Industrial Eletronics

A hypertext narrative by

Jonathan Charlot

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1973

Choice count: 25

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 7

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 25 matches (Down, ability, choice, class, classmates, college, course, deadline, don, fail, failed, first, learn, learning, polytechnic, principal, professor, report, semester, students, teacher, teachers, test, testing, university)

Tourism : 20 matches (Employee, Environment, Form, Human, Journey, Program, US, bias, conductor, course, hearing, metal, pass, passing, principal, program, report, route, single, stop)

Psychology : 19 matches (ability, affect, class, depression, environment, FAST, hearing, hit, interview, knowing that, learning, love, miss, need, pain, remember, response, run, shock)

Target Structure:

bias (1 match)

deter (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

though (1 match)


Industrial Eletronics

Choose your path.

I'm studying Industrial Electronics to become an engineer in this domain. It's my last year of college and I'm hesitant. I am not sure if I should go work as a technician for a few years or go straight ahead to university.

Choice 1 : Work as a technician.

Choice 2 : The university path.

2 paths

Work as a technician.

I only got 3 ideas on where I want to work at. If all 3 places decline my offer or if anything that pisses me off too much happens during my journey as a technician, then I will go to pick the university route.

Choice 1 : Régulvar.

Choice 2 : Randstad.

Choice 3 : STM.



They accepted my offer but under 1 condition: if I work as a technician for them, it is forever Meaning if I want to go to the university at some point of time, once I'm done with the university, I have to go back working for them and no other company.

Choice 1 : Accept their offer and be their employee forever.

Choice 2 : The university path.



I went to Randstad only once for my interview, and I was not expecting for the route to be that long. Therefore, I kindly rejected the offer and decided to take the University path.

Choice 1 : The university path.



I am patiently waiting for STM's response on my application as a technician. The deadline for the University is approaching real fast. I decided to take the University route as I am so scared to miss out a whole year of my life just because they decided too late to decline my application.

Choice 1 : The university path.


The university path.

There are two great universities that are reputed to form great engineers which I would love to go to. My two choices are ÉTS and Polytechnic.

Choice 1 : Going to ETS.

Choice 2 : Going to Polytechnic.

Choosing your university

Going to Polytechnic.

On my first day at Polytechnic, everything goes well on that day except that last class. This professor starts the course by telling us that it is the toughest course that we will have in our whole life. He says the only way to be sure of passing his class is by bribing him.

Choice 1 : Bribe my teacher.

Choice 2 : Not bribe him


Going to ETS.

Going to ETS is probably the best choice I have ever made, my classmates are great human being same thing for my teachers. I even got the chance to be in contact with a few managers that give me opportunities to make an OJT at their workplace. I got myself many ideas on where I should go later on once I am done with with my studies. This is probably the best experience I could've ever think of. I already got a reserved place at my dads industry, so I can take over the industry once I got enough experience in it which my dad and I planned this a couple of years ago.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.


Bribe my teacher.

I never ever thought in my life that I there could be corrupted teachers at the university. I ended up bribing the teacher anyway. Before I was about to enter the teacher's office I was checking on my wallet to see if I had the money. As I was doing that, some students we're looking at me without me noticing. Once I went to his office and went out, the students that were looking at me started following me to my car, and they stole my whole wallet. I was surprised that there was corrupted teachers at the university, but I was even more knowing that there is also students who are doing thefts. I ended up deciding that it would be my fist and last semester at this university and I will be transferring to ETS the very next year. I know that I can't surround myself in that kind of environment as it will negatively affect me on the long run.

Choice 1 : Going to ETS.


Not bribe him.

Once I was done with my class with this corrupted teacher, he summoned me, so we can talk privately. He explains to me that he works for my dad, and he would let me pass his course no matter what only if my dad gives him some assets and increases his salary. I call my dad while I am with him then he tells me it's up to me. He will do whatever is required for me to be successful, so I got the last word.

Choice 1 : Accept his offer

Choice 2 : Decline his offer

Not bribing

Accept his offer.

I wanted to be sure that I don't fail his class, so I accepted his offer. I call my dad to let him know that I accepted his offer. He was so mad because he thought deep down that I should've declined it. He got mad to the point that he tells me that he won't pay for my university anymore. I don't have any choices but to go work as a technician, so I can get enough money to go back to the university.

