Radiology VS Accounting.

A hypertext narrative by

Meghety Kabakean

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2785

Choice count: 36

Section count: 26

Image count: 26

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 42 matches (Down, Education, GPA, School, certification, choice, class, classes, college, colleges, compensation, course, courses, deadline, degree, don, education in, exam, fail, failed, failing, field, field of study, first, gender, grades, homework, knowledge, learn, learned, major, marks, motivation, options, project, school, semester, stages, teacher, teachers, test, training)

Nursing : 27 matches (disease, biopsy, spots, cancer, compensation, test, diagnosis, Doctor, tissue, forced, hospital, HR, melanoma, MRI, multiple, nervous, practice, radiologist, radiology, sample, scan, skin, surgery, symptom, treatment, patients, treat)

Psychology : 26 matches (attention, class, compensation, diagnosis, dream, family, field, focus, forgetting, gender, hit, interview, knowledge, motivation, MRI, need, nervous, order, panic attack, patient, sample, SCAN, set, skin, symptom, thinking)

Target Structure:

come in handy (2 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

HR (5 matches)

intern (2 matches)

internship (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

wage (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


Radiology VS Accounting.

Radiology VS accounting.

As my secondary school years started to end, I started to look at good colleges near me. The field of study that interested me most had always been radiology, and accounting had always been a secondary choice. I decided that Ahuntsic College was the best choice for me, and applied right away.

Choice 1 : I was accepted to Ahuntsic College for radiology.

Choice 2 : I was accepted to Ahuntsic College for accounting.

Ahuntsic College

I was accepted to Ahuntsic College for radiology.

I got news that I was accepted to Ahuntsic College for Radiology, and was so excited. It had always been my dream to study radiology, and now I had the chance to do so. As soon as I got accepted, I celebrated with my family and friends.

Choice 1 : I relax until the semester starts and do whatever I want.

Choice 2 : I study all summer and get used to the work.

 Lightbox Radiology Education

I was accepted to Ahuntsic College for accounting.

My grades were not high enough for me to get accepted for radiology, so I decided to major in accounting. I always thought that accounting would be worthwhile, and offer a decent wage to live off of. While I was still excited to attend Ahuntsic, I was disappointed I couldn't major in my dream field of study.

Choice 1 : I major in accounting and continue my education in this field.

Choice 2 : I apply to a different college for radiology.


I relax until the semester starts and do whatever I want.

I worked hard to get into this program, so I decided to take some time off before the semester started. Summer is the one time I’m free during the year, so I decided to relax before a semester of studying. I partied with my friends, and enjoyed the last few months with my friends before we all went to different colleges.

Choice 1 : I do fine in all of my classes, and get good grades.

Choice 2 : I get overwhelmed by all of my courses.

20 ways to relax

I study all summer and get used to the work.

It had always been my dream to study radiology, so I decided to begin looking at the material. I wanted to do my best in my classes, and make sure I pass with straight A’s. I felt blessed to get accepted into this course and college, and I wasn't going to waste my opportunity to achieve my dream. Studying before the semester starts would come in handy, and help give me a leg up over others in my class as well.

Choice 1 : I keep studying throughout the school year and get top marks.

Choice 2 : My grades drop as time goes by, and I barely pass my classes.

Studying before the semester

I major in accounting and continue my education in this field.

I was heartbroken on losing out on radiology, but I’ve always thought that accounting would be an interesting career. Math has always been one of my favorite subjects in school, so I thought a job involving math would be enjoyable.

Choice 1 : I receive my accounting degree and find a job.

Accountant job

I apply to a different college for radiology.

My grades were too low for the other colleges close to me, and I had missed the deadline to apply to most already.There were few options left for me to pursue a career in radiology, and it seemed as if my dream job was out of my reach forever.

Choice 1 : I give up on college and find whatever job I can without a degree.

Applying to College

I do fine in all of my classes, and get good grades.

I felt refreshed from summer, and was ready to hit the books. I had fun during the summer, but once the semester started I knew there was no time to fool around. I made sure to finish all of my assignments on time, and never fail a single exam or project.

Choice 1 : I receive my radiology degree and find a job.

Good grade

I get overwhelmed by all of my courses.

I spent my entire summer partying, and never got into a routine with my school work. I had no motivation to do any homework in the beginning of the semester, and once I started to do my work I was behind on everything. I didn't understand anything in all of my classes because I didn't pay attention in class or do homework.

