The First Step In The Financial World.

A hypertext narrative by

Alex Guertin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1692

Choice count: 30

Section count: 20

Image count: 19

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 32 matches (Airport, Benefits, Casino, Client, Commission, Conference, Control, Employee, Flight, Goal, Plate, Program, Promotion, administration, airport, casino, commission, conference, field, flight, forward, hold, leg, multiple, option, pension, plate, profits, program, through, trip, vacation)

Business : 28 matches (account, accounting, accounts, administration, benefits, client, clients, company, credit, employee, finance, financial, headhunter, inflation, interest, lead, management, market, meeting, money, offer, pay, promotion, salary, stock, team, trainee, value)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 27 matches (access, account, accounts, additional, answer, case, client, clients, commission, company, conference, credit, director, fact, Financial, interest, market, offer, option, pension, premium, profits, recovery, satisfaction, stock, term, value)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

HR (1 match)

income (1 match)

OJT (2 matches)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (5 matches)

set aside (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (3 matches)


The First Step In The Financial World.

The end of CEGEP.

You just finished your CEGEP in the Social Sciences program and since the beginning of your studies, you don't know what to do in your life.

Choice 1 : Choose a program at a University.

Choice 2 : Drop out of school and continue your daily job.

CEGEP Ahuntsic

Choose a program at a University.

You have been wondering what program you should choose to have a great salary and be happy in the same time for the rest of your working life. You did a background check in your grades and you realized that you had excellent grades in your finance classes. It's the first time you have some interest in a field of study.

Choice 1 : Administration program.

Choice 2 : Financial Planning program.

Drop out of school and continue your daily job.

You just dropped out of school and became a Foot Locker full time worker at a low wage. You realized you are in a dead-end-job and you will slowly become poor because you'll have more financial responsibilities in the future. You're in the worst case scenario and you should've taken a better option for your life.

Choice 1 : Go back to start.

Foot Locker Store

Administration program.

It could have been a good choice if your interest were in management, HR, accounting, etc. But this program is really not a good fit for you. Administration is a limited program and there is not a big option of vacant position for a job in your future.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Financial Planning program.

Right choice. Being a financial planner is a job that the goal is to acquire the client's satisfaction. It's a lot of phone-talking and you have to check the stock market every day. You are usually at your desks, meeting people or clients and you can also due some administration tasks depending on the job. This is all that you want.

Choice 1 : Question yourself about your professional life's path.

Choice 2 : Finish the program (One year left).

Choice 3 : Take a one-year break of the program to go on vacation.


Question yourself about your professional life's path.

Questioning yourself could be a good choice, but you are truly enjoying your program and you're just looking forward to on-the-job-training to slowly become a financial planner. You still have question about your future, but those will be answered soon, as you continue your program.

Choice 1 : Better luck next time!

Questioning yourself

Finish the program (One year left).

You just finished the program and you were admitted for an OJT in a bank! You have learned so much about financial planning but there is still a lot on your plate.

Choice 1 : Continue your job as a financial planner.

Choice 2 : Already ask for a promotion.


Take a one-year break of the program to go on vacation.

You did go on vacation in Cuba, but you broke your leg on a trip in a mountain. It's a real disaster because you have to stay 4 more weeks that you were supposed to for you recovery. You are alone in Cuba. After the 4 weeks, the Cuban doctor said that you can't take a flight home for another 2 mouths because a tornado destroyed the airport. What a bad luck!

Choice 1 : Take a better option!

Cuba Mountains

Continue your job as a financial planner.

You love your job, the team you are working with are awesome and the people who guided you through you OJT were amazing to. You are now an official financial planner for the Scotia Bank and not a trainee anymore. You know that as a financial planner have access to additional training through your career. Is it the right time?

Choice 1 : Take the additional training.

Choice 2 : Don't take the training.


Already ask for a promotion.

