What's next?

A hypertext narrative by

Roxanne St-Georges

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2065

Choice count: 31

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 12

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 35 matches (Bachelor of, Down, Jerome, School, academic, choice, class, classes, college, course, courses, degree, disadvantaged, don, exam, field, field of study, first, general, grades, graduation, learn, major, management, market, marks, mentor, project, research, school, semester, skills, social, teachers, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 25 matches (accused, Bar, Clinical, close, consent, corruption, discovery, escape, fine, four, General, harassment, interest, justice, law, market, master, occupation, offer, option, profession, proof, remedy, Sexual, young)

Nursing : 22 matches (analysis, bacteria, biology, cancer, clinical, consent, foot, hospital, sign, labour, medical, mentor, microbiology, mode, multiple, nose, position, SANS, social, vaccine, treatment, chemistry)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

background check (1 match)

drudgery (1 match)

internship (3 matches)

overtime (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

time management (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


What's next?

Which college program?

Earlier this year, I've received a letter from Saint-Jerome College; unfortunately, I didn't get into Biomedical Analysis (BA) because of my low chemistry and physic results. I had to sign me up for the second request round. Because I really wanted to study in BA, I chose to send a request for the Springboard DCS and re-do my chemistry and physic. I'm currently at my mid-semester in Springboard DCS, but by the time that has passed, I'm hesitating between BA and Natural Science (NS) because NS offers more opportunities. Which program should I choose?

Choice 1 : Biomedical Analysis

Choice 2 : Natural Science

A person hesiting between two choices

First ideas are the best.

I decided to stick with my initial program idea because it still interested me. My courses are very captivating, we learn a lot of different medical terms and applications, and I have straight A's! We have a class about the medical technologist profession, the occupation we'll mostly have, and I realized that there are not plenty other careers we can have only with this DCS and the daily tasks are the same every day. So, I'm not sure that's what I want for my career... But, at the same time, Natural Science courses don't really interest me. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Staying in Biomedical Analysis

Choice 2 : Switching program

Thinking process

More general.

I had to fall back on Natural Science (NS) program because I want to be sure to have the most opportunities as I can. As I predicted it, generally, my classes are boring and not meaningful to me. Only the half of the four main science subjects (mathematics, physic, chemistry and biology) are relevant to the couple of profession whose interest me. Also, I don't have high scores as I had in Biomedical Analysis, which desperate me. Because of my situation, I looked for a bachelor who doesn't require all the NS courses, so I could do a DCS without mention. But, of course, I need to be sure of my choice because it closes a lot of bachelor to me. Should I keep going in NS or take the chance and do a DCS without mention?

Choice 1 : PER-SE-VE-RANCE and complete NS

Choice 2 : Let it go and do a DCS without mention

A laboratory class

Stick to my first choice.

No, no, no. I should follow my initial decision because this is what I wanted at first. The laboratory classes are awesome, I'm tripping! Also, an advantage of studying in a technique is to have internship. Internship makes it possible to have a foot in the door in the heath care system because we have a mentor who supervises us during our internship in a real workplace. So, if I decide to go on the labour market directly after my graduation, it will be easier for me to get a job. But I'm wondering if I go working or I pursue my studies at Trois-Rivieres University in Biomedical Sciences to do more clinical and research stuff...?

Choice 1 : Jobs are open to me

Choice 2 : University, I'm coming!

Teacher and studentss in laboratory class

Labour market is mine.

I was young and full of energy, so I decided to go on the labour market. Because of the internship I did during my DCS, I easily found a job in a hospital laboratory. However, what I feared the most was to quickly get bored with the same routine tasks. What I expected happened; I don't see myself doing this for the next 40 years. So, I decided to go back to school.

Choice 1 : It wasn't for me

Analytic laboratory

Go to university!

Even if the laboratory courses were my favorite ones, the about-the-profession class made me doubt of the medical technician (MT) career. University seemed a better and safer option because I'll have the option to be a MT and/or doing more theoretical, research stuff, so I applied to Trois-Rivieres University, and I was accepted! For after my bachelor, I am still in reflexion between pursuing my studies (more!) and doing a master degree to mainly do research or start my own clinical analytic laboratory. What's the best idea you think?

Choice 1 : Pursuing my studies

Choice 2 : Build my own clinical laboratory

Trois-Rivieres University

An ambitious project.

I embarked in a great project; I built my own clinical analytic laboratory! I wanted to completely accomplish something by my own initiative while remaining in my expertise field. I put a big effort, a lot of overtime and put aside many projects to be able to create my institution. Today, it's ingrained and well-establish, I'm very proud of myself!

Choice 1 : I couldn't be happier!

Advantages of being a entrepeneur

More and more studies.

I'm a very curious person, so I thought pursing my studies was the best option, and I was right! I'm currently doing my master degree at University of Montreal in Biomedical Sciences. I'm paired with one of my teachers, which is also a searcher at the university, so I do my studies and some research at the same time, and I love that! When I have finished my master degree, I'll be transferred to the research department of the university, I can't wait for this!

Choice 1 : It didn't turn out the way I thought it would

Choice 2 : An amazing discovery!

University of Montreal

Oops..., we shouldn't have done that.