Choice 1 : I try my best to get passing grades.

Choice 2 : I accept that I failed, and give up on my classes.

No Focus

I keep studying throughout the school year and get top marks.

My study habits paid off, and I aced all of my exams. I had studied day and night in order to succeed, and I could feel my dream becoming reality. I passed my certification test, and finished all of my internships. All that was left for me was to find my first ever job.

Choice 1 : I get hired.

I did it

My grades drop as time goes by, and I barely pass my classes.

By the time I graduated my GPA had taken a hit. I stopped caring about my classes, and wasn't paying attention in class. I didn't understand half the stuff the teacher was talking about, and was forgetting key concepts. I thought that I could do good in my classes even if I didn't pay attention, but I was wrong. I got lazy, and was unsure if I could pass my exams after almost failing.

Choice 1 : I fail the certification exam.


I receive my accounting degree and find a job.

The company that I interned with hired me as soon as I got my degree, and it was time for me to start working. I had learned a lot from my internship, and knew my experience as an intern at this company would come in handy. The manager and HR already knew me, so I wasn't too nervous going into the interview.

Choice 1 : I accept the job.

Get a job

I receive my radiology degree and find a job.

On the way to my first interview, I had a panic attack in the car. I was nervous that I was going to blow my interview, and say the wrong things. I calmed myself down before I went in the building, and reviewed my practice questions for the interview. The interview questions that I was asked were easier than I thought, but I was upset over the low salary they offered me. I would practically be working for free, and I didn't know if I should take the job offer.

Choice 1 : I accept the job offer.

Choice 2 : I decline the job offer.

Job interview

I try my best to get passing grades.

I barely passed my classes and certification exam. I only got this far because I cheated on everything. I got hired, but I had no clue what was happening during my job training. The company had just fired a bunch of employees, so there were a bunch of vacant positions. The coworker training me was using terminology we were supposed to learn during our courses, but I never listened to my teachers. I was afraid of telling him that I didn't know what he was talking about because I didn't want to get fired.

Choice 1 : I keep on acting like I know what I’m doing.

Choice 2 : I tell him I cheated, and have no clue what he’s talking about.

Signs you may get fired soon

I get hired.

I aced my interview, and got the job one week later. During my training, my coworker was amazed by my knowledge. I always knew what was happening during my training. My time as an intern helped prepare me for working, and I felt confident going to work every day. I loved working, and enjoyed every moment of my job. Once my training was over, I got to work alone, and help patients by myself.

Choice 1 : I continue helping patients.

Get hired

I accept the job.

My training lasted four months. I was officially an accountant, and slowly settled into my daily routine. I was the newest employee in my office, and everyone was very kind and helpful. One of my coworkers would always help me when I had a question, and would constantly flirt with me. He was nice, but I wasn’t interested in having a relationship with a coworker at this point in time. I had just been hired, and wanted to focus on my career.

Choice 1 : I tell him I'm not interested in dating right now.

Choice 2 : I let him continue to flirt with me.

Helpful coworker

I accept the job offer.

I accepted the job offer, but I hated my coworkers. Everyone had their own friend group who they would talk to, but I was getting excluded and felt shunned. I felt alienated because no one would talk to me, and I would hear my coworkers talking behind my back about me. I was already upset over my compensation, and now I felt alone. I didn't know if I should continue working here or quit.

Choice 1 : I continue working here.

Choice 2 : I quit.

Coworkers talking behind my back about me.

I keep on acting like I know what I’m doing.

During and after my training. I acted like I knew what I was doing, and never asked questions that would make me seem unqualified. However, I had a patient that needed me to take an MRI scan of them. I couldn’t figure out how to take the MRI scan, and my boss questioned me on what happened. He told me I can't mess up like that again or else he’s going to fire me. The next patient that came in needed an X-ray done on them, and I couldn’t figure out what to do again. My boss was watching, and asked me why I can’t complete my basic duties.

Choice 1 : I tell my boss I don’t know what I’m doing and get fired.

Couldn't figure out

I tell him I cheated, and have no clue what he’s talking about.

My coworker that was training me immediately told my boss that I cheated, and had no clue as to what was happening. I didn’t think he was going to snitch on me, and thought he would have my back. My boss called me into his office shortly after talking with my coworker that reported on me. He asked me if it's true that I was unqualified for the job.