You decided to ask the boss of the bank for a promotion because you have been doing overtime multiple time and you need more money. You know that your career can pay you really well if you are doing your job like a pro. At the start, the bottom salary is $20,000 and it can get up to $200 000 per year. It's a job that works with commission so it depends on you if you are being paid great or not. You know that you are doing a good job despite the fact that you are overwhelmed by the quantity of work to do and you truly believe that you deserve more than a $20 000 salary. But, it was not a good idea. The boss said that you were to optimism, and he kicked you out of the company. (bank) You should've waited longer before asking for a promotion.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Take the additional training.

You just took the additional training and you got paid for it. Nice move! The training learned you how to improve your works with your clients on the phone and when you are meeting them in person. This training is a great achievement for you because you took place in front of your colleagues and you are now an employee of interest to the bosses. The bosses asked you yesterday to meet them today at lunchtime but you don't know why. It's now a quarter before noon, you are stressed out and you have to take a quick decision!

Choice 1 : Go at the meeting with your bosses.

Choice 2 : Pretend to have forgotten the meeting.

Stressed out

Don't take the training.

Not taking the additional training is a good choice to, you will just keep yourself on the same level for a long time and your job will become a dead-end-job. Financial planners can receive multiple formations and get paid to assist to them if they work for a bank. Those training would have been benefits for your career because you would have gained more expertise in your field and you could have been promoted to a premium waged and set aside some money for your retirement. Bad choice!

Choice 1 : Better luck next time!


Go at the meeting with your bosses.

So, you entered the meeting in the conference room and the three bosses were there with notes in their hands. You were really shaky, but they said a joke, so they relaxed the atmosphere. They started by saying that you are one of their best financial planners, and they don't want to lose you over another bank. One of them said that "your job as a financial planner is incredible. All of your clients are satisfied, and we know you helped some of them to take back the control of their financial life. You also helped others by guiding them to get rid of their debts and put aside some money for their future in a RRSP account." They offered you a promotion to become the co-director of all the financial planners in your Scotia Bank. The promotion comes with a better wage, a pension for your retirement, more time management.

Choice 1 : Accept the promotion.

Choice 2 : Decline the promotion.


Pretend to have forgotten the meeting.

Your probably just made the worst choice of your life. Stress can be hurtful sometimes but you have to overcome it to achieve your goals. You blew your career off. The bosses are mad at you and your other colleague is now considered better than you.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Accept the promotion.

You accepted the promotion and became the co-director of all the financial planners that works for the same Scotia Bank as you. You now have a premium wage and you are happy because you have now secured a job for the rest of your life. Because you knew that you could not be a financial planner for a long time, because it's more likely a short term job. But, there is a little problem. A headhunter called you to let you know that the Bank of Montreal need a director of the bank, and they really like your working skills.

Choice 1 : Call back the headhunter.

Choice 2 : Leave the headhunter on hold.


Decline the promotion.

You just decline the promotion, so you'll continue your works with your clients but your work will lead nowhere. No more opportunities for a promotion came so you decided to quit your job and you returned to the university. You didn't like the program you were in so you dropped out of school and became homeless because you used all your income of your previous job at the casino...

Choice 1 : Oups, wrong answer


Call back the headhunter.

When you called back the headhunter, he told you that you are for sure the perfect person to accomplish the job of director for the Bank of Montreal even if you haven't been co-director of a bank yet. The headhunter told you about the work that you would have to do and you were already touching all the filed he told you. (Inflation, money, net worth, wages, credit and cash value). You declined his offer.

Choice 1 : Continue your job for another 5 years.

Choice 2 : Take your retirement.

Phone call

Leave the headhunter on hold.

You decided to continue your job whiteout calling back the headhunter. Is it the right decision? What if the conditions were slightly better at the Bank of Montreal? Now you are questioning yourself and you are in a stressful situation. You should've called back the headhunter.

Choice 1 : Try again!


Continue your job for another 5 years.

Did you really decide to continue your job as a co-director for all financial planner at your Scotia Bank? You are literally drained from all the work you have been doing since the last 15 years. You have enough money in your saving accounts to take your retirement...

Choice 1 : Try again!


Take your retirement.

Great choice, you achieved your working life in the financial planning field you can now take the moment to relax and profits of your incomes you worked for!

Choice 1 : Congradulation!
