My Career as a Network Manager.

A hypertext narrative by

Irven Cedric

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2807

Choice count: 36

Section count: 25

Image count: 25

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 47 matches (absence, account, accounts, action, answer, award, carrier, charity, clients, close, company, contact, documents, driving licence, driving, drugs, fact, family, Financial, fine, four, harassment, hello, House, interest, licence, loss, market, minutes, misconduct, month, mortgage, offer, office, parties, pension, possibility, privilege, products, sale, schedule, security, Sexual, tax, test, vacations, young)

Education : 33 matches (Education, School, choice, class, classes, college, course, courses, curriculum, diploma, don, field, first, games, grades, head, high school, homework, learn, learning, library, management, market, multimedia, options, school, semester, teacher, teachers, test, tutor, university, vacation)

Computer Science : 33 matches (bit, call, carrier, check, choice, Class, close, Comment, computer, document, electronic, field, group, huge, internet, Library, manager, medium, multimedia, network management, network, open, pass, Programming, resource, search, security, select, signed, skip, smart, store, video)

Target Structure:

come in handy (1 match)

cursory (1 match)

HR (3 matches)

intern (4 matches)

internship (8 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

mortgage (2 matches)

pension (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (3 matches)

retirement (21 matches)

set aside (2 matches)

sexual harassment (2 matches)

test drive (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

time management (2 matches)

vacant position (1 match)


My Career as a Network Manager.

The beginning of my life.

One's I finish school a few possibilities of career was offered to me. As I like a lot the computers and cars, I suggest myself continue in one of those domains for my future. But at the same time, I have school over my head. So, I decided that I have three options, and I had to make an important choice:

Choice 1 : Continue school and make professional education diploma.

Choice 2 : Continue school and go to college.

Choice 3 : Stop school and find a job.

High school

Continue school and make professional education diploma.

My mother told me that finding a job with only a secondary high school diploma is a bit hard. So, I decided to get myself a professional education diploma as a computer man. It took me around two years to get my diploma. In my courses, I learn a lot of things on the computer and I started to like extremely that department. There are a lot of types of jobs in that document such as programming, network management, multimedia, etc. Because of that, the request of workers is extremely high I would not have to struggle for a job. One of my teachers told me that going to college after my diploma will raise my salary and because I already learn the ropes, college will be easier. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Find myself a job and start my carrier.

Choice 2 : Continue to College in Network management.


Continue school and go to college.

It was the second week of the semester and my teachers had already begun piling on the homework. After dinner, I gave my English homework a cursory glance and made a snap decision about my time management. I decided to put aside my computer and all my electronic devices. A must pull off in my English class. Even if I found that doing English homework is maddening, I do them thoughtfully. By doing that I will have good results in all of my grades. I will start to stop losing my time during my breaks and do my homework. I will also study my notes and go to the library to get a desk. But I have no idea in which field study to go between human resources and network management.

Choice 1 : Select the human Resources program.

Choice 2 : Select the network Management program.


Stop school and find a job.

After 12 years of going to school, I decided to stop school and find a job. One of the first reasons that I stop school is that I didn't have straights a's and also, I don't have good time management, so I always give my work late. So, I started by sending my curriculum vitae to all little store close to my house. Two months later I still didn't have an answer from any company. I decided to start making a lot of parties with all of my friends and having fun. A few months later, I had a call from Canadian Tire to past an interview. The fact that I was having a lot of fun with my friends every night I was not sure about going to get a job. What should I choose? To go to Canadian Tire and pass an interview to get a job or continue having fun with my friends?

Choice 1 : Get the job.

Choice 2 : Continue doing parties with my friends.


Find myself a job and start my carrier.

Even if my teacher told me that college was easier after making a personal education diploma. I decided not to go to college. I start to search for a job. I found one into a small company named Amerix as a computer technician. I started working everything was fine my colleague was extremely kind to me, and we start doing a lot of activities after work. Now that I have been able to put aside some money. I have to make a smart decision. Am I buying myself a house or go into a small apartment and get my driving licence?

Choice 1 : Get myself an apartment and make my license.

Choice 2 : Buy a house.

find job

Continue to College in Network management.

