My Life In Special Education

A hypertext narrative by

Amélie Lajoie

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1932

Choice count: 51

Section count: 34

Image count: 34

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 30 matches (CEGEP, Down, Education, Jerome, School, behavior, bullying, choice, class, college, course, don, elementary school, field, field of study, first, grade, grades, head, intervention, learn, lesson, lessons, memory, primary school, principal, school, teacher, university, zero tolerance)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 23 matches (bond, brain, case, charge, Child, children, contact, director, fine, House, interest, intervention, minutes, misconduct, notice, order, parent, power, Principal, settled, Special, truth, young)

Nursing : 22 matches (of ideas, body, frame, brain, breathing, concussion, consumption, contact, cream, director, foot, grade, heart, hospital, play, position, reaction, recess, SAD, sleep, tolerance, sick)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

intern (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

overwhelm (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


My Life In Special Education

My last session in College.

This is my last session in Special Education at Cegep de Saint-Jerome. I have two choices in mind for my future. I can begin my new life and start working as a special education technician or I can go at UQO University to become a Special Education Teacher. What do I prefer?

Choice 1 : I will work right away.

Choice 2 : I want to become a special Education teacher

question mark

Good bye College. Hi, my new Life!

After several days of job search, I find three vacant position that interest me. I can work in primary school near my home, I can work for a respite center with autistic children or I can work in a shelter for battered women. What should I choose?

Choice 1 : I will try primary school.

Choice 2 : I will try working with autistic children.

Choice 3 : I will work with battered women.


My first day!

It's my first day as a special educator in elementary school. The director greatly appreciated my background check because I had previously been an intern in an elementary school. During recess, I notice that a group of boys is laughing at a little girl. What am I supposed to do?

Choice 1 : I'm not doing anything. It is normal at such a young age.

Choice 2 : I approach the group of children to intervene.



Later that day, the school principal asked to see me. He tells me that a co-worker surprised me to ignore a bullying situation during the recess. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I try to explain myself.

Choice 2 : I say nothing.


My intervention.

Once beside the group of boys, I explain to them that their actions are unacceptable. I tell them that bullying is zero tolerance at school and that their parent and their teacher will be notified of their behavior. A co-worker shows me to come see her. What am I doing?

Choice 1 : I approach the colleague.

Choice 2 : I look at her with a strange look of incomprehension.


Game over.

The school principal does not listen to what I say. According to him, bullying is zero tolerance. He fired me.

Choice 1 : Game over.


Game over.

The director unfortunately decides to fire me, because he cannot leave such a misconduct without consequences.

Choice 1 : Game Over.


Good job!

My colleague congratulates me on my wonderful intervention. This is invaluable for me.I thanked her with a big smile.

Choice 1 : I found my dream job.

good job

Good job!

My colleague laughs at me because of my face and gives me two thumbs up. I understand that she congratulates me. I give her a big smile.

Choice 1 : I found my dream job.

thumbs up

My first day.

I'm at the respite center. I am told that I will mainly take care of Charles. Charles is an 8-year-old child who has difficulty connecting with others. Charles has been below the table for two hours. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I don't move, but I put on music.

Choice 2 : I'm going to join him under the table.

kid under table

The power of music.

I read in his intervention plan that Charles liked the song “Baby Shark“.I put on the music and Charles gets out of the table and starts dancing. What should I do next?

Choice 1 : I dance with him with a safe distance.

Choice 2 : I take Charles' hands to dance with him.


Not my best idea.

I approach the table. I start to crawl to go under the table. Suddenly Charles takes my head and knocks my head on one of the legs of the table. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I quibble Charles

Choice 2 : I'm going to see a colleague.


Good Job.

Charles continues to dance, looking at me from time to time. The first contact was created. This is a fulfillment for my work.

Choice 1 : I'm proud of myself.



Charles pushes my hands away suddenly and screaming loudly. He returns to the table.

Choice 1 : I will never be able to bond with Charles.



I'm bickering Charles. He starts shouting and runs away from the room. A worker comes in handy. She catches him and manages to calm him down. I am resigning. I eat ice cream in my apartment. I hate myself and I hate being a special educator.

Choice 1 : Game over.



I'm going to see a colleague to find out what to do. She tells me that I have to go to the hospital in case I have a concussion. I never went back to the respite center.

Choice 1 : Game over.


Heart work.

This is my first day in the shelter for battered women. The purpose of this place is to keep safe women who have experienced violence and a place to sleep. The center also houses the children of the victims. Today a woman arrives with her two little daughters. When she is at the entrance, she starts breathing very quickly and stands by the door frame. What do I do?

