My future.

A hypertext narrative by

noemie brochu

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1560

Choice count: 34

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 17

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 17 matches (School, adult, choice, coach, continuing, don, field, field of study, first, learn, learning, level, school, semester, student, teach, university)

Tourism : 17 matches (Competition, Europe, Hiking, Nature, Opportunity, Program, Sport, coach, coaches, excess, field, pass, program, residence, stop, to visit, trip)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 11 matches (civil code of quebec, code, concentration, debt, family law, family, law, lawyer, Local, residence, Special)

Target Structure:

come in handy (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My future.

I have to do the best university choice for my future.

Next year, I will go at university and I have to think about the best place I can go because of my sport, my life around here and my field of study.

Choice 1 : I choose to go to The University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : I choose to go to The University of Sherbrooke.

university choices

I choose to go to The University of Montreal.

I have to choose the best place to live during my semester.

Choice 1 : I decide to go in a school residence.

Choice 2 : I decide to stay at home.

University of Montreal

I go to a university residence.

I want to live a wonderful experience in my field of study and the residence can help me to make friends in my Law Program and helps me to save time and money because of the distance every morning. Going to school is not free, so I have to choose between working to make money or using a bank loan while I'm studying.

Choice 1 : I choose to work.

Choice 2 : I choose to use a bank loan.


I choose to work.

I believe that working will give me more autonomy for the future and learn to pay for my things by myself. The wage gives the first taste of adult life. As a result, with school and work, there is less and less time left to practice my childhood sport. Thereby, I have to decide between continuing to play ringette or quitting with wonderful memories of the past years.

Choice 1 : I decide to continue playing ringette.

Choice 2 : I decide to stop playing ringette.


I choose to use a bank loan.

I believe that the bank loan will help me be more productive and not be overwhelmed by work during my studies. I know that this brings the drawback of having debt afterwards. However, I will have had the necessary concentration for my studies. Moreover, I have a big decision that I get sucked up in about continuing or stopping my sport.

Choice 1 : I decide to continue playing ringette.

Choice 2 : I decide to stop playing ringette.


I decide to continue playing ringette.

I choose to continue my sport because it allows me to stay in shape and exceed my excess energy. In this way, more often than not, my concentration can be directed towards my studies like learning the Civil Code of Quebec. Now, I have to decide if I continue to play competitive or if I'm starting to play for fun on a local team to have more time for school.

Choice 1 : I choose to continue playing competitive.

Choice 2 : I choose to play for the local team.


I decide to stop playing ringette.

I prefer to stop playing ringette because it's taking a lot of time and I want to focus on my field of study without being overwhelmed. However, I love sports, so I can try another sport or start coaching ringette.

Choice 1 : I decide to start another passion that I can do when I have free time.

Choice 2 : I decide to start coaching my favorite sport to the kids.

stop ringette

I choose to play for the local team.

I love playing ringette more than anything, so playing for a local team is an opportunity to continue my sport while I'm studying to be a lawyer. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.

local team

I choose to continue playing competitive.

I choose to continue playing competitive because I love the elite world of which I have been a part for more than 7 years. Now, I. have a huge decision because I have two wonderful opportunities. I have the chance to go at the World Ringette Championship in Finland that I can do only one time in my life or going on a special trip in Europe with the Family Law program to learn the ropes of this world.

Choice 1 : I choose to go at World Ringette Championship.

Choice 2 : I choose to go at the trip with the Family Law Program.

national team

I decide to start another passion that I can do when I have free time.

I'm a sporty person who loves being outside. I think that the best activities to pass my free time outside are skiing and hiking, but I don't have enough time and money for both of them, so I have to choose the one that I'm going to start.

Choice 1 : I choose to start skiing.

Choice 2 : I choose to start hiking.


I decide to start coaching my favorite sport to the kids.

I decide to coach ringette because I'm not able to leave this universe for now and I want to come in handy for my childhood sport. Nevertheless, I have to choose between start at the beginning with little kids or with an elite team already.

Choice 1 : I decide to coach little kids.

Choice 2 : I decide to coach a competition team.


I choose to go to The University of Sherbrooke.

I have to choose the best place to live during my semester.

Choice 1 : I go to a university residence.

Choice 2 : I decide to stay at home.

Sherbrooke University

I decide to stay at home.

I decide to stay at home to save money because the residence can be expensive and loud. I prefer to get up earlier and sleep in my room with all of my things. However, going to school is not free, so I have to choose between working to make money or using a bank loan while I'm studying.

Choice 1 : I choose to work.

Choice 2 : I choose to use a bank loan.


I choose to start skiing.

I decide to start skiing because I love the nature and the movement is similar to skating like I did at ringette. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.


I choose to start hiking.

I decide to start hiking because it is less expensive and I love the nature. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.


I decide to coach little kids.

I choose to coach with a local organization to teach my sport to the little girls and show them how to go on the competitive level. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.

coaching kids

I decide to coach a competition team.

I choose to coach with the Laurentides organization for the Junior AA team that I used to play during my last years because I love the spirit, the other coaches and the thinking of the organization. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.

competitive team

I choose to go at World Ringette Championship.

I decided to go at the championship because it was my dream since I was 7 years old and I know that is my last year of ringette. Also, I know that is not mandatory. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.


I choose to go at the trip with the Family Law Program.

This program is a unique opportunity and it's good for the background of the student. The program gives the chance go to Sweden or to the United Kingdom for the trip.

Choice 1 : I choose to go to Sweden.

Choice 2 : I choose to go to the United Kingdom.


I choose to go to Sweden.

I choose to go to Sweden to discover their law system and to visit this beautiful country. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.


I choose to go to the United Kingdom.

I choose to go to the United Kingdom to discover their law system and to visit this beautiful country. I'm proud of all decisions that I had to take, I have no regrets. I believe that I will become an excellent lawyer after my studies.

Choice 1 : I have to do the best university choice for my future.

United Kingdom