The Aviation Industry.

A hypertext narrative by

Yilmaz Bilguiner

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 3279

Choice count: 69

Section count: 43

Image count: 43

Error count: 23

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 65 matches (Air, Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft, Airline, Airport, Benefits, Control, Deal, Delta, Demand, Destination, Employee, Extra, Flight, Food, Guide, Hotel, Hotels, International airport, Journey, Landing, Party, Pilot, Plane, Reservation, Reserve, US, aerodrome, air, aircraft, airline, airlines, airport, airspace, airstrip, benefit, bit, board, captain, checked, compensation, control tower, course, destination, door, entertainment, escort, flight, guide, hotel, hotels, instrument landing system, international, jet, leg, pass, reservation, reserve, route, sea, ship, single, through, touchdown, voyage)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 37 matches (account, airspace, answer, bay, blood, caution, cheat, citizen, close, company, compensation, controller, corruption, cost, costs, duty, examination, factor, force, four, House, instrument, International, land, minutes, misconduct, month, private, public, rape, rescue, reservation, ship, silence, sue, test, torture)

Education : 34 matches (Down, School, choice, college, compensation, continuing, course, courses, don, exam, examination, failed, failure, first, grade, grades, head, learn, learned, learning, level, major, motivation, performance, pilot, private, professionalism, school, score, technology, test, trainee, training, vision)

Target Structure:

HR (1 match)

income (1 match)

lack of (2 matches)

misconduct (1 match)

OJT (2 matches)

overtime (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

straight A's (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

though (2 matches)

trainee (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


The Aviation Industry.

Into the Aviation industry!

Now that I've finished springboard at Ahuntsic College, I have to choose what job I'd like to have. As a teenager, I've always wanted to be an airline pilot, but, it demands a lot of determination and hard work. On the other hand, by applying to Nav Canada, I can also choose to be an air traffic controller and ensure the safety of planes flying over Canadian airspace.

Choice 1 : Complete your childhood dream and become a pilot.

Choice 2 : Become an Air Traffic Controller.

Alan Wilson / CC BY-SA (

Complete your childhood dream and become a pilot.

The only public Aviation School is at Chicoutimi and it's a four and a half hours of drive from Montreal. However, there are lots of private Aviation schools in Montreal but it costs plenty of money to study there.

Choice 1 : Apply to Cégep de Chicoutimi.

Choice 2 : Apply to a private school in Montreal.

BriYYZ from Toronto, Canada / CC BY-SA (



Write a choice here.


Become an ATC.

I passed all of my exams with great success and was offered to work in two major Canadian airports, Toronto Pearson International (CYYZ) or Montreal Trudeau International Airport (CYUL). Before being able to guide planes on my own, I will be working with a professional ATC. In other words, I'm a trainee who's learning the ropes. After my On-The-Job Training is over, I will have a test drive and my experienced colleague will decide if I overwhelmed it and can work on my own, or not. Which airport should I choose?

Choice 1 : Work in Toronto.

Choice 2 : Work in Montreal.

London Heathrow International (EGLL).

Apply to Cégep de Chicoutimi.

I was accepted and now have to stay here for the next three years. Being a pilot is not an easy job, so I have to study tremendously hard. However, I can manage my time and put aside some easy parts of what we have to study for the exams, and enjoy life a little bit! Anyway, even though this is a tough course, I can still pull it off.

Choice 1 : Study intensely to make sure you pass.

Choice 2 : Entertainment is also a key factor leading to success.

Khayman / CC BY-SA (

Apply to a private school in Montreal.

The courses cost a lot more than my income salary as a lifeguard. So, I asked my boss for some extra compensation, but he said he couldn't do so because it's some kind of corruption. However, I found another job in McDonald's and also demanded some money from my parents. Now that I don't have to worry about money, I should concentrate on my studies which are extremely difficult. Some of my friends seem to have better notes than me, and they put aside studying from time to time. I asked myself if I should do the same?

Choice 1 : Study intensely to make sure you pass.

Choice 2 : Entertainment is also a key factor leading to success.

Acroterion / CC BY (

Study intensely to make sure you pass.

I tried my best and gave all I had. Obviously, all of my hard work was worthwhile and paid off really well. I passed most of my exams, solo flights and test flights with straight A's! I now have my pilots license and achieved my childhood dream. Time to look for a job!

Choice 1 : Work for Air Canada Rouge.

Choice 2 : Join the Air force (RCAF).

Abhi Sharma from India / CC BY (

Entertainment is also a key factor leading to success.

