The weird way of life.

A hypertext narrative by

Ahmed Mahdouk

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2366

Choice count: 30

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 40 matches (agent, arrested, cartel, Cause, character, citizen, company, consumer, divorce, Enterprise, escape, estate agent, estate, fact, family, Financial, harassment, House, identity, illegal, land, living, market, month, offer, option, portion, possibility, power, proof of, proof, real estate, right of, security, sentence, Sexual, sue, theft, threat, witness)

Computer Science : 32 matches (bit, boom, call, character, check, choice, dedicate, drawback, emotion, enterprise, exit, floor, handle, mask, mean, name, odds, proof of, pass, path, profile, RAID, reader, security, sentence, SEQUEL, simulation, smart, threat, track, trap, video)

Education : 27 matches (Enterprise, John, P, adult, choice, college, course, degree, don, exam, fail, failed, failing, first, games, graduation, head, learn, learned, management, market, reader, research, social, technology, university, writing)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

income (2 matches)

overtime (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)


The weird way of life.


Bravo! You finally finished your program in college Ahuntsic. How does it feel? Do you feel free or trap in a cage? Who knows, but the real question is,"what will you do now?". So much possibility and yet you have to make a choice. Well, actually you have only two choice, because of lazy writing and bad time management. Certainly not my fault.You chose this simulation, not me, so live with it. By the way, think of my like Morgan freeman.

Choice 1 : Go to the university.

Choice 2 : become an entrepreneur.

College Ahuntsic

The university.

Good choice! It is nice to see someone who works hard for a nice future. But did you chose a program? No! Really, how did you think the university worked? You have to choose a program before thinking of going to the university. You make my life harder, next time think before. Knowing the fact you went in Business management, I found two baccalaureates you can go.

Choice 1 : Accounting and financial management.

Choice 2 : Bachelor in consumer science.


Accounting and financial management.

I see someone who has a future. The work is hard, but you can do it. You just have to party less and don't get distracted by the girls. Who knows maybe you can end up in prison for sexual harassment. With this you can be a financial analyst. Is it that great? But first, you have to pass the baccalaureate.

Choice 1 : Succeed.

Choice 2 : fail

students life

Bachelor in consumer science.

You chose wisely, but doesn't mean it's going to easy. It is the university after all, you are going to work hard and party hard. I heard the party are pretty fun. Don't party to much you have a future to conquer. Don't forget your purpose you need to have this degree. But all this work will be in vain if you fail the finals.

Choice 1 : Succeed.

Choice 2 : Fail.

students life

Succeed for a better life.

Finally after years at the university, you finally succeeded. Know you just need to find a job, because without a job those years were for nothing. After months of research, you didn't find a job connected with your program. But you had a job offer that pay less and isn't connected with your degree.

Choice 1 : Pursue the research.

Choice 2 : Accept the job offer.


You have a job.

After another month of research and waiting, you have a job offer. You are not unemployed anymore. You see, with patience and hard work, you can almost accomplish everything. This job is related with finance, something that you love. In another 5 or 10 years you will be a boss and have a better wage. But before all this, they are going to do a background check. I hope you didn't do crazy thing in your teenage years. Who knows what will they find?

Choice 1 : Graduation.

You are hired

All those years wasted.

Well, we all work with what we have. You decided to go for this job. I hope you will be happy, because this is not the type of job you like. With luck, maybe you will have a descent life. All I know is you are going to live the perfect stereotype of a normal citizen. Working from 9 to 5 p.m. If you had waited a little longer, a job offer will have been offered. Good luck.

Choice 1 : Graduation.

Sad worker

Failing is not an option.

You have failed your program. How? I don't know but you need to get your things together. We are not in happy land, do your exam again. If you chose to fail again, you would end up in a miserable life. Yes, I make your life, so choose wisely next time.

Choice 1 : Accounting and financial management.

You passed.

I am so proud of you. You accomplish something wonderful for the future. But you have to stay strong because of all the obstacles that waiting for your. Never forget, you are a winner, you chose to succeed in life. That is why you will be able to find a good job has a real estate agent. Congrats my friend, it is a difficult job with a lot of competition. I am sure you will be able to pull that up, and be a good agent. Only the strong and the smart worker can handle this type of work. With hard work you will be able to be financial free and have a beautiful family.

Choice 1 : Graduation.


You failed.

Seriously! You have failed. You party to much and you dedicate to much your time for women. I mean it's good to have social life, but that was a drawback. You didn't even get a girl, you are pitiful. You failed two things that were really important for you. You failed your degree and women. I am so disappointed at you. It is why I chose that their will be no second chance for you. Your life will end up in a job with a small salary for the rest of your life. You will work a lot for the rest of your life and live in a small house with your family. You probably end up in a divorce because you didn't listen to your wife and went for another girl. This is sad but you will end up alone.

Choice 1 : Graduation.


The life of an entrepreneur.

You want to become an entrepreneur, bold choice. You want to become the next Elon Musk, Kevin Hart, Iron man(I know he is a fictional character)... That is good, you are an ambition man and you will need ambition for the rest off this path. We are going to pass the prologue speech and go straight up to the story. After a long thinking you have chosen between being a legible legal enterprise or and illegal businesses. All your life you wanted to make something that will advance the technology, this is why you were thinking of doing a nanotech businesses that help clean up the ocean. A good cause for bad world. Knowing the fact that will be extremely difficult and the pay ain't going to be big, this still your dream. But during those first years, you met a guy name El Pablo. Of course, it's not a racist stereotype of the Netflix show Narcos. As cliché it may sound, Pablo has an ideal of that pay big with a high risk. If you didn't understand, he is thinking of a legal drug company. Actually a little bit legal if you are in Canada. What will you do now?