It has been a while since I was transferred in the research department, and everything was fine. Other searchers and I worked on many projects, divided in teams. My team and I needed more funding to complete our project, so we asked some companies if they wanted to sponsor us. We found one, but we were accused of corruption because the results of our project suspiciously correlate with the services offer by our partner...

Choice 1 : We maybe made a mistake...

An embarassed person

What great progress!

It has been a while since I was transferred in the research department, and everything was fine. Other searchers and I worked on many projects, divided in teams. My team and I were working on different vaccine and treatment prototypes to find a cure to cancer. After many tests and failures, we finally found a remedy to the more common cancers, and it's at 94% efficient!

Choice 1 : I feel accomplished and proud

People receiving reward

Don't give up.

I won't be always able to escape from my problems; I stayed in Natural Science. I know it's going to be hard and a drudgery to not give up but I'll do it. I need to revise my time management, and unfortunately, put aside a part of my social life to be concentrated on studies. Of course, I want to go to university after, but I'm not sure in what, but for now I bury my nose in books, and we'll see what happens!

Choice 1 : Efforts have paid off

Choice 2 : I changed my mind

A student studying

Choose your battles.

We have to choose our battles, and sometimes, we need to let go things. This is what I did; I've left Natural Science (NS). I didn't enjoy my courses and it stressed me a lot. Before I took my decision, I looked for a bachelor which doesn't require all the NS courses, and I found one pretty interesting! So, I'm finishing this semester with a DCS without mention, and this autumn, I'll be at university!

Choice 1 : I changed my mind

Choice 2 : I can do it

Choice 3 : I have to think about it

Stress relief

I did it!

OMG! I did it! I finished the Natural Science program, and with pretty decent grades! I was very happy because I got enough good marks to apply to the University of Montreal in Biomedical Sciences, and being accepted! My classes are so much more interesting than my college ones. I'm finishing my bachelor in few weeks, and I would like to pursue my studies to do a master degree in the same field, to eventually do research. But, I saw that Medecins Sans Frontiere have a vacant position, and I have all the requirements. I'm torn between two opportunities whose are awesome...

Choice 1 : Pursuing my studies

Choice 2 : I can't miss this opportunity

A student graduating

A unique opportunity.

It was an opportunity I couldn't miss. I always loved helping people, and this is a wonderful way to make a major change in plenty live. Before I reach the Medecins Sans Frontiere team, they did a background check to be sure that I have a clean legal background, and of course, the skills needed. All this completed and checked, I'm so excited about this adventure!

Choice 1 : I'll make a difference in many live


Only fools don't change their minds.

I managed to finish my Natural Science courses, but with average grades. They weren't enough good to apply in a pure and applied sciences program, so I had to check something else. It's at this moment that doing a bachelor of Law because justice always fascinated me. Hopefully, my grades were enough good to apply in Law; proof, I was accepted! After my bachelor, I'll do a master degree and my bar in Law. What an academic turn!

Choice 1 : Justice will be done

Juridic stuff

Be bold!

Only fools don't change their minds! After my DCS without mention, Natural Science exasperate me little bit, and I didn't want to pursue in a science field. I talked to myself, and I decided to have fun in life and live my passion; design mode. I applied for another DCS in design, and after graduating, I did a master in Entrepreneurship to start my own clothes line. Today, I absolutely don't regret my choice, and I live from my passion!

Choice 1 : My clothes line is successful!

A sketch of a dress

My non-conventional path.

What a non-conventional study path that I had! Even with a DCS without mention, I was accepted in Microbiology at the University of Montreal. Of course, I planned it; I did the requirements courses during my semesters in Natural Science, and had high grades in them, so my cote R was okay. It was a winding school path, but I did it, and I'm happy because I arrived at the same final step without too many failures!

Choice 1 : I think I forgot to extinguish something...

Choice 2 : Don't touch me!

A microbiologist

Let me think about it.

With a lot of confusion faced to my tuition, not really knowing in which field of study I wanted to pursue, I decided to take a step back. My interests in school dropped a little bit when I finished my DCS without mention because I didn't have courses relevant to me. Having at least my DCS, I wanted to have a break, so I started looking for a trip. It came to my mind to do a volunteering trip because it's a way to visit another country while helping people in need. Now that I'm in Africa, helping disadvantaged people, I can't go back in my country.

Choice 1 : Finally, I want to stay here

Humanitarian trip

There's some heat here...?

I stayed late at the university to study for the exam I had the next day. I studied the multiple types of bacteria and germs, figuring out it was which one. I also re-did all the manipulations to prepare and make correctly a gelose. For this, I need a Bunsen burner to sterilize the instruments. It's really important to not forget to extinguish the flame after finishing the manipulations. I left the university very late, and I was pretty tired. I came back the next day, and the university was burning because someone left a heat source in the Microbiology department...

Choice 1 : The biggest mistake I ever done...

A building in fire

I didn't consent...

I stayed late at the university to study for the exam I had the next day. I was quietly doing my stuff, and I heard the door opens. It was one of my professors, I was wondering why he still was at the university at this time of the day. I didn't mind of his presence. He came close to me and started to touch me. I asked him to stop touching me and leaving me alone, but he continued. He dressed me down, and him too. This is the story of my sexual harassment.

Choice 1 : I'll be forever traumatized