Exactly as one of my teachers told me when I was doing my professional education diploma. College is easier. A lot of my friends are rushing out to do their homework. I'm just taking my time and doing them without passing through big problems. I had passed all of my courses with very good grades. Now that I have my diploma, I have a few options that open to me. An intern is optional for me because I do already have my professional education diploma. But I can still make it and get more activities in my background, or I can simply go get myself a job.

Choice 1 : Find a job.

Choice 2 : Go to university as a network engineer.

Choice 3 : Make an internship as a Network Manager.


Select the human Resources program.

I finally decided to go to the human resources program. This program was extremely difficult because it was all about learning by heart. I finish all of my courses with a lot of work. I did my internship in a huge company named Ubisoft. That company creates a video game and I found it perfect because that was, I think that was interesting myself. After my intern, I went on the market and find me a job at Canadian Tire. When I got in the company, there had a lot of movements in the manager. Because of that a lot of employers were not satisfied with the changes and came to my office to discuss it. What should I do fix the problem or leave the thing like that?

Choice 1 : Fix the problem.

Choice 2 : Do nothing and keep it like that.

HR programs

Select the network Management program.

I finally decided to go to the network Management program. In that program, there is a lot of practice. That was perfect for me because I'm very bad at knowing by heart. Teachers give a lot of work and not a lot of class, so you have to search on the Internet to find answers and troubleshoot your problems. Almost every day after school I was staying to finish my homework. But overall it was not bothering myself because I liked a lot the program. I finish all of my course and now I need to make an internship.

Choice 1 : Make an internship as a Network Manager.

It programs

Get the job.

I decided to go get a job because it was better for my future. So, I woke up the next morning and I called them as it was mentioned on the voicemail that they send me. I talk Mr. Tremblay, he offered me a few possibilities to go passe an interview. Everything went exactly how I expected, and I got the job. Approximately three years later, I didn't still have a salary increase and the new employers got the same salary as me. Should I go to the human resource to get a salary raise or not?

Choice 1 : Go to HR office.

Choice 2 : Keep it like this and don't ask for a raise of salary.


Continue doing parties with my friends.

One night, I ran into one of my old friends at a party downtown, and Megan asked if I wanted to go to another event nearby. We walked along on Notre-Dame streets until we pass by three other friends of hers. They ask if they can join us and we accepted. They were looking a bit weird such as if they were on hard drugs. A few minutes later, one of the boys asks if we wanted to go to his apartment. The three guys were trying to flirt with Megan. She was dreadful to their comment but was not comfortable at all. After that, we arrived at the apartment, and as soon as we enter, the three guys started to do misconduct action. They started to slap Megan but had other things like that. So, I started to fight against them, and I run away with Megan. She started to explain to me that there were always texting her and making her some advance. I told her that it was sexual harassment, so we went to the police office. What should we do?

Choice 1 : Denounce the unacceptable move.

Choice 2 : Turn around and hope they will never do that again.


Make an internship as a Network Manager.

For my internship, I have the privilege to work for a financial broker company. It was my first foot in the door in the domain. They represent the individual clients, and they offer free financial check-ups to people to figure out the gap in their plans. After the gaps are identified, they then suggest the best possible solution from a huge variety of products offered by all our business associates. The firm that I am doing my Network Management internship at has won the Caring Company award for 6 years in a row so it is also a very socially responsible company as well, that does a lot of charity work. Some employers of the company are saying that my tutor is overwhelming me. Obviously, my company competes in the finance industry, but I am doing my internship with them as a Network Management intern. However, this will surely come in handy for me.

Choice 1 : Go to university as a network engineer.

Choice 2 : Find a job.


Get myself an apartment and make my license.

I started by going to the driving school to pay and schedule my class. A year after I got my driving licence and I have enough money to buy a car. So, I went to the dealer and test drive. I found a nice Volkswagen Golf with low mileage and extremely comfortable. So, I bought that car and started to search for an apartment. I found one I like approximately 5 minutes of my job. Two years after I wanted to have more space so, I decided to buy myself a house.

Choice 1 : Buy a house.


Buy a house.

