A Career as a Teacher.

A hypertext narrative by

Laurianne Rollin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2089

Choice count: 28

Section count: 19

Image count: 18

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 27 matches (CEGEP, Education, School, ability, choice, class, classes, college, course, don, elementary school, field, first, graduate, learn, management, market, principal, school, student, students, teach, teacher, teachers, trainee, training, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 19 matches (accommodation, children in need, children, close, director, fact, living, market, minutes, notice, offer, option, possibility, premium, Principal, profession, road, secure, young)

Tourism : 18 matches (Accommodation, Employee, Journey, Opportunity, Program, Reserve, accommodation, apartment, course, door, field, option, pavilion, principal, program, reserve, times, trip)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (2 matches)

internship (5 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

on-the-job-training (2 matches)

premium wage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (2 matches)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (1 match)


A Career as a Teacher.

Huge Choice!

You just finished your CEGEP. You tried to get as many straight A's as possible, even though you knew college was difficult at times. You put aside distractions and made plans to use time management as effectively as possible. You have successfully completed your CEGEP course. Now you have a choice. You have two completely different possibilities and you have to choose what you like and what makes you the happiest. The first choice is to take a break from your studies. You take the opportunity to travel and especially to work and collect a lot of money. You work full time every day except for Sunday. Your second choice is to continue your studies and go to the University you want. You will finally be able to choose the Elementary Education program and continue your studies in the field you love.

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Take a break and work full time.

CEGEP Montmorency

Go to university.

You must now choose the University which offers you the best career option and which offers you the best requirements according to your expectations, your hobbies and your values. You have the first choice which is to go to the University near you which is the University of Montreal at the Laval Pavilion. This school is located in front of CEGEP Montmorency. The other option is to go to the University of Sherbrooke, but this school is far from where you live.

Choice 1 : Sherbrooke University.

Choice 2 : Montreal University.

Source: google image

Take a break and work full time.

You work in a grocery store full time and you make a lot of money. You collect as much as possible and you save for your future work. After several months of work, you have a choice to make. Your employer offers you another more profitable job. You would take care of making sure that everything is going well and that all employees are working as they should.

Choice 1 : Take the job.

Choice 2 : Do nothing.

Source: google image

Sherbrooke University.

You decided to go to the University of Sherbrooke. This school is located very far from your home so you decide to move and take a small apartment not far from the school for the time of your studies. You only come home to Laval in the summer and the holidays. Since you don't have a lot of money living in reserve because you work very hard at school and besides you don't have a job, you have money problems. You have to save yourself some savings and you have to be able to afford your accommodation and weekend activities. You have to make a choice between going home at the end of every day, which takes you a lot of time because it's two to three hours of road morning and evening or otherwise the other choice is to find yourself a job allowing you to save money at the same time going to university.

Choice 1 : Return home.

Choice 2 : Find a job.

Source: google image

Montreal University.

You decide to go to the University of Montreal which is a very good choice because the school is not very far from where you live. It's easy for you to surrender. After three years, when you have only 1 year of school left and then you can start working, you realize that the school is offering you an internship. You must therefore decide to take the offer or wait until you have completed your studies before taking the offer.

Choice 1 : Take the internship offer.

Choice 2 : Don't take the internship offer.

Source: google image

Take the job.

You decide to take the job and you go on Monday to your training day. On-the-job-training you learn the ins-and-outs of the job. You notice that you have a very good ability to adapt and learn. You are proud of yourself. In addition, as a trainee, even if there is a little drawback you earn a premium wage than what you received before. Since you have saved a lot of money with this new job, you have the offer to take two weeks off and go on a volunteering abroad trip to help children in need.

Choice 1 : Volunteering Abroad.

Choice 2 : Don't go Volunteering Abroad.

Source: google image

Do nothing.

You continue to work in the grocery store, but after 5 years, you got tired of it and you want to go to work in the job market as a teacher. Unfortunately, despite several efforts to try to find a job, you do not succeed because you have no experience and no compulsory studies in fact to do this job. You are very disappointed and you do not have the choice to study anyway to become a teacher.

Write a choice here.

Volunteering Abroad.

You want to gain experience to be able to do your dream job, that is to say to be a teacher so you decide to go. You loved your humanitarian trip experience. You are very proud of yourself and would like to do it again anytime. You find your experience invaluable. In addition, you think that with your experience you will be able to have a teaching job more easily. But despite your experience you unfortunately cannot have a job right away. Obviously that takes you studies. Your experience can be used to add to your CV, but it cannot do anything more. You find yourself in a dead-end because your purpose was to be able to gain experience with the children on your humanitarian journey. You have the idea of ​​starting your studies again immediately and returning to volunteering abroad when you have time during the summer and the Christmas holidays.

