Word count: 1554
Choice count: 23
Section count: 20
Image count: 20
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
Education : 25 matches (CEGEP, John, School, choice, class, classes, college, don, first, goal, grades, graduate, homework, learn, learning, management, mindset, scholarship, school, semester, teachers, test, training, university, law school)
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 16 matches (case, children, close, fact, gift, illegal, insurance, law firm, law, lawyer, living, order, pension, road, schedule, test)
Tourism : 16 matches (Connection, Form, Goal, Party, Program, Restaurant, Road trip, Sport, apartment, charges, door, insurance, online, pension, program, trip)
Target Structure:
a foot in the door (1 match)
come in handy (1 match)
cursory (1 match)
intern (1 match)
internship (8 matches)
on-the-job-training (1 match)
pension (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
retirement (6 matches)
set aside (1 match)
straight A's (3 matches)
test drive (1 match)
the drive of work (1 match)
though (1 match)
time management (2 matches)
Today is the first day at the Cegep Montmorency College. I can't wait to see how Cegep is. People told me it's very nice but if I want to succeed I need to do every day my school stuff in order not to be later. I knew I'll have to decide school over friends or friends over school.
Choice 1 : Focus on school.
Choice 2 : Party, friends, Netflix.
It was the second week of the semester and my teachers had already begun piling on the homework. After dinner, I gave my English homework a cursory glance and made a snap decision about my time management. I decided to put aside any distraction, so I could focus fully on my homework. Afterwards, I made up my mind that I would work very hard this semester in order to get straight A's by pulling off the fact we are in a pandemic and all classes are online. Then, I opened my computer and started working on my blog for my English class. Though, English is not a class where I can get good grades easily that's why I need to work thorough in case of succeed. Then, when I finally finish all my homework, I thought about my sports and I asked myself: do I have time for school and sports?
Choice 1 : School and sport.
Choice 2 : Only school.
It was the second week of the semester and my teachers had already begun piling on the homework. After dinner, I decide to go on a road trip around Laval with my friends. I told myself that I would to my homework later. But when I finally got home it was so late and I decided to go sleep instead. I decide the next day to get a job to be able to go eat to the restaurant with my friends and be able to pay my own things.
Choice 1 : Work at McDonald.
A mount ago, I went to Team Canada softball try out. It's now time to know if a made the team.
Choice 1 : Got in the team.
Choice 2 : Did not get on the team.
I decided to put all my effort on school. My main goal is to get straight A's in order to maximize my chance to enter my dream school in my dream program. Time management is the key, I learn that if you don't put a structure in your week you might forget some homework you need to do. In order to maximize my chance to get in a good Law School. I have to choose to go see if I really like this job or just wait for classes more realistic.
Choice 1 : Internship.
Choice 2 : Don't take an internship.
It is now the end of the world championship. Scouts from many schools want to talk to me. All the effort I put, I could finally be recompense. After all the meeting with the scouts from many universities in the United States, I need to decide on which university I want to go.
Choice 1 : Yale University.
Choice 2 : UCLA.
I am very sad that I did not get on the team. I put some much effort but it was not enough. Then, I decided to concentrate on school fully because I know that's the best for me right now and for the future me.
Choice 1 : Internship.
I signed for a full scholarship at Yale University. I am going to play in the NCAA D1 team. I know this might not be the best team of softball in NCAA D1 but I got in the program of my dream. All the work I put in sports and school made me able to experience my biggest dream of all time. I'm now sure of the best life I ever wanted. The program of Law here is amazing.
Choice 1 : Live in the Bahamas and die there peacefully.
I signed for a full scholarship at UCLA. I am going to play in the NCAA D1 team. This team is currently the best one in NCAA D1. All the work I put in sports and school made me able to experience my biggest dream of all time. The Law program here rank #15 but I still very happy. Now, I know that I need to get straight A's in order to be on top.
Choice 1 : Live in the Bahamas and die there peacefully.
One day, I woke up and wanted to test drive the job I want to do later. A couple weeks later, I was an intern in a law firm. I heard in the past that on-the-job-training is the best way to put a foot in the door for your future career. I kept the mindset that even if I’m not getting pay right now it would come in handy one day. Day after day I was learning the ropes of this job. I really like to wake up in the morning and to go there. Finally, getting an internship was probably the best idea I have ever had. This internship made my essay for university way more interesting and got accepted at 2 university close form where I live.
Choice 1 : McGill University.
Choice 2 : University of Montreal.
I thought internship was not that important. But, when I got refuse in every school I applied to, I understand that this was actually important. Now, I have no choice to get a job at McDonald until I know what I'm going to do with my career.
Choice 1 : Work at McDonald.
McGill is rank #2 in the best Law School in Canada. I'm so grateful that all my effort got me here. Today it is my first day in the school and I already love it. A few years later, I graduate and start to work in one of the best law firms in Montreal. Started to put money aside for my retirement.
Choice 1 : Retirement.
The University of Montreal is rank #4 in the best Law School in Canada. I'm so grateful that all my effort got me here. Today it is my first day in the school and I already love it. A few years later, I graduate and start to work in one of the best law firms in Montreal. Started to put money aside for my retirement.
Choice 1 : Retirement.
I am now working at McDonald. I thought this was a good idea because I saw that you were paid more if you work at night. I don't have a good sleeping schedule so this is perfect for me. But year after year, I left school and I needed more money. My coworker, John, told me an insane way to make money fast. I am really into bad decision but for this one I don't know if I should just ask my parents for some money or go with John and his plan.
Choice 1 : Follow John propositions to get money faster.
Choice 2 : Ask your parents money.
One night someone came knock at my door. I got up and open the door. It was the police. In fact, John got me into illegal activities. I'll need to get a lawyer. What's funny in this is that I always wanted to become one Lawyer but now it's me who need one. Then, I got plenty charges against me.
Choice 1 : Jail.
First time in years that I am going to see my parents because I was ashamed of my life, so I cut off every connection I had with them. Right now, I'm in a very bad position and I need money. After a long conversation with them, they did not accept to give me money. Now, my only choice is to get unemployment insurance.
Choice 1 : Homeless.
I'll be honest jail is not a nice place. Also, I am going to die here in this awful places. I am not proud of my life. I should have done my hypertext narrative 25 years ago more carefully.
Write a choice here.
My debts were very bad that I needed to leave my apartment. I will be a homeless. Hope I will not die this way. I should have done my hypertext narrative 25 years ago more carefully.
Write a choice here.
All my hard work in sport and school brought me in the best position I could ever be as a retired Lawyer. I have more money than ever, I'm living my best life.
Write a choice here.
The drive of work helped me to set aside a lot of money in order to be financially stable during all my retirement. My pension is very good. I can do many trips every year and give nice gift to my children and my grandchildren too.
Write a choice here.