Help Me Find My Path.

A hypertext narrative by

elise sarrazin

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Word count: 1598

Choice count: 44

Section count: 36

Image count: 36

Error count: 12

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 28 matches (School, choice, class, classmates, college, course, courses, don, evaluation, evaluations, failed, first, goal, grade, grades, graduate, learn, management, motivation, professor, school, score, semester, social, students, teacher, university, vacation)

Tourism : 20 matches (Control, Flight, Goal, Natural, Opportunity, Party, Program, appointment, bit, confirmation, course, door, flight, option, program, single, stand, ticket, trip, vacation)

Psychology : 15 matches (bit, class, FAST, focus, love, motivation, need, phone, psychology, psychologist, reason, run, sleep, subject, trip)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

intern (2 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

pull off (4 matches)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (2 matches)

though (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

time management (1 match)


Help Me Find My Path.

Choice of College.

You don't know what you want to do for your future job, but some programs offer at different college seem interesting. You think Fashion Design could come in handy, but you have to learn the ropes first. Also, you love math and Natural Science can be a good option too, such a thoughtful decision.

Choice 1 : Natural Science at the College Lionel-Groulx.

Choice 2 : Fashion Design at the College Marie-Victorin.


Natural Science at the College Lionel-Groulx.

It's the end of semester, you have so many exams to do this week, but your best friend hosts a big party with the majority of the students in your program.

Choice 1 : Stay at Home to Study.

Choice 2 : Party before Everything.

Finals hitting me like:

Stay at Home to Study.

You put aside your social life to study for your finals. Even if it's maddening to always stay alone, you're proud of your choice.

Choice 1 : Final Exams.

Good student

Party before Everything.

You can't sleep because of all the noises and you start to feel exhausted. Just the thought of your final exams that you have to do tomorrow morning makes you anxious, but you don't want to study your poor time management and your procrastination has take control. Should you cheat or wish yourself good luck?

Choice 1 : Go to Your Exams Unprepared.

Choice 2 : Cheat on Your Exams.

You'll need it

Final Exams.

Hard work pay off, you manage to pull off straight A's. Now you can take it easy for the summer break.

Choice 1 : Live Your Best Life.

Great job

Live Your Best Life.

You want to have the best summer break. You go to every party your friends hosts and you decide to go on vacation before the next semester. Great news, your parents are so proud of you that they pay your flight ticket for your trip.

Choice 1 : Back to Class.

Summer party

Go to Your Exams Unprepared.

The party has some drawbacks though. You can't answer one single question on your final exams and you probably have to retake your courses.

Choice 1 : Summer Courses.

Failed exams

Cheat on Your Exams.

Your teacher catches you while you try to look at your phone. As a result, you have 0% for the entire course and a note on your school record.

Choice 1 : Summer Courses.

bad student

Summer Courses.

You have to spend your summer break at the college because of all the courses you have to retake. Meanwhile, all of your friends decide to go on vacation in Hawaii without you.

Choice 1 : Back to Class.

summer courses

Back to Class.

It's your last semester before university, your grades are not very good but it could be worse. You have to work hard this semester to have a better R score.

Choice 1 : Graduate.

Study Hard !

Summer Courses.

You have to spend your summer break at the college because of all the courses you have to retake. But all of your friends decide to go on vacation in Hawaii, and they ask you if you want to join them.

Choice 1 : Go to Hawaii.

Choice 2 : Retake the Courses You Failed.

What should I do ?

Go to Hawaii.

You decide to go to Hawaii even if you have all of your courses to do. When you arrive, you plan to drink with your friends and forget about the bad grades of this semester. Unfortunately, all they do is talk about their choices of program at the university they want to go. You realise that you are the only one who has to retake all of his courses and you won't be able to graduate at the same time as your friends.

Choice 1 : Drop out.


Retake the Courses You Failed.

You spend all your summer on your courses, you don't want to be in school anymore it's too much pressure for you.

Choice 1 : Try a New Path.

summer courses

Back to Class.

It's your last semester, at this point, you always manage to pull off good grades. You receive a confirmation that you are accepted to McGill in psychology, you can't wish for more.

Choice 1 : Graduate.



You made it, you're closer to your goal to become a psychologist!