Choice 1 : I freeze completely.

Choice 2 : I take care of the mother.


1, 2, 3, freeze!

I do not know what to do. The mother mentions having changed her mind and that she no longer wants to live here. My colleague is trying to calm her down. She asks me to take care of the children. What is my reaction?

Choice 1 : I freeze again.

Choice 2 : I take care of the children.


Listening is the Key.

I guess the mother is having a panic attack. I ask the children to go see my colleague and I stay with the mother. I ask her to sit down. I take the time to listen to her concerns and comfort her. She is now calm. What do I do?

Choice 1 : I propose to show her around the shelter.

Choice 2 : I take her to see his children.


A nice visit.

I show her the rooms, the kitchen, the common room and I present it to some other mothers. She mentions loving this place. I am proud of my reaction. I feel that I will greatly love this work.

Choice 1 : I found my dream job.


Good Job!

I bring the mother to her children. Children play with other children in the shelter. She approaches them and tells them that they will be fine here. This moment will forever be etched in my memory.

Choice 1 : I found my dream job.


Game Over.

I don't move at all. I want to do something but my body is not following my brain. The one in charge of the shelter asked me to leave the establishment. Maybe special education is not for me.

Choice 1 : Game over.


I was lucky.

I tell the children to follow me. They do. I play ball with them. Later that day, the one in charge of the shelter tells me that she offers me another chance to catch up with me. She knows I'm new, and she knows it can take time to get used to the place. I am grateful.

Choice 1 : I stay at this job.


The day before school starts.

I was accepted at UQO to become a teacher in special education. Tomorrow is my back to school. However, my best friend is celebrating her birthday tonight. Do I decide not to go there to sleep early or I only go to supper and after I leave?

Choice 1 : I decide to go to bed early.

Choice 2 : I'm going to her birthday supper.


School above all.

I choose to put more importance on the start of the school year. I want to start my university studies on the right foot. How do I tell my best friend about it? Do I tell her the truth or do I pretend to be sick?

Choice 1 : I tell her the truth.

Choice 2 : I lie.


The big day!

Today is the big day! I'm happy because my best friend respected my choice even if she was a little sad. I go to my university when I see a Tim Hortons in the distance. Do I bother go for a coffee to start my school year well or am I trying to reduce my coffee consumption?

Choice 1 : I'm going to get a coffee.

Choice 2 : I don't want coffee today.


I dared to lie.

I am finishing my first day at university. I'm happy because everything went well and the lessons are interesting. I call my best friend to tell her everything. When I call her, she says she's really disappointed with me because she knows I wasn't really sick. She doesn't want to talk to me. I feel terrible. Am I going to her place to try to speak to her or am I doing nothing?

Choice 1 : I'm going to my best friend's house.

Choice 2 : I'm not doing anything.


I don't like coffee anymore.

I go to order me a coffee. I don't know why, but it was so long before I had my coffee. Finally, I arrived late for class because of this wait. My first day at university is not going as planned.

Choice 1 : Game Over.


Good choice.

I finally arrived at my first lesson. I even managed to arrive 5 minutes early. The course went well. I already love what I learn. I feel like I found what I want to do later.

Choice 1 : I am happy in my field of study.


The power of ice cream.

I'm going to her place with ice cream. I ask her to listen to me. A few minutes later, everything is settled. She forgives me. We eat ice cream together. The day ends very well.

Choice 1 : I'm happy.



I may have had a good day at school, but I feel bad for disappointing my best friend. I hate my day.

Choice 1 : Game over.


Let's go!

I am currently in school. Supper went well, and I even managed to go to bed at a reasonable hour so that I could be in great shape today. During my course, we are asked to choose a partner for our session work. I can team up with a friend I like to talk to a lot or with a guy I know a little bit, but I know he always gets good grades.

Choice 1 : I team up with my friend.

Choice 2 : I team up with the boy.


Girl talk.

Every time my friend and I met for our work we always put aside the work to ended up telling our life. This meant that we had to double work the last week before handing over the work because we were terribly late. We overwhelm by the work we have to do in such short time. This hurry was not the best of ideas, as our grade was by no means satisfactory. I made the wrong choice of a partner.

Choice 1 : Game over.


Fire team.

We were a perfect team! The boy and I worked really well together. We even created a beautiful friendship. We helped each other throughout the year. With his help, I had lots of straight A's.

Choice 1 : Everything is perfect!

boy and girl