I only study the most important parts that I think might be in the exam. I spend half of my time studying, and the other half for entertainment. My grades are not that high but I can finish the course with success if I pass the final exam. Should I cheat?

Choice 1 : Take no chances and cheat.

Choice 2 : No need to cheat, I can pass the test without any doubt.


Work for Air Canada Rouge.

I sent my C.V. to the HR department and was asked for an interview. After seeing my school background and performance, they wanted me onboard their team and started to explain the benefits of becoming an Air Canada Rouge employee. I'm hired and will begin to work next week, flying from Montreal to Las Vegas, then from Las Vegas to Toronto and finally back to Montreal on an Airbus A320. After some years, I can join Air Canada or choose to remain with Rouge.

Choice 1 : Remain in Rouge.

Choice 2 : Join Air Canada.

JTOcchialini / CC BY-SA (

Join the Air force (RCAF).

After some training and medical examination, I now fly a CF-188 Hornet fighter jet and am deployed in the North bay Air Force base, Ontario. We are part of the NORAD command and ensure safety over North America. We're sometimes scrambled to meet and escort Russian bombers flying near Canada. Not only I achieved my childhood dream, but I also became a fighter pilot!

Choice 1 : Escorting Russians is boring, go to Iraq.

SSgt. Greg L. Davis, USAF / Public domain

Take no chances and cheat.

I cheated during the whole exam and luckily for me, no one noticed. After a week, I received my score of 89%. I also sent my C.V. to Emirates, and to another less known company, Susi Air. While waiting for their response, I ask myself for which of these two airlines I'd rather work for?

Choice 1 : Emirates.

Choice 2 : Susi Air.

No big brain time.

No need to cheat, I can pass the test without any doubt.

When I received my exam sheet, I thought everything was going to be great until I saw the first question. I had forgotten most of what we had learnt and only answered to 27 questions out of 50. I undermined my chances of failure and overestimated my abilities. A week after the test, they sent me my final grade, and I have failed. I should have studied harder.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning.

Big brain time.


After waiting for two weeks, I finally got my answer from Emirates. They told me to first go and check the eligibility conditions and then apply to the post. I need 4000 extra hours if I want to join the airline. Working for Susi Air can help me boost my flight hours.

Choice 1 : Work for Susi Air


Susi Air.

I was offered the job since the company was in heavy demand for pilots. One day, when turning on the engine of the aircraft, I heard some weird noises but decided to take off anyway, thinking it's a normal thing since these birds are as old as sea turtles. Halfway through the flight, the engine stopped. I tried to start it again, but forgot some parts and didn't know what to do. I called mayday to the air traffic controller as we were diving, but before I could give him our coordinates, we slammed to the earth like a meteor. Out of nine passengers on-board with me, only one survived. After the crash investigation, I was fired due to incompetency and lack of professionalism.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Susi Air Cessna 208B Grand Caravan

Work in Toronto.

Toronto airport is the busiest aerodrome in Canada. Despite this extreme difficulty, I overwhelmed my OJT and now, my shift starts at 5 a.m. when not a single bird moves. As the sun rises, more and more aircraft come in and go away. You get sucked up in an endless conversation with lots of pilots and time becomes meaningless. Every once in a while, you do some overtime without even knowing it! However, when I'm done working at 12 o'clock, I feel a sense of accomplishment. This feeling is the only motivation that keeps me doing this job. I also found the love of my life here, Olivia.

Choice 1 : Quit your job and travel the world with your girlfriend.

Choice 2 : Get married.

CYYZ Tower.

Work in Montreal.

Montreal Trudeau is Canada's 3rd busiest airport. There is a plane landing and taking off every one minute. I did well on my OJT but almost failed when guiding a Delta airlines Boeing 737 to a final approach on an ILS (Instrument Landing System). As I started working alone, a terrible disaster happened. A new thing called COVID-19 hit the whole world like a ton of bricks. It seems like our top generation technology is powerless against this Coronavirus. In the control tower, we all have a lack of motivation concerning continuing our jobs. However, we will get some extra benefits and compensations if we go back to work.

Choice 1 : Stay home and request the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit.

Choice 2 : Go back to work.

CYUL Tower.

Quit your job and travel the world with your girlfriend.

I made some money when working and will use it to buy our tickets. After discussing where to go with my girlfriend, we decided to begin our journey in Paro, Bhutan. I already reserved two seats for our flight to Asia. This is going to be amazing!

Choice 1 : Begin the voyage!

We beginin' 'ere.

Get married.