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Don't go to university.

Source: google image

Don't go Volunteering Abroad.

You keep making money and a little later, that is to say 6 months later you realize that you are making a mistake to stay longer in the grocery store as an employee in full-time. You really want to become a teacher so you decide to go back to school. You have to choose between two Universities. Even though you decide to leave the grocery store, employers still keep you to be a part-time employee.

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Don't go to university.

Source: google image

Return home.

After only a week, you notice that it is extremely difficult to make the road for 5 hours every day. You don't get much sleep. You eat at irregular hours, you hardly have time to study. Finally, you decide to go to the University of Montreal. You want to make a change because it's impossible to study and concentrate on your studies.

Choice 1 : Montreal University.

Find a job.

You managed to find a job. However, it is located 50 minutes from your apartment in Sherbrooke. Since you have not been able to find a job closer, you are not sure you want to continue working this far. You would like to find a job, but not too far. You decide then in the next session to change University and go home. As of next fall you will be back in Laval and your school will be 15 minutes from where you live and you will also be able to find another job that is close to where you live.

Choice 1 : Montreal University.

Source: google image

Take the internship offer.

On-the-job-training you learn lots of things and you have the possibility of having a class with an associate teacher. As an intern, you come in handy because the school is really in need of teachers. Finally you almost have a class all to yourself and you are very excited because it is as if you were already working before working. On the job you learn the ropes and sometimes you are overwhelmed because you have a lot of things to do for an intern. You know you have a foot in the door but you will have better conditions when you are a real teacher but after having lived this experience you only have one year left before you become a teacher. At this elementary school where you have experienced the profession, the school principal is already offering you a secure job. He really liked your help and, he finds that you take care of the young people perfectly.

Choice 1 : Take the job offer now.

Choice 2 : Wait until you finish your studies.

Source: google image

Don't take the internship offer.

You don't want to take the offer right away because you want to focus on your studies, which is also a great choice. On the other hand, the consequence of this decision is that you will have no experience and you will have to find yourself experience elsewhere apart from the compulsory internships. You will have to take some decisions soon for your future career.

Write a choice here.

Source: google image

Take the job offer now.

You can't believe it! You managed to get a job in a school even as a student. This is exactly what you needed. You take the opportunity the director gives you. You can now already start preparing your class for your future students. After completing your studies and successfully graduating, you are ready to enter your school soon as a real teacher. You are really blessed with everything that happens to you besides being enormously proud of yourself. When you enter the school, the principal greets you with grace. He offers you a choice that almost no teacher can make at the start of their career. He asks you if you would like to teach in the first year or in the fourth year.

Choice 1 : First year, is my choice.

Choice 2 : Fourth year, is my choice.

Source: google image

Wait until you finish your studies.

You prefer to wait until you finish your studies because you don't want to speed things up and miss getting into a mess. You always keep in mind that the teachers at this school are super nice and you know they will welcome you anytime. You are happy because at least your name has already started to circulate. You will be able to make contacts and find a school more easily afterwards. One year later, after you finished your studies you enter the job market and you have to choose which year you want to teach. We offer you the choice of first year or fourth year.

Choice 1 : First year, is my choice.

Choice 2 : Fourth year, is my choice.

Source: google image

Don't go to university.

You decide not to go to college right away so you're back to work, to the grocery store. About two years from now you will make up your mind and go back to school so you can graduate and be a teacher like you always wanted to be. You are really persistent and you want to chase your dreams and not let go.

Choice 1 : Sherbrooke University.

Choice 2 : Montreal University.

Source: google image

First year, is my choice.

You decide to take the first year because you would like to gain more experience with the youngest ones before taking the year you want right away. Indeed, you wanted to take the fourth year. It's always been your plan, but you know you're going to be able to switch classes next year. You start teaching a few months later and you love what you're doing. You are proud of yourself and you start to prepare your school materials for your youngest children.

Choice 1 : You have a beautiful career.

Source: google image

Fourth year, is my choice.

Since the beginning of your studies, you knew that you wanted to become a teacher and in addition that you wanted to have a fourth year class. You are proud of yourself and you start to prepare your school materials for your youngest children. You are very excited to start. You want everything to be perfect as you imagine.

Choice 1 : You have a beautiful career.

Source: google image

You have a beautiful career.

After all these sometimes difficult choices, you managed to become a teacher and do the job of your dreams. Now you can only be proud of yourself. Your class looks like what you've always imagined. You can't ask for anything more, you have everything you need. You prepare projects for the students, you correct their exams and you make sure that each student feels in his place.

Write a choice here.

Source: google image