Choice 1 : Do the legal way.

Choice 2 : Do the El Pablo way.

Elon Musk

Who will have though that you are a real believer?

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices. This is not an easy one, you are going to be overwhelmed by the stress. There is a lot of work to do in those kinds of jobs. The income isn't the best one, but you will give so much in the world. Yet, even while doing something good, you don't make enough progress to lunch the enterprise. The drive of work is slowly fading away. You have to choose if you want to continue working in your dream or to give up on them.

Choice 1 : Continue chasing your dream.

Choice 2 : Give up.


You succeed.

You are strong and capable of doing a lot of things. Even the odds weren't in your favour, you still decided to continue chases your dreams. This why after a lot of hard work, you became a successful entrepreneur. Your business started to go viral, people gave you a lot of funds, the amount of money producing by your enterprise grow widely. You should be happy, because you made it all by yourself. You worked overtime to make sure it worked. You have accomplished the best ending you can have in this weird simulation.

Choice 1 : Graduation.


The sad ending.

Like Avengers Infinity War, this not the ending people wanted to see. You want to know the worst? You ain't going to get a sequel like Avengers Endgame. You are stuck in the first one. By the way, it's not going to be like Back to the Future. You are going to be stuck in a dead end job. So, next time you are thinking of give in up remember this. Well, you will have a lot of time thinking about in a sleeping bag in the subway.

Choice 1 : Graduation.

Sad tony stark.

The beginning of a warlord.

Oh! It is going to be a dark path like dark Vader. Important tips, if someone has the high ground don't do it, whatever you have to do. You will understand later. El Pablo has a lot of friends and brothers who are welling help you. This is the beginning of a small drug business. Just to make sure it's illegal, but it's a small one that didn't pup out yet in police radar. The money you and El Pablo is big. The funniest part of this is that in the outside it look like Aladdin carpet market. Nobody saw that coming. Do you want to know why Aladdin is flying in a carpet? He is not really flying, he is high like Snoop Dog. That is the quote of the business. After years of hard work, El Pablo want to expand the business. He gave you the choice to expand with him or quit the business with a payment. You already made enough money to retire in a calm, sunny place.

Choice 1 : Expand.

Choice 2 : Retire.

Breaking bad

The new cartel.

With this expanding your business is officially a cartel. Congrats you became a warlord and it ain't going to be easy now. You have a lot of new enemies now, you have the other cartel and the FBI. You and El Pablo will need to change the game because of the adult league. Now you receive threat and weirdly enough, some of your employees disappear. Lately, the threat became more often and you receive the head of one of the employees. This is a dark world and batman ain't going to save you. Cartels are more savage than the Mafia, remember this. It ain't tuxedo and clean killer. This is way more aggressive than you thought, even the Yakuza don't want to work with savages. But even there, you can still ask the FBI help. How? You give yourself and agree to help them track yours and other cartels. They are ready to give you a small sentence and witness protection.

Choice 1 : Fight back

Choice 2 : Help the FBI.


The vengeance.

You decided to fight back, you hired a professional assassin and weirdly enough his name is Mr. Wick, You are sure to have heard him somewhere. He isn't know cause his all his target have disappeared. This guy doesn't have emotion, you know that you need to pay him good or you are going to be next. Next week, Mr. Wick come back with all the proof of his killing. This guy is a monster, don't ever make him mad. Years later, you learned his full name, John Wick. Now that all their leader are dead you decide to take over the other three cartels. You and El Pablo became the two most powerful men in Mexico. But now you start to want all the power for yourself and you think Pablo wants the same thing. By the way we don't have the right of putting John Wick. Don't sue me, I don't have the money.

Choice 1 : Overthrow El Pablo.

Choice 2 : Make a deal.

Joh wick

The end and the beginning of a new path.

You have made a good decision. After helping the FBI disassemble your cartel and two other ones, they are ready to help you back. You get a small sentence of five years in a low security prison. You even have a cellphone to call your family that is now living London. El Pablo has been arrested and put in a high security prison in Mexico. He ain't going to exit from there alive, I can tel you that. You and your family have a new identity. You can live a happy and low profile life. You steel have a portion of what you made so your financial okay. A good ending knowing the fact that could end up awful.

Choice 1 : Graduation.

New life.

El Pablo dead?

You learn Mr. wick is retired, you can not depend on him anymore. You choose to pay some of your employees to kill El Pablo. After two weeks, you learned El Pablo is dead. You are so happy, now you are the most powerful person in Mexico nobody can beat you. Everybody is afraid of you. Some years later, you get ambush by some people, they knew the place and you heard nothing. They come to your bedroom kill your wife. The leader take off his mask. What? It's El Pablo! He tells you one thing, ‹‹ No hard feeling, this is business›› and boom. You are dead. You didn't see that coming? Did you really thing I was going to end up the story like video games? No, it's no Grand Theft Auto.

Choice 1 : Graduation.

Breaking bad.


You and El Pablo make a deal he gets 55% and you 45% in all income. Anyway this is a lot of money and you don't want to start a war with your friend El Pablo. You decide to hide on an island and live happy with your family. Is it? Five years later, the FBI found you and raid your island. You try to escape from them while your men are fighting, but get shot and fall from the third floor. You died slowly and the only thing you saw is FBI taking all of your things. This where you understand, there is no happy ending in this kind of life.

Choice 1 : Graduation.

Peaky blinder