I proposed to Olivia, she panicked and cried at first, but accepted to marry me! We bought a house and now have a daughter, Emma. We have a happy life and that's all that matters!

Choice 1 : Restart.

Life is complete.

Go back to work.

I went back to the control tower and now I'm stuck with the least appreciated coworker. Her name is Claire and she flirts with everybody. When she saw me, Claire said that she had some work to deal with after her shift is over and needed my help. Out of politeness, I said sure but I prefer to mind my own business. Should I go with her?

Choice 1 : Help Claire.

Choice 2 : Run.

I'm not in to ya, you know...

Stay home and request the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit.

I did my duty as a citizen and self-isolated myself. I requested the CERB and now I have to wait until this COVID is gone. This is lame.

Choice 1 : Restart from ATC choices.

Choice 2 : Restart from the very beginning.

Stay home, stay safe.

Begin the voyage!

Arriving at Paro, we went straight to the hotel. Although I had booked a room, they told us that there is no reservation corresponding to our names. After telling them to check again for ten minutes, I tried to bribe them. Yet, when I checked my bank account, there was no money left! It was then that I realized I was scammed when searching for hotels. Now alone in a foreign country with no money, we panicked and cried for about an hour. Then, Olivia suggested that we head back to the airport and call our families, so they can send some money or buy us return tickets.

Choice 1 : Go back to the airport.

Choice 2 : Cry for another 7 hours and become homeless in Bhutan.

Lost all my money, not stonks bro.

Go back to the airport.

We called our parents and will be en route to Canada tomorrow. I guess we should focus on our work before travelling the world.

Choice 1 : Start from the very beginning.

Choice 2 : Restart from ATC choices.

On our way to Montreal.

Cry for another 7 hours and become homeless in Bhutan.

We cried for two days straight and lived our whole life in Bhutan. We learned Bhutanese and made some friends who helped us during our sorrows. We lived a happy, but misfortune life. We died together, like Tristan and Iseut, on September 9, 2069.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Choice 2 : Pay some respects, then restart.


Pay some respects, then restart.

Thank you for your respects.

Choice 1 : You can now restart.


Escorting Russians is boring, go to Iraq.

I am now deployed in Iraq and provide Canadian and American troops with air support. One day, as I was flying over enemy territory, my A-10 Warthog got hit on the left wing and the aircraft went spinning right away. I was at approximately 2500 feet (760 m) when I pulled the ejection lever. In the blink of an eye, I was in the air with the parachute open. What should I do once I'm on the ground?

Choice 1 : Surrender.

Choice 2 : Fight'em off.


Help Claire.

As I had promised, I followed Claire to lend her a hand. We showed up to a house, and she knocked on the door. Someone opened it slightly and asked Claire some questions, then let us in. It was a party, and she needed me to get in. Then, Claire held my hand as we entered. I soon discovered that I was playing his boyfriend. Should I stay or run?

Choice 1 : Find a reason to sneak out.

Choice 2 : Stay bro, this is lit!

*Party Rock intensifies*


I ran away as fast as I could. What should I do tomorrow if I see her at work?

Choice 1 : Talk to her.

Choice 2 : Just ignore her.

AWOLNATION - Run (2:11)

Join Air Canada.

After flying for Rouge for 10 years, I joined Air Canada and now pilot long-haul aircraft, like the legendary Airbus A380. I fly from Montreal to Madrid on the Boeing 777. Although major problems don't usually occur, today was not a "usual" day. In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, at 32000 feet, the number one engine caught fire. My copilot and I quickly extinguished it following the engine fire procedures. Now flying with only one turbine fan, we descended to FL290 (Flight Level 290 = 29000 feet) so the generator can run smoothly and carry us to our destination. To our luck, the last engine stopped. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Land on the water.

Choice 2 : Search for the nearest airport, AND FAST!

Air Canada 777-200LR.

Remain in Rouge.

I remained in Rouge for 35 years. I made a lot of money and bought myself my dream car, the Nissan R32 Skyline GTR. I also married my soulmate, Olivia, and have two kids, Emma and Sebastian. Life could not have got better.

Choice 1 : Go back to the beginning.

Less go baby! JDM gang!

Land on the water.

After briefing the passengers on what is going to happen next, we descended quickly without looking for any close airports. 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, CAUTION, TERRAIN, CAUTION, TERRAIN, and POUFFFF. We had a safe but rather harsh landing. I made sure that everybody had left before exiting myself. We're now on the lifeboats, and without any radio, we will have to wait for a ship or another aircraft to see us. Fortunately, we have several flairs and some food. Atlantic Ocean's airspace is not radar controlled, in other words, nobody knows where we are and, the time before rescue teams find us might take too long. Our fate is unknown.

