Word count: 1061
Choice count: 19
Section count: 14
Image count: 14
Error count: 4
Field Related Analysis:
Nursing : 13 matches (affect, ARM, clinic, foot, hospital, HR, orthosis, orthotics, prosthesis, stress, patience, injured, patients)
Education : 10 matches (School, choice, classes, college, don, first, options, school, training, university)
Psychology : 8 matches (affect, amputee, harassment, love, patient, sexual harassment, stress, trip)
Target Structure:
a foot in the door (1 match)
come in handy (1 match)
getting sucked up in (1 match)
HR (3 matches)
intern (1 match)
lack of (1 match)
on-the-job-training (1 match)
perpetrator (1 match)
sexual harassment (1 match)
straight A's (1 match)
It's done! I finally finished school my 3 years technique at Montmorency College. Now that I've graduated, I have to chose what I want to do between the orthotics and the prosthesis. I know that is completely a different type of clientele. Both of them are very interesting. What am I going to do next?
Choice 1 : I go work in an Orthotic's clinic.
Choice 2 : I go work in a Prosthetics hospital.
I just start my new job, and completely love it. Now, I have a foot in the door to become the best orthotist. But my boss start flirting with me. The situation made me feel so bad about going to work every morning. It's really stressing me out. I talk with the other employees, but they don't want to get sucked up in this and I completely understand that.
Choice 1 : Tell him to stop and stay.
Choice 2 : Quit my job because I don't want to be in this kind of ambiance.
I've always had straight A's in my prostheses classes, so the choice was easy to make. Today is my first at work in the hospital. I have my first on-the-job-training and God i'm so stress. I'm scared to do something wrong like when I was an intern.
Choice 1 : I'm so stressed that I forgot an important procedure.
Choice 2 : I was stressed for nothing. The whole day was very entertaining and I had fun with both my patients and my coworkers.
Since I've told him to stop, the ambiance is the worst then ever at the clinic. The situation degenerate, past for simple flirting to sexual harassment. I don't know what to do with this situation given that the perpetrator is my boss.
Choice 1 : Quit my job because I don't want to be in this kind of ambiance.
Choice 2 : This is too much for me, I decide to go see the HR.
I've decided to quit my job and I think I've made the best choice. Leaving this place made me so happy. I now work in a hospital.
Choice 1 : I go work in a Prosthetics hospital.
Choice 2 : I decide to go to The University of Montreal to do a complete change of carriers.
I feel so bad with the situation that I decide to go see the HR to help me with the problem. The woman told me that I'm not the first one to came by her office with a similar story. She also told me that there were two options open to me.
Choice 1 : I've decided to make an official complaining about my boss.
Choice 2 : Quit my job because I don't want to be in this kind of ambiance.
I made the official complaining. Now the investigator of the human resources had a face to face with my boss. He completely denied the situation. For sure because he doesn't want to lose his clinic. The ambiance at work is really tense and everyone is getting sucked up in this because of me. I feel terribly bad and this affect my relation my my clients. I'm off of patience.
Choice 1 : Quit my job because I don't want to be in this kind of ambiance.
I'm so stressed that I forgot an important procedure during the fitting and my patient fall off his prostheses and break is harm. All I've wanted to do is come in handy. I've certainly had a lack of competences in this. I thought I was good enough to do this all by myself, but I was wrong and now I put my patient in danger. Everyone is so mad at me. I feel so bad about this situation. The amputee patient had now the arm broke by my fault.
Choice 1 : I quit.
Choice 2 : I apologized to everyone.
I quit. The prostheses are finally not good for me.
Choice 1 : I go work in an Orthotic's clinic.
Choice 2 : I decide to go to Montreal University to do a complete change of carriers.
Choice 3 : I decide to take a break to think about what I really want to do with my life.
I decide to go to Montreal University to do a complete change of carriers, but I'm so tired that I'm scared to make the wrong choice.
Choice 1 : I finish my university. It was very hard but it worth it.
I apologized to everyone. Even if the patient was injured by my fault, he told me that everything it's Ok and it's part of the job. My boss at the hospital told me that I simply lean the ropes of the job. I continue working with them and I've no longer had trouble. In fact, I became the best prosthesis of the hospital and everyone now laughed of my first day at work.
Write a choice here.
I'm so tired of this life. All I want is to be happy. Why is this so hard? I decide to go on a trip with my friends to change my mind of a moment.
Write a choice here.
I finish my university. It was very hard but it worth it. I'm now an orthopedist and I have a specialization to work with children.
Write a choice here.
I was stressed for nothing. The whole day was very entertaining and I had fun with both my patients and my coworkers. I now have a job that I'm proud of and I really love it.
Write a choice here.