Choice 1 : McGill Here I Come.


Try a New Path.

Don't give up! Start again.

Choice 1 : Choice of College.


Drop out.

Start again!.

Choice 1 : Choice of College.


McGill Here I Come.

It's your first day at McGill, the courses you choose seem fascinating and all the students look friendly, however you don't have any friends. You're wondering if you should try to meet new people or stay focus on your studies.

Choice 1 : Make Some Friends.

Choice 2 : Studies First.


Make Some Friends.

You see a group of friends who appear to be easygoing, you introduce yourself a little bit, and they ask you questions about internships. You think it could be a great opportunity to try it, but you're too shy to ask them more details.

Choice 1 : Skip the Subject.

Choice 2 : Ask Them More Details.


Studies First.

You always study alone, you lose your motivation and decide to take a break from university.

Choice 1 : Try Again.


Skip the Subject.

They find it rude that you try to skip the subject, so they all left. Obviously, you are sad that you can't make any friends and probably be alone for the entire semester. For that reason, you decide to drop out.

Choice 1 : Try Again.


Ask Them More Details.

They're so happy you ask, they even offer to present you someone who looks for an intern in psychology.

Choice 1 : Accept the Offer.


Try Again.


Choice 1 : Choice of College.

try again

Accept the Offer.

Great job, you are so impressive as an intern in psychology that they want you to get a foot in the door with an appointment. Also, if the appointment goes right, you can be OJT next week for their cabinet.

Choice 1 : Start Again.


Fashion Design at the College Marie-Victorin.

The semester start and one of the first evaluations you need to do for your course is a Halloween costume, also you need to be original. Two ideas come to your mind, a hand sanitizer costume or a bunch of pencils tied up together, you hope to be able to do it.

Choice 1 : Hand Sanitizer.

Choice 2 : A Bunch of Pencils Tied up Together.


Hand Sanitizer.

You manage to sew the entire costume and you hope it's original enough to stand out of the class.

Choice 1 : Present Your Halloween Costume to the Class.

hand sanitizer

A Bunch of Pencils Tied up Together.

You're really proud of your work for a beginner. You can't wait to show it to the class next week so that everyone must be impressed.

Choice 1 : Present Your Halloween Costume to the Class.


Present Your Halloween Costume to the Class.

You take a look in the class, that bottle of hand sanitizer looks ridiculous, everyone has a better costume than you. You can't stay dress like this, you want to leave, but if you do it you have 0 for the evaluation.

Choice 1 : Leave the Class.

Choice 2 : Stay Even if You Embarrass Yourself.

nice costumes

Present Your Halloween Costume to the Class.

You are so hasty to show what you sew, that you run to you course with excitement.You open the door of your class and you see the same exact costume as you. How is that possible? You don't want the professor to think that you copy someone, should you talk to the person or act like you don't see it and wait for the professor to make a comment?

Choice 1 : Go See that Person.

Choice 2 : You Wait for Your Professor to Make a Comment.

you don't understand

Leave the Class.

You got kick out by your professor, you have to retake this course.

Choice 1 : Try Again.

leaving class

Stay Even if You Embarrass Yourself.

Even if your costume is not the best, your professor gives you the best grade for originality. Your motivation got up so fast, you're ready to face the semester.

Choice 1 : The End of the Semester.


Go See that Person.

You are on your way to see that person as the professor come in the class. He instantly looks at both of you and ask how you had the idea to dress as pencils twin. You look at him confuse, but deep inside, you're just happy that he doesn't think you copy anyone.

Choice 1 : The End of the Semester.

meet that person

You Wait for Your Professor to Make a Comment.

You stare intently at the person who as the same costume. Your professor feels like you hide something, and asks the other person if it's normal that you both have the same costume. This person affirms that you copy his idea, unfortunately the professor decides to kick you out of the course.

Choice 1 : Try Again.


The End of Semester.

The first semester is done, and by far you pull off the best grades out of all of your classmates. However, you want to find a program that resonates with you.

Choice 1 : Try Again.

the end

The End of Semester.

You manage to pull off straight A's all semester, still you don't love this program as much as you thought.

Choice 1 : Try Again.

The end

Start Again.

You make the right choices, do you want to try a new path ?

Write a choice here.

Good job