Choice 1 : Restart from Air Canada Rouge.

Choice 2 : Restart from the very beginning.

The Miracle on the Hudson River.

Search for the nearest airport, AND FAST!

There is one airport we might be able to glide to. Flores Airport (LPFL) is 90 Nautical Miles (166 Km) to the Southeast from our position. However, the runway is short and not suitable to land on with a Boeing 777. I am the captain and the final decision depends on me. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Destination: Flores.

Choice 2 : LPFL is too far, land on the water.

Flores airport (LPFL), Azores Islands.

Destination: Flores.

I glided the aircraft to the airport and as we were on our final approach, the triple seven sustained a stall right before the touchdown. As we slammed on the tarmac, the nose gear collapsed. The plane skidded and stopped right before the end of the airstrip with all 306 souls on-board safe and sound.

Choice 1 : Restart from Air Canada Rouge.

Choice 2 : Restart from the very beginning.

The Gimli Glider.

Stay bro, this is lit!

I stayed and that's all I remember. Today, I got up in a hotel and when I turned around, I saw Claire next to me. Holly f... Did we do it? God damn it, I can't recall anything. What did I do? Should I wake up Claire? Or just leave? This whole thing should've not happened.

Choice 1 : Wake up Claire, maybe she remembers something.

Choice 2 : Leave the hotel.

Pa ba Pa ba ba ra, Pa ba ra ra ra.

Find a reason to sneak out.

I told Claire that my mom just called and said that my dad got a heart attack, and he's now at the hospital. Claire then announced that I can leave because she only needed me to enter the party.

Choice 1 : Exit the party.

Ah yes, the negotiator.

Leave the hotel.

I put on my clothes as quickly as I could and took off silently. The next day, I asked Claire if she saw me yesterday anywhere, and she said she couldn't remember a thing. Some weeks later, Claire never came back to work. I asked my colleagues what happened to her. Then, I discovered that she was pregnant. Holly f... What should I do?

Choice 1 : Keep it a secret.

Choice 2 : Confess.

I'm gonna go buy some milk.

Wake up Claire, maybe she remembers something.

After Claire put her clothes on, she confessed that she loved me. I asked what did we we do yesterday, and she replied, ''make a baby, so we can marry easier.'' I was sexually abused and will sue Claire for what she had done. This is going to take some long time.

Choice 1 : Restart.

No, I am going to buy some milk.

Exit the party.

I left and went home directly. Two weeks later, I had a serious fever. I met a doctor, and he told me that I've got the Coronavirus. They put me in the Red Zone rapidly. Even though I was top shape, I died a month later.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Choice 2 : Pay some respects, then restart.

T'as pogné la Corona ma dude.

Talk to her.

I explained to Claire that something urgent had happened and I had to leave. She said O.K. and never talked to me again.

Choice 1 : Restart.


Just ignore her.

I don't talk to Claire, and she doesn't talk to me either. If someone's going to break the silence race, it ain't me.

Choice 1 : Restart.

No thank you.


I told Claire the reality. After crying for an hour, she said we should learn to live with it but wished that this never happened. It was a serious misconduct that had led to this situation. This should've never happened.

Choice 1 : Restart.

Listen, i'M ThE DAd.

Keep it a secret.

Ii was kept a secret for a long time, until Claire showed up to my house with a boy. She went straight to the point and said that she had reported me for rape. She had done some DNA tests and knew that I was the dad. Now, I'm in jail.

Choice 1 : Restart.

No big deal.


I was held prisoner for two years, two years of torture and endless interrogations. I returned to Canada and was awarded the RCAF Reserve Badge for my service. Today, I am a highly respected veteran.

Choice 1 : Restart.

I give up.

Fight'em off.

I landed in some bushes, and immediately took my 9 mm Beretta pistol. I injured some incoming men. However, I was running out of ammo, so I decided to retreat. But, to where? As I was thinking what to do next, I felt a burning pain on my leg. I looked down and saw blood. I couldn't run, nor walk anymore. I fell on the ground. I could here more men shouting and searching. Then, they started shooting into the bushes. Another bullet directly hit me on the chest. I was heavily bleeding, and I started to black out. Slowly, I began to lose my vision and then, I, I, I was, was on, my wa...

Choice 1 : Pay some respects, then restart.

Choice 2 : Restart.

We will fight till the last drop of blood.