Make a Choice!

A hypertext narrative by

Rayan Rahli

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 884

Choice count: 23

Section count: 16

Image count: 16

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 12 matches (bachelor's degree, choice, college, degree, don, field, fields of study, grades, market, master's degree, training, university)

Tourism : 9 matches (City, Event, Program, architecture, event, field, master, program, stop)

Computer Science : 7 matches (architecture, call, choice, Computer science, computer, field, master)

Target Structure:

overtime (2 matches)

premium wage (2 matches)

retirement (3 matches)

wage (4 matches)


Make a Choice!

A new stage in my life after graduating in science.

I finished college, but now I have to make a choice about my future.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Go to the job market.


Go to the University of Montreal.

I started studying architecture, but I don't have very good grades and I don't really like it, should I continue and work harder or change programs?

Choice 1 : Stay in this program of study and work harder.

Choice 2 : Change program to find something more interesting.


Go to the job market.

I took a lifeguard training during the summer at the city of Laval, this could allow me to work in pools to protect people from drowning. I could also work with friends at Walmart.

Choice 1 : Working as a lifeguard.

Choice 2 : Working at Walmart.

Looking for a job

Stay in this program of study and work harder.

I got my bachelor's degree in architecture and thanks to my good grades I received a proposal to go and work in the United States on big projects. I could also continue my studies to complete a master's degree.

Choice 1 : Go to the United States.

Choice 2 : Complete a master's degree in architecture.


Change program to find something more interesting.

There are two fields of study that I am very interested in, but I don't know which one to choose. The field of economics and the field of computer science.

Choice 1 : Study the field of economics.

Choice 2 : Study the field of computer science.

Field of study

Working as a lifeguard.

I have been working as a lifeguard for a year now. Today, there are two people drowning and I'm the only one watching the pool. I don't have the phone with me to call an ambulance. Do I save the two drowning people before I call the ambulance or do I look for the phone before I save them?

Choice 1 : Save the two victims and call an ambulance after.

Choice 2 : Look for the phone to call an ambulance and then rescue the two victims.


Working at Walmart.

I've been working at Walmart for two months at the premium wage, but my boss says I don't work well because I have too much fun with my friends. My boss gives me the choice to work and stop having fun with my friends or quit the job.

Choice 1 : Work and stop having fun with my friends.

Choice 2 : Leave this job.

Boss angry

Go to the United States.

I travel all over the United States to work on big projects that I love. Sometimes, I go to other parts of the world to work on other projects. I love my life and I continue to do what I love wherever I go.

Choice 1 : The End.

Work in U.S

Complete a master's degree in architecture.

I managed to complete my master's degree and found a job in a company in Montreal. I think my life could be more fun, but I'm happy with the work I have. Sometimes, I work overtime, but it's only to make even more money for my retirement.

Choice 1 : The End.


Study the field of economics.

During my studies of economics, which I enjoyed very much, I created my company. I managed to develop this company and make it grow. A few years later, I became a millionaire and was able to create other companies. I can now enjoy my life and be sure to have money for my retirement.

Choice 1 : The End.


Study the field of computer science.

While studying computer science, I got a good job in a television company. This company pays me very well and allows me to do something that makes me happy with a good wage.

Choice 1 : The End.

Computer science

Save the two victims and call an ambulance after.

I managed to save the two people and then found the phone to call an ambulance. Since that event, I have become the boss of the lifeguards at this pool. My wage has increased a lot and I have become famous for what I have done.

Choice 1 : The End.


Look for the phone to call an ambulance and then rescue the two victims.

I was unable to save the two victims because I wasted too much time looking for the phone to call an ambulance. I was fired from my job and almost went to jail.

Choice 1 : The End.


Work and stop having fun with my friends.

I stopped having fun with my friends and worked overtime to show my boss that I was serious about my work. All my life I worked at this Walmart and I didn't make much money because I was only getting a little more than the premium wage. So, I wouldn't have enough money for my retirement.

Choice 1 : The End.

Old man employee

Leave this job.

I quit that job and I couldn't find another job. I would be poor for the rest of my life and unemployed.

Choice 1 : The End.


The End.

You created my life! Now you can try again to make other choices!

Choice 1 : A new stage in my life after graduating in science.

The End