What would you do?

A hypertext narrative by

Max-Antoine Clément

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 851

Choice count: 24

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 6

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 18 matches (CEGEP, Down, Education, choice, class, continuing, courses, don, education in, failed, fees, graduate, semester, skip class, task, technology, tuition fees, university)

Computer Science : 15 matches (choice, Class, client, Computer science, computer, Developer, group, hacker, hacking, Programming, searching, skip, software, task, web)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 11 matches (cannabis, client, clients, company, debt, Development, drugs, hacking, rent, secure, software)

Target Structure:

dead-end job (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


What would you do?

Life choice.

You just finished CEGEP and now you have the choice between continuing your education in software engineer at ÉTS or you can start your career in a small web development company.

Choice 1 : You choose to start working at a small web development company

Choice 2 : You chose to continue your academics at ÉTS

Go Work.

You start working at a small web development company. You made a lot of money at your age but the job is not that exciting. You have a feeling you want to be a freelancer as a web developer on the dark web.

Choice 1 : You start making websites on the dark web

Choice 2 : You continue working

Bad Influence.

You start making websites for some suspicious people. You're well-payed, you can finally use your creativity when creating a website and you're having fun. One day, a client approach you and invited you to a secret organization of hackers. You are interested in the unknown.

Choice 1 : You refuse to help the hacker group

Choice 2 : You take the chance


You started hacking small companies with old vulnerabilities. The group like you and proposed you to hack a big US company. You think they are thinking too big and you're afraid of getting caught. You can either try to hack the website and make big money or quit your hacking job.

Choice 1 : You try hacking the website

Choice 2 : You quit hacking

You get caught.

After the attack, the FBI started searching for you and they found you easily. You're in jail and you're probably going to prison for 10 years.

Choice 1 : Life choice.

The other Hacker exposed you.

The hacker group didn't like that you completely stop helping them. By leaving this life, you also shut down all websites hosted for your clients. They denounced you as revenge for what you did.

Choice 1 : Life choice.

Boring job.

You do the same task every day and start hating your job. You're not happy.

Choice 1 : Life choice.


You start a new semester. You pretty good because you already know some programming after your DEC in Computer Science Technology. You're not sure if you should continue at university because you have a lot of class specifics for becoming an engineer like physics that are not useful to you.

Choice 1 : You changed mind ant decided to work at a web development company anyway

Choice 2 : You don't give up and continue

You're out of money.

You spent all of your money on tuition fees, food, and rent. You start to have some debt and need cash now and you don't want to give up your program. An acquaintance of yours allows you to start selling drugs. You could do a lot of money and fast to pay off your expenses for the rest of the semester. You're not sure if you should do it.

Choice 1 : You start selling drugs

Choice 2 : You skip class to pay off your debts by work at your part-time

You start selling drugs.

You start selling drugs and you made enough money to pay off your debt. You start having regular clients and you're earning more and more each week.

Choice 1 : You continue selling drugs

Choice 2 : You stop selling drugs

You failed your semester.

You tried so much to pay off your debt that you didn't have time to studied and failed some courses that are required for next semester. You don't have enough money saved up to continue university. You have the choice to either work at a dead-end job or abandoned university.

Choice 1 : You go work at a McDonald's for a semester or two

Choice 2 : You abandoned and start working at a web development company


You got caught possessing meth and cannabis, not from the SQDC. You're in jail and you're probably going to prison for 10 years.

Choice 1 : Life choice.

You graduate from university.

Congratulation! You finally completed your studies at ÉTS. You send your C.V to different interesting places and you got 2 offers. You can either accept a secure and well-payed job at Hydro-Québec or work at a start-up in downtown Montreal with a lower wage than Hydro-Québec.

Choice 1 : You start working at a start up

Choice 2 : You start working at Hydro-Québec

Happy, but not rich.

You decided to work at Hydro-Québec. It's well-payed and not stressful at all. You make great friends and got time to travel. You think that you're a lot happier here than if you were working at the start-up where the job could have been stressful.

Choice 1 : Life choice.

Rich and happy.

You decided to work at a start-up in Montreal. It's fun and you think you can do great things there. A few years later, you became chief engineers at that company and got a better wage than if you were working at Hydro-Québec.

Choice 1 : Life choice.