The success story of a stock trader.

A hypertext narrative by

Etienne Bergeron

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 767

Choice count: 16

Section count: 9

Image count: 9

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 20 matches (Down, School, choice, class, course, don, exam, failure, faith, first, homework, learn, learned, major, market, options, school, teachers, test, work experience)

Business : 14 matches (capital, company, fund, interest, investment, market, money, pay, profit, promotion, salary, stock, team, trader)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 14 matches (agency, capital, company, family, Independent, Information, interest, living, market, profits, rates, road, stock, test)

Target Structure:


The success story of a stock trader.


Every morning, I wake up in my bed dreaming that one day I could live financially independent of working a nine to five job. This dream as been in my thoughts since I learned about the stock market 2 years ago. Then, I start my day by taking a shower and brushing my teeth. Once, I'm ready I go sit down at my computer and listen to my teachers talking about subjects that don't really interest me much. I tell my self << I would rather be at work right now making some money, then sitting down and listening to course that will most likely not help me as much, compared to real work experience. >>.

Choice 1 : I leave my class and take a shift to work today

Choice 2 : I continue listening to my class and do my homework

Choice 3 : I decide to drop out that class

boring class

Taking a drastic turn.

I decided to skip my class and take a shift at my job. I need to be there by 12:30 and it is 11:45, so I decided to lie to my mother and tell her that my class finished earlier, so she wouldn't suspect me of skipping my class. Upon arrival, I talk to coworkers about there investment, and how they manage to maximize there profit and I soon realize that my trading I was doing on the side are some of the best result a stock trader was looking for. I managed to grow my money by 36% in only 3 months. The only problem I had was that I didn't have enough to make a major change in my life and to be able to live of these rates the rest of my life. Twenty thousand investment wasn't enough, I had to find a way to get more money to be able to grow faster.

Choice 1 : I ask my family to borrow money for an interest rate

Choice 2 : I work to grow my capital


Becoming a smart boy.

Since, I decided to listen to my class and I soon figure out that It was about to end anyway. Since, I didn't take the shift at work I start studying to prepare for my exam the next day.

Choice 1 : I study all night to prepare

Choice 2 : I go out with some friends



I soon realize that school isn't just to learn information, and it is better at showing you and giving an easy path to a job.

Choice 1 : I decide to take my ideas all the way

Choice 2 : I go out with some friends


Borrowing money.

I start by asking my dad since he has been the most interested one out of all my family, he decides to first test with one thousand dollars to see how far I can make his money grow.

Choice 1 : I borrow money from the rest of my family to grow my investment and pay them back and continue my side job

Choice 2 : I decide to change my focus and go for a nine to five job


Focus on my job.

I went to my boss and asked to be part of the full time team and got accepted. I like working for this company since I made multiple friends, but they are all part timers. The money is good for now and will definitively be like this for a while.

Choice 1 : I continue working at my job but ask for a promotion

Choice 2 : I continue working full time at minimum salary for the years coming


Road to success.

I managed to get my family to fund my investment, and I am now able to double my profits. I pay all their money back with a great interest, much better than could have got from years of bank interest. From there, my faith is in my hands, and I am now looking at 6 digits profit a year.

Choice 1 : Try again to see other options


Down fall.

I now have a full time job where I don't do what I really like for a living, but a constant pay is good to have and safety from any events.

Choice 1 : Try again to see other options

down fall

Middle class life style.

I continued my study and asked to be full time at my job. This helped me grow my career and I'm now working in an agency for investing.

Choice 1 : Try again to see other options

middle class