeling fulfilled by working for Greenpeace, even if you're doing a lot of overtime, because fighting climate change is essential for you and your future. Leg work is a huge part of you career in Greenpeace, since collaboration with international organizations is the basis.

Choice 1 : Environment.

Green Peace


As you've been told, working on the climate crisis in politics is a dead-end goal. Indeed, what truly matters when you're running a country is money and power. The future is too far to be considered. You just failed this part of your life.

Choice 1 : Congratulations!


Own store.

You succeed! You own a food and natural products store in North Vancouver and your uncles and cousin are helping you with management and finances. All of your employees are outdoor people with good and ecological values. You feel at home.

Choice 1 : Vancouver.

Natural product store

Tourist guide.

You succeed! As a tourist guide, you have multiple opportunities of hiking in the Rockies. With your groups, you're exploring British-Colombia and you connect with nature.

Choice 1 : Congratulations!


Working around the country.

You became a famous criminologist with a big salary!

Choice 1 : SPVM.


Staying in Quebec.

Since you chose to stay in the province, you missed the chance to earn a bigger salary by working across Canada. You haven't become famous and you're living in a little apartment in Longueuil.

Choice 1 : Congratulations!

Police station

You have an interview with the FBI.

The FBI heard your name, and they were amazed by your work. They decided to offer you a job in Chicago so you could start a new life there. You're ambivalent, but you have to make a choice.

Choice 1 : Accept.

Choice 2 : Refuse.



You're rich and happy.

Choice 1 : Congratulations!



You failed your career.

Choice 1 : Congratulations!


Come back to Quebec.

Unfortunately, when you started working in Quebec, you were a victim of sexual harassment. Your perpetrator was vicious and evil so you were stuck and nobody knew. Indeed, his misconduct was subtle and you were dread. Hopefully, you found the courage to denounce him to your supervisors, and he was fired.

Choice 1 : Congratulations!

Sexual arrassment

Stay there and study.

You decided to start studying at Bordeaux University, because your parents offered you some financial help. You know you're in the right place, it's invaluable.

Choice 1 : Europe.

Bordeaux University

Come back home.

You're missing your family and your friends too much, so you decided to come back home. You now have the possibility to do what you want with your life. Enjoy!

Choice 1 : Congratulations!
