My career in Multimedia Integration.

A hypertext narrative by

Amei-Lee Prud'homme

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1428

Choice count: 31

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 21 matches (absence, act, advancement, company, compensation, composition, corruption, family, government, harassment, misconduct, notice, office, products, profession, Rules, Sexual, software, theft, voluntary, volunteer)

Education : 21 matches (CEGEP, Down, bachelor's degree, choice, compensation, degree, don, field, field of study, first, further, games, integration, knowledge, learn, management, multimedia, standards, trainee, training, university)

Computer Science : 18 matches (check, choice, clear, composition, drawback, environment, field, graphics, handle, multimedia, Package, path, restart, software, table, vector, video, design)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

background check (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

compensation package (1 match)

deter (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

hinder (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (6 matches)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (2 matches)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

recipient (2 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My career in Multimedia Integration.

A big choice.

You study at Cegep Montmorency in multimedia integration technique. You don't know which career to turn to, but you would like that his touch graphics and at the same time you are a fan of video games so you also think of being a designer of video games. On the other hand, you are curious to try something new, like changing the program. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Graphic designer.

Choice 2 : Video game designer.

College Montmorency

Graphic designer.

You have chosen to be a Graphic Designer, you are very excited by this new start. You can finally make logos, create your own vector composition, you can do all that inspires you with a lot of powerful software. You can't wait to learn more, but are wondering if you should do an internship to see the work environment and learn the ropes of the job or go straight to university to continue your studies in your field of study.

Choice 1 : Internship.

Choice 2 : University.

Graphic Designer

Video game designer.

You have decided to make a video game of your life or rather to create one, you are so determined that you take the first job that comes to your hand. Your boss, a big fan of video games, offers you a job training, and he pay you. Your boss, at first glance, doesn't seem to have many rules, and allows a lot of things. You then start to doubt him. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Accept the training.

Choice 2 : Do something else.

Video game designer

Help her.

You decide to help him by offering to speak to human resources, they can manage this and see what happens. They know the labor standards and the laws. They can see the background check of the boss. He may be able to get compensation package and the recipient can leave absence. Now that you have been able to help him, you are proud of yourself and you seem to have a better relationship with the people in the company. You continue in the profession.

Choice 1 : Restart

Sexual Harassment


You decide to do an internship in a Graphic Design company. You're all excited about knowing how it's the work environment and to learn the ropes of this job. You do not think you are overwhelmed with work, you just think of putting a foot in the door and advancing in this profession. You think that be an intern is come in handy for you. You notice an employee who does not feel well and seems to be stressed and uneasy. What are you doing?

Choice 1 : Ask her if there is a problem and if she wants to talk about it.

Choice 2 : Pay no attention to that.



You decide to go to university. You can continue your studies and learn more. But which University will you choose between Concordia University and the University of Laval?

Choice 1 : Concordia University.

Choice 2 : The University of Laval.


Ask her if there is a problem and if she wants to talk about it.

She explains that the boss doing sexual harassment to her and that it's not just flirtation, it goes further ... The perpetrator of this do misconduct to the recipient. This deter her in her advancement. She has a hard time concentrating on work. Will you help her or do nothing with it because it is not of your business?

Choice 1 : Help her.

Choice 2 : Do nothing.

Sexual Harassment

Pay no attention to that.

As time goes on, the employer does not feel good and quits the job, you made a mistake and you regret deep down. Fix your mistake.

Choice 1 : Internship.

Make a mistake

Do nothing.

As time goes on, the employer does not feel good and quits the job, you made a mistake and you regret deep down. Fix your mistake.

Choice 1 : Internship.

Make a mistake

Concordia University.

It's great you chose Concordia University, to do a bachelor's degree in graphic design. During your year you see an interesting poster where you are offered to volunteer in another country. You who likes to discover culture and who also have a big heart to help others, do you decide to leave or not?

Choice 1 : Voluntary.

Choice 2 : Not voluntary.

Concordia University

Continue on this path.

You keep trying despite the obstacles, you ask your family for help to give you advice on how to plan your time. After a lot of time and effort you finally got your bachelor, you are proud of yourself, you can now start your own business!

Choice 1 : Restart


The University of Laval.

It's great you chose the University of Laval, to do a bachelor's degree in graphic design. You can finally design clear, efficient and innovative visual communication products. You can also have a solid formation. That's nice, you can finally hope to continue on this path!

Choice 1 : Restart

The University of Laval

Accept the training.

You decide to accept the training he offers you, you think this is a good idea and you can learn the ins and out of this job but you realize that he pays you under the table, and he is not faithful. You realize that is a drawback for your future. Also, he uses corruption in his job, this is not legal. Even if you have a good wage and you trainee for this, you don't have a good mind if you do this. What will you do?

Choice 1 : You quit this job.

Choice 2 : You stay in this job.

Not acceptable

Do something else.

You don't think this job is reliable, so you decide to go to university to learn more about the career because you find that you know little about it.

Choice 1 : Go to University.

Search what to do

You stay in this job.

You decide to stay in this job because, it pays you well, even though it theft the money of the government by do his act and in addition you can have training with someone who is really passionate about video games. Also, he not threats you. Over time, you realize that you made a mistake, then you lose your job because the boss is caught. Too bad, it was a dead-end-job.

Choice 1 : Restart

Dead end

You quit this job.

You find this horrible what your boss was doing, you are absolutely not like that, so you decide to start your own video game business. You can finally establish reals rules which is legal. However, you hesitate if you were able to handle all of this. You may be thinking about expanding your knowledge at university by doing a bachelor's degree. Do you choose to start your own business or go to university?

Choice 1 : I do my own business.

Choice 2 : Go to University.


I do my own business.

Finally, you start your own business. You have to make an office politics for all you employee. You want more often than not that we respect the rules. Also, hinder corruption. That's your new mind. Over the time, you have created a good company!

Choice 1 : Restart

Own company

Go to University.

You go to Concordia University, a good university that offers a bachelor's degree to be a game designer. During your year you see an interesting poster where you are offered to volunteer in another country. You who likes to discover culture and who also have a big heart to help others, do you decide to leave or not?

Choice 1 : Voluntary.

Choice 2 : Not voluntary.

Concordia University

Not voluntary.

You don't decide to leave, you want to focus as much as possible on your studies, but you have a hard time concentrating, you are distracted and you like playing video games too much which takes all your time. You really want to pull off your bachelor. You don't have good time management. And you are not able to put aside the video games. You know that's maddening to not focus on what you want to do. Maybe, that's not your career? Maybe, you can change? What will you do?

Choice 1 : Change my career

Choice 2 : Continue on this path.

No motivation


That’s a new experience for you, a purpose that you dream. You can make invaluable memories there. Even if you think that's a dead-end for people there, you can bring some hope for this people and make a beautiful smile on their face. It's a new adventure for you in Africa !

Choice 1 : Restart

Volunteering Abroad