To buy myself a house I first started by looking at the Internet four houses on sale. I went and visit a few but none of them were very interesting until I found one that I love. I called the bank and ask for a mortgage loan. I was accepted and a few weeks later I moved into my house. Now that I have a mortgage to pay, I must stop spending money. I stayed there for 35 years and, I finished paying for my house. The next step of my career is retirement.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


Find a job.

I decided to skip the intern and go right through the job market. I got a few job opportunities. I decided to go to work in one of the Volkswagen garages. My job was to create the website and be sure that all of the computers were working fine. Also, that if there was a problem to fix it. One thing that I was extremely lucky about that job is that I could learn a lot of things about the car and started to change by myself the Broken parts of my cars. I work for them for around 26 years and decided to take my retirement.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


Go to university as a network engineer.

After college, I went straight through university. That allows me to create a lot of contact for future jobs. I had some success through all of my courses at the same time that I was working in a dead end job. Once I finish University, I had two opportunities that open to me the first one was going into a bank and work as a computer cyber security manager or work into a huge Montreal company named Ubisoft, also as a computer cyber security manager.

Choice 1 : Work into a bank.

Choice 2 : Work for Ubisoft.


Fix the problem.

I had to fix that problem, it was my job. So, I started by asking what's the basic action that was travelling themselves. A few answered me it was the reason that a young boy was getting into the management position, and he had approximately three years of experience. I went and talk about that trouble to the big boss. He told me that the kid had huge potential, and he wanted him to be into the management group. All the people recognized that he was a hard worker and accepts to give him is that position.Now let's talk about my retirement.

Choice 1 : My retirement.

problem fix

Do nothing and keep it like that.

It's impossible to do anything. My job is to fix those problems! So, decide to fix this problem!

Choice 1 : Fix the problem.

run away of problem

Denounce the unacceptable move.

We entered to the police office and spoke with the receptionist that referred us to the good Department. We have felt some documents and signed to add to prove that it was the real story. The policeman told us that they will hello meet the boys, and they will take care of the rest.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


Turn around and hope they will never do that again.

Turning around would be a bad decision sexual harassment has to be denounced. That's why I will give you no choice to denounce it.

Choice 1 : Denounce the unacceptable move.


Go to HR office.

So, I went and saw my HR department, to arrange some fix between my college and me. They managed the situation extremely well, by the time that I was there, I decided to discuss my vacations. My boss told me that because I was a hard worker, and I took no leaves of absence it was possible for me to have salary benefits. So much happy to hear that, I ask him how I may have that. He told me that I have nothing to do, it will automatically be added on my first paid off the next month, and if a wanted, I have the possibility of changing department because there was a vacant position. The offer was a residential technician. I found this offer extremely interest and decided to accept it.Now let's talk about my retirement.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


Keep it like this and don't ask for a raise of salary.

So, I kept my low salary and continue working. I have to put aside some money for my retirement so, I call the bank to open a savings account. They've proposed me few possibilities and I decided to open tax-free savings accounts with medium risk. Let’s see what happened in my retirement.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


My retirement.

For my retirement, I have been able to set aside a huge amount of money. I remember in one of my English classes, I saw some advice on retirement, and it was recommended put set aside approximately 70 thousand to 90 thousand or more for the pension. That is exactly what I did. Now I am going invocation through all around the world and passing sweet time with my friends and family.

Write a choice here.


Work into a bank.

So, I decided to go to work for a bank. The drive of work of that job is extremely high. One of the reasons it's because the bank does have a lot of money and if you forget a security breach, you can make a big loss to the company and get sucked up in a lot of problems. However, I have worked for the bank for 30 years. Let's see what my retirement looks like.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


Work for Ubisoft.

I decided to go to work for "Ubisoft". That Montreal company creates video games. That job was extremely nice. All the employers were very kind, and everyone was helping each other to pass through a hard time. I spent 35 years working for that company and I would go back tomorrow. Let's see what I'm doing right now at my retirement.

Choice 1 : My retirement.


My retirement.

For my retirement, I never really work hard, so I don't have a lot of money. Some organization, End of my family are helping me to have a bit of money. I couldn't go on vacation exactly how I planned in the past. When I was 18, I should have worked harder do you have a better life today.

Write a choice here.
