Which path?

A hypertext narrative by

derrick pho-dao

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1179

Choice count: 30

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 17 matches (School, choice, classes, college, discipline, failed, first, further, high school, learn, management, research, school, semester, student, test, university)

Nursing : 12 matches (test, drug, eye, pandemic, pharmacist, pharmacy, position, quarantine, TV, vaccine, virus, chemistry)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (bankruptcy, company, driver, drugs, family, Independent, opinion, priority, quarantine, rent, reputation, test)

Target Structure:

income (1 match)

internship (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (2 matches)

time management (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


Which path?

I graduated from Ahuntsic College in Natural Sciences.

After studying 2 years at Ahuntsic College, it was time for me to choose a university. I had 2 well-known university that I could go study Chemistry.

Choice 1 : Go to The University of Toronto.

Choice 2 : Go to McGill.


Go to The University of Toronto.

I had an internship at this university, so I wasn't worried about paying rent or working a 9-to-5. But I was far from my family and friends and I knew they could provide a better support in my studies if I was in Montreal. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Keep studying in Toronto.

Choice 2 : Go to McGill.

Go to McGill.

University was harder than I thought. I had hard times to focus because I would always go out with my friends and at the end of semester I had failed all of my classes. What should I do next?

Choice 1 : Dropped out.

Choice 2 : Pursue my studies.

Keep studying in Toronto.

I decided to keep studying in Toronto. But I wasn't sure if chemistry was what I really wanted, so I hesitated to change programs.Since my other career plan was being a pharmacist. I didn't had to go back to a high school or college. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Keep studying chemistry.

Choice 2 : Become a pharmacist.

Dropped out.

Now that I've dropped out of school. I had to find a work or something that could bring some incomes and I knew somebody who could help me but it wasn't legal. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Work at a 9-to-5 job.

Choice 2 : Follow the shady path.

Pursue my studies.

I decided to pursue my studies but I had a lot of bad influences in Montreal and the university kicked me out due to my lack of discipline and time management. I ended up working at a 9-to-5 job. Even though, I knew I didn't want to go to this path.

Choice 1 : Work at a 9-to-5 job.

Work at a 9-to-5 job.

I managed to work at car dealership because they had a vacant position. I had to learn the ropes at first but eventually I putted some overtime work and I became owner of a car dealership. I became a millionaire at the age of 30 and I retired 5 years later.

Choice 1 : Choose another path.

Follow the shady path.

I got a job with the Mafia It was really wonderful at first. I had a lot of money and it was really easy because I was only a driver. But I got kidnapped and they gave me a choice. Tell on my boss, and they would let me live or keep my mouth shut and I die.

Choice 1 : Reveal all the secrets of my boss.

Choice 2 : Keep my mouth shut.

Reveal all the secrets of my boss.

I decided to reveal everything I knew about my boss. But they told me it was a setup to see if I was a loyal to my boss. "Loose lips sink ships" that's what they said before they killed me.

Choice 1 : Choose another path.

Keep my mouth shut.

I decided that I would remain loyal to my boss. Then, the kidnappers told me this was a test of loyalty and I got promoted because of that. I worked with the Mafia until I was 40 years old even though I was already a millionaire by the age of 27.

Choice 1 : Try another path.

Keep studying chemistry.

After 4 years of hard work, I graduated from this prestigious university. Right after I graduated, I had a lot of attention because I was a straight A’s student. Many companies offered me a job but the salary wasn't what I expected. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Join a company.

Choice 2 : Become independent.

Become a pharmacist.

I decided to change my career path but I graduated from The University of Toronto. I knew I wanted to own my own pharmacy, so I decided to open myself one.

Choice 1 : Start my own pharmacy.

Join a company.

I decided to join the company who had the best salary but also a good reputation. It was okay at first but then it became boring. It was repetitive and exhausting. I thought about going independent. Should I?

Choice 1 : Become independent.

Choice 2 : Stay with the company.

Become independent.

There weren't any offers by the company that interested me. So, I decided to become independent. But it was hard to make a name outside without any experiences or any work that could vouch for me. Therefore, I didn't have a lot of income. What could I do to change my situation?

Choice 1 : Become a drug trafficker.

Choice 2 : start my own company.

Stay with the company.

I stayed even I wasn't completely satisfied. I worked a few more years but then there was a spread of a virus throughout the world. I helped people during the pandemic but the virus got the best of me.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Become a drug trafficker.

I decided to produce drugs for the underground world. I knew it wasn't right but I needed money. This idea originated from a TV show named "breaking bad". My product started to make a name for himself. In a blink of an eye, I became the most powerful drug trafficker in the world. After 15 years of "work", I decided it was time for my retirement. I lived a wonderful and peaceful life after that.

Choice 1 : Why not try the good path?

start my own company.

My company was off to a good start but then a pandemic came. This led us to 2 years in quarantine which meany I couldn't be open for business. I ended up in bankruptcy and I died in the second wave of the virus.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Start my own pharmacy.

My pharmacy had grown exponentially all over the world even with the pandemic that was happening. My reputation gave me exclusive priority to the first batch of vaccines against the virus. I had my doubts because it wasn't properly tested in my opinion. Do I still sell those vaccines?

Choice 1 : Accept and distribute the vaccine.

Choice 2 : Deny and wait for further research.

Accept and distribute the vaccine.

I decided to distribute the vaccine. It was a big mistake because it was not properly tested, therefore it made the virus stronger and it killed all humans on earth.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Deny and wait for further research.

I deiced to wait for further research to be made. A few months later, experts came with a much better vaccine than the first one. I was the main distributor and also the one who saved the world from a possible catastrophe.

Choice 1 : Why not destroy the world?