Choice 1 : Go work as a technician.


Decline his offer.

I remember my dad saying that I should never take the shortcut no matter the situation is. Therefore, I decide that I will kindly decline his offer. I ended up declining his offer then I call my dad to tell him about that. He was proud of me because deep down he thought that it was the right choice to make. It turned out that I passed the course. A week later the newsletter drops and I find out that it turns out that he made me fail the class although my notes proves the contrary. I report the incident to the principal of the program, and he ends up acting like it was all normal and I actually failed his course. I feel he was in this corrupted teacher's side, so I just fall back, and I decide to go to ETS, so I don't find myself in that kind of incident ever again.

Choice 1 : Going to ETS.


Work at the laboratory.

On the first day, as soon as I step in the laboratory every employees start staring at me badly. I can tell that they all got some bias on the newcomers. It is starting to get overwhelming at some point, so I stop staring back at them. I am testing all the things that are around me, so I can learn the ropes of what these buttons and switches are used for. I turned a switch that I wish I never turned ever in my whole life. I soon as I turned it on, I heard someone screaming of pain. It turns out that I turned on the power supply while an employee was working in the circuit of the power supply that I just turned on, and he died of electrical shock because I turned the switch on. Immediately, the boss comes out of nowhere and tells me to come to his office immediately. He says that he will fire me right away because I just killed one of his most effective employee due to my misconduct. Soon as I step out the boss's office, every single employee starts yelling at me and deter me for the horrific act that I just did but I can't blame them. I even got some death threats. This experience was so traumatizing that. That brought me to depression and I don't know when nor how I will overcome that.

Write a choice here.


Accept their offer and be their employee forever.

They give me the choice to either go work at the work site most of the time or stay in the laboratory on the regular.

Choice 1 : Work at the work site.

Choice 2 : Work at the laboratory.


Work at the work site.

The first day at the work site I start noticing that it is really loud and that I can face a lot of dangers such as electrical arcs and shocks, chemical burns, and also the most common one a hearing problem. After my first day working out there I start getting a headache and then I remember that I should've got some headphones like all the other employees because I just remembered that it only takes a very short amount of time but a high sound intensity to alter my hearing ability. Once I get home I hesitate on whether if I should ask my manager to get me to work at the laboratory so because I don't want to face all these risks every day at work.

Choice 1 : Keep working at the work site.

Choice 2 : Work at the laboratory.

work site

Keep working at the work site.

The second day, they tell me that somebody died yesterday due to a landslide at the place I was about to work at. They let me choose to between work at some other place in the work site or work at the same place the guy died at.

Choice 1 : Work at the same place the employee passed away at.

Choice 2 : Work at some other place in the work site.


Work at the same place the employee passed away at.

Once I go down in the digging space, somebody at the top yells at us to get back up quick because he saw something strange down there. We ran back up as fast as we can but it was too late. The employee who went down there with me and me we both ended dying due to the same cause as the guy from yesterday.

Write a choice here.

digging space

Work at some other place in the work site.

My work for today consists of going over the scaffolding with the other employees, so I can offer my help while I am still learning. They need some help to bring the scaffolding to the required place. Should I offer my help?

Choice 1 : Offer my help.

Write a choice here.


Offer my help.

I decide to offer my help even though I could've stayed silent and let them place it. During our path, we slightly rubbed an electric wire with the scaffolding. The scaffolding is made in metal which is an electrical conductor, so we got ourselves involved in a high voltage electrical arc which causes the death of me and the three other employees that were moving the scaffolding.

Write a choice here.

electrical arc

Wait until they place the scaffolding.

Some employees noticed that we could hit an electrical wire with the scaffolding, so we ended up taking it apart then bring it to the place required. Once we got there, they let me go first as they all seemed so scared to go up there first. I understood too late that I was their test because they were not so sure about whether the scaffolding floor was stable. It sadly wasn't end I ended up falling from way high I would say about 20 feet(ca. 6 meters). Thankfully I didn't die but I broke my legs and when I went to the hospital the doctor said that I will never be able to walk ever again. Since all the work they were doing out there, requires a lot of walking from places to places, they didn't get any other choice but to fire me. They gave me a huge amount of money but I don't think this will be enough as I feel like they ruined my whole life at such a young age.

Write a choice here.
