My career as a computer science technician.

A hypertext narrative by

Simon Kattan

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1951

Choice count: 33

Section count: 23

Image count: 23

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 29 matches (Airport, Beach, Extra, First class, Flight, Food, Gate, Hotel, Luggage, Organize, Plane, airport, beach, bit, ex, first class, flight, gate, hotel, luggage, option, pass, passing, register, route, sitting, through, trip, vacation)

Computer Science : 23 matches (bit, call, check, choice, Class, clear, close, coding, Computer science, computer, don't care, email, Facebook, group, informatics, pack, pass, picture, running, searching, session, sleep, traffic)

Education : 22 matches (John, School, choice, class, college, courses, deadline, degree, don, fail, first, grades, graduate, head, project, register, school, semester, students, teacher, university, vacation)

Target Structure:


My career as a computer science technician.

This is how everything started.

It's your last session at Montmorency College and you have to decide what will you do with your life after you graduate from college. You have a couple of decisions going through your head.

Choice 1 : You choose to go to UQAM university

Choice 2 : You take a break from school

Picture representing the different options that were in my head at that time

Scene 1.

You just wake up and realize it's you first day at UQAM University. You prepare yourself for your first class that starts at 9:50. You're excited but anxious at the same time. By the time you come to your first class, you realize that you're in the same class as John, your ex-friend that your mom dislikes so much. Your mom even dislikes his parents, and thinks that you should stay away from John or else he'll cause you troubles. He decides to sit next to you.

Choice 1 : You drop this semester

Choice 2 : You have a talk with John on your next class and tell him that you wouldn't like him talking to you

UQAM University

Scene 2.

When your class finishes, you decide to go to the secretary and tell her that the best option for you was to take a session off because you need to. She hands you back the money. After that, you decide to call your mom to announce her your decision. Your mom is very angry because you took this decision without asking her anything. She thinks your losing your time and tells you to not come back home until you register yourself back to college. You know that once your decision is taken, you can't go back.

Choice 1 : You don't care and you come back home

Choice 2 : You call your best friend Marc and tell him if you can sleep at his house.

School dropout

Scene 3.

Your mom just told you to not come back but you decide that you're old enough to take your own decisions. You start to play on your PlayStation. Your mom comes home later during the day. She's furious by the fact that you dropped out of school and you also don't listen to your mom.

Choice 1 : You don't listen to you mom directives

Gamer boy

Scene 4.

Your mom realizes that the only way for you to listen to her, is by taking away your phone. She then forces you to find a full-time job as an experience and to earn extra money whilst doing nothing because of school.

Choice 1 : Start again

Finding a job

Scene 5.

You realize that you've worked quite well these last months and that you need a well-deserved break far from Canada to relax. You decide to take a vacation to Mexico because you know it's always sunny and hot over there.

Choice 1 : Book your flight and enjoy your vacation

Choice 2 : You come too late to enter the plane


Scene 6.

Your flight is booked. You are now stress-free. In about a week, you'll be topless, wearing a swim suit and sandals. You will be relaxing on the beach whilst taking a nap and getting a tan. Later that night, you receive an email from your old teacher Mr. smith, while in college. He told you that he had to choose his 5 best students from last year to go to Switzerland and study there. He tells you that it could be a life-changing situation because you might have the chance to be selected to go to Switzerland's best informatics university. You realize that this offer interest you, but it's when you are in Mexico.

Choice 1 : Decline that offer and enjoy your trip to Mexico

Choice 2 : Cancel your flight to Mexico and book one to Switzerland

Choose the right path

Scene 7.

Why would you do this? You've just took a well-deserved break to go and relax. Let's say you would've gone to Switzerland, there still was a chance that you would've come back to Montreal with no offer from any university. You would have wasted your time. Damn it, these vacations are going to feel so good with them 30 degree temperatures and the beach close from your hotel. You just enjoy your vacations.

Choice 1 : Start again

Sun and the beach

Scene 8.

It's been about 5 years that you haven't talked to John. You're a bit anxious about telling him something of this caliber. You decide to tell him after class because it will start in less than 2 minutes. During class, your teacher tells you that you will work in pairs throughout the semester. The pairs are formed with the person you're sitting to next. That means it's John. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Make yourself clear

Choice 2 : Change your ideas, and decide to work with him because of his good grades

Working in pairs

Scene 9.

For the first group work, you find yourself teamed up with John. You then realize what your mom told you. You tell him politely about the situation and that you prefer not working with him because of what your mom's thinks about him. He then comes to you and assure you that he changed a lot since your beef with him back in 2015. He tells you to give him a second chance and that he'll show you what he's capable of.