Choice 1 : I tell him the truth.

The cheat Code

I continue helping patients.

My first ever patient came to me with dark spots on their skin. She told me that she likes to sunbathe, and has never used sunscreen once in her life. I immediately suspected that the spots were melanoma, and that she had early stages of cancer. I called in my team, so they could examine my patient, and we decided as a team on our next step. Since it was patient, I had to give them the news of their diagnosis. I was nervous because this was my first patient, and I didn't know how to put it lightly. Cancer is scary, but as a radiologist it was my duty to be there and help my patient through this no matter what.

Choice 1 : I tell my patient about her diagnosis.

My first patient

I tell him I'm not interested in dating right now.

I told my coworker that I appreciate him helping me, but asked him to please stop flirting with me. He apologized for flirting with me, and was still there for me when I needed help. A year passed since he stopped flirting with me, and we were still close friends. We would help each other when one of us made a mistake, or was struggling with their work. I made a mistake while calculating the expenses and tax records for our company, and he helped me find my mistake. I was glad we were still friends, and was thinking about asking him out since I was more comfortable with my work-life balance.

Choice 1 : I ask him out.

Stop flirting with me

I let him continue to flirt with me.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I never told my coworker that I wasn't interested in dating him. After a few months I was forced to tell him to stop after he made unwanted advances on me. I asked him to please stop, and he seemed upset at me. He refused to stop, and I had to inform my boss of the situation. However, I saw my boss joking with him, and I knew that they were best friends. I also saw my coworker giving cash money to HR when no one was watching. He was close with our boss, and was bribing HR, so he wouldn't get fired for sexually harassing me. I went to my boss and HR multiple times asking them why he wasn't fired yet, and they said they were working on it.

Choice 1 : I ask my coworker again to please stop flirting with me.

Sexually harassing

I continue working here.

I barely had enough money to pay off my mortgage due to the low compensation from my job. I was working overtime as often as I could, but it made no difference. On top of that, everyone in this hospital was rude, and was lacking manners. I had been working here for six months, and never has anyone made an effort to talk to me. All of my coworkers were males, and felt threatened by having a female coworker. It was maddening to me that I was stuck in this situation. Never did I think jealousy or office politics would ruin my career especially over my gender. My only hope was to quit this dead-end job, and find a new job.

Choice 1 : I quit and search for a new job.

To find a new job.

I tell my patient about her diagnosis.

A few months after I broke the news to my patient about her cancer diagnosis, she was symptom free. We wanted to start treatment immediately to prevent the cancer from spreading. We had her see the doctor that was going to be doing the surgery, and had her scheduled for the earliest date. After the surgery was done on her, I had her visit me for check ups to see if she was cancer free. I wanted to make sure that the cancer hasn't spread or that any was left. I would take a sample of her skin tissue and do a biopsy test to see if the cancer had disappeared. Sure enough, she was disease free. This was my first patient that I helped, and I was happy to see her healthy. All of my hard work had finally paid off. As time went by, my list of patients had grown, and I was rising up the ranks. I was respected by all of my peers and was one of the top doctors in my hospital.

Choice 1 : I continue to help those in need, and be the best radiologist I can be.

Top radiologist

I ask him out.

My coworker accepted my invitation for a date, and we ended up marrying each other a couple years later. We still work in the same office, and work on everything together. We both got promotions after we came up with a way to save our company thousands, and increase revenue and profits by cutting back on unneeded costs. With our new promotions, we could both retire from work sooner than we thought. Our wages increased greatly, and we already started to set aside money, so we could both retire without worrying about our expenses later in life. I never once dreaded going to work, and had everything a person could ask for.

Choice 1 : I continue working till my retirement and continue to enjoy my life.

Dating a coworker

I ask my coworker again to please stop flirting with me.

A month has passed since I reported my coworker to HR and my boss, and nothing has happened. He hasn't been fired, and continues to flirt with me which makes me feel uncomfortable. When I asked him to stop again he refused, and started to spread lies about me to others in the office. After whatever gossip he spread, everyone started to treat me coldly. My friends in the office stopped talking with me, and started giving me weird glances. I didn't feel safe at work anymore with everyone turning their backs on me.

Choice 1 : I quit and search for a new job.

uncomfortable work environment