Choice 1 : You decide to accept his offer

Choice 2 : You tell him once again and for the last time that you don't want to work with him again.

Working on a project

Scene 10.

You hope to have made the right decision. The teacher gives the first group project due in one week. You discuss with John and you decide how you will separate the work. You realize that there's one long part to do and a small one. The big one is worth 70% and the small one 30%.

Choice 1 : You take the long part. You don't trust him for doing the most valuable part.

Choice 2 : You let him take the long part. He wants to show you that you can trust him

Project planification

Scene 11.

You don't want to fail your very first project in university. You want to create the best website possible by following the steps. You start to work on it. The next day, you see John and you decide to tell him if he started his project. He tells you that he has other courses to study before this project.

Choice 1 : Leave him a couple of days before asking him again

Choice 2 : Telling him to start now or else you will fail

School projects

Scene 12.

You leave him alone. About 3 days later, you still haven't finished your project. You see him again in the hallway. He comes to you and tells you that you can trust him because he just finished his project. You tell him to send you a picture about it. You see his project and you don't regret your choice about giving him another chance. His work is fantastic!

Choice 1 : Start again


Scene 13.

You talk to your good friend Marc and ask him if you could sleep at his place because his mom is furious about his actual situation. He tells you that you should always feel welcome at his home. You go back home and pack some important stuff to bring to Marc's home like clothes, food, your phone etc... You feel much more loved there and you two are living your best life.

Choice 1 : Start again

Marc's home

Scene 14.

You just finished preparing your luggage. Your finally ready to leave and go to the airport. You don't see the time passing and you realize your flight is in less than fifty minutes. You also know that you have at least 20 minutes of route to arrive there. You start panicking. You get to your car and start going to the airport quickly because you're already late. 5 minutes into the route, you find an enormous traffic ongoing and that you might be late for your flight. When you arrive at the airport, you realize that you missed your flight.

Choice 1 : You wait for the next flight

Choice 2 : You go back home, furious about the situation


Scene 15.

How come you didn't organize yourself to leave early. Surely there was going to be some traffic on the way to the airport a Saturday night. You talk to the specialist in flights and ask him if there's a possibility for you to wait for the next flight. He tells you that next flight is in 8 hours. You realize that you don't want to go back home to risk your flight again so you stay at the airport. Hopefully this time everything goes as planned.

Choice 1 : Start again

Waiting for your next flight

Scene 16.

Don't ask yourself to many questions, but you've arrived 15 minutes before your flight. You do everything quickly, the check-up, you even tell some people to let you pass before them as you had to get to your flight before they don't let people enter. You start running everywhere in the airport. You hope to arrive on time to gate 90 D. After a lot of searching, you finally arrived at your gate. You realize there's no line and find that weird. You ask yourself so many questions. You then realize you can't go back to your flight anymore. You're furious and you return home.

Choice 1 : Scene 14.

Running for your flight

Scene 17.

The situation is pleasing you. You just might realize your long-time dream and achieve your studies in a country that is known for its informatics genies, Switzerland. You tell your teacher that you're in and you book your flight on the spot. You then realize that you might have to pass a job interview to get an instant job after university. That option excites you. Everything happens like you wish it did.

Choice 1 : Scene 6.


Scene 18.

You know what? How about you put your problems away and you focus on the work given. You know that you and John have a tremendous passion in everything concerning informatics and coding. You know as a fact that he's an absolute beast in this subject and that you and him might make a great team because it's both your passions. You also know that you and him always have over 85% in everything you do, so it might be your chance to get an amazing result in university in the best way possible.

Choice 1 : Scene 19.

Project in pairs

Scene 19.

You and John are now friends on Facebook. You chat every night to discuss this project. You're both passionate. The deadline day comes and you give back your work to your teacher. Two days later, you get your results, you guys have 97% Wow!

Choice 1 : Start again


Scene 20.

You've made yourself clear. You don't want in any way to work with him. You go to talk to him, and you explain how you're feeling.

Choice 1 : Start again

Be clear

Scene 21.

John wants to show you what he's capable of. You aren't sure about this choice, but you tell yourself it's in God's hands now.

Choice 1 : Stress

Scene 22.

You can't anymore. You tell John that you will fail. He doesn't want to hear anything. He just wants to make you pay for everything bad you did for him these past years. He wants to make you fail by telling the teacher you didn't do anything while it's the other way around. You just started your first project in the worst way possible.

Choice 1 : Start again