The Job of a Paramedic.

A hypertext narrative by

Katherine Dauphinais

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1188

Choice count: 24

Section count: 16

Image count: 16

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 22 matches (accident, adrenaline, ARM, bleeding, chest, circulation, death, depression, drug, environment, evaluation, effects, hospital, naloxone, pad, respiratory arrest, respiratory, stress, tourniquet, trauma, wound, emergency care)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 20 matches (accident, action, arrest, blood, crime, criminal, death, driver, driving, drugs, House, minutes, offer, property, protocol, robbery, seal, secure, society, threat)

Prehospital Emergency Care : 19 matches (accident, chest, hospital, respiratory, trauma, emergency, paramedic, patient, protocol, adrenaline, depression, drug, partner, tourniquet, transport, bleeding, ARM, emergency care, wound)

Target Structure:

purpose (1 match)


The Job of a Paramedic.

Finally integrating the work environment.

You just finished your Pre Hospital Emergency Care formation at Ahuntsic College. You passed your final evaluation and now you need to choose where you are going to work for the next years. Both Urgences-Santé and SPLL have offered you to work with them.

Choice 1 : Accept SPLL's work offer and go work in Mirabel.

Choice 2 : Accept Urgences-Santé's work offer and go work in Montreal.


Accept SPLL's work offer and go work in Mirabel.

On your first day, you get called for a gunshot wound at an armed robbery at a bank. Since this is your first call, you want to get there as fast as possible. You can decide to driver faster and skip red lights to get there or you can respect the speed limits and take the chance to miss all the action.

Choice 1 : You drive fast and don't respect the limits.

Choice 2 : You drive safely and slowly.


Accept Urgences-Santé's work offer and go work in Montreal.

You start working in Montreal and get your first call for a respiratory arrest situation. When you get on scene, before entering, you can call for the police to come back you up or not and enter the house with your partner.

Choice 1 : You call the police and wait for them to arrive before entering the property.

Choice 2 : You don't call the police and you enter the property.


You call the police and wait for them to arrive before entering the property.

You call the police and wait for them to arrive. A few minutes later, they are there, and they enter the house before you. They realize is it a crack house and make sure to secure and evacuate everyone before you enter. You and your partner start your reanimation protocol on your patient and you transport him effectively to the hospital. You are congratulated for your good work!

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.


You don't call the police and you enter the property.

You get too excited since this is your first call so you enter the house without knocking or advertising yourself. You realize it is a crack house and your patient is laying on the floor with a lot of people around. The patient is in a respiratory arrest because of drugs and everyone is high around him. You can either stay inside and prioritize your patient's safety or go back outside and call the police for them to secure the place.

Choice 1 : You call the police and wait for them to arrive before entering the property.

Choice 2 : You stay inside.

Crack House

You drive fast and don't respect the limits.

You decide to drive much faster than the speed limits. Luckily, you learned great driving skills while you were studying and you get there on time. The patient is still alive and you start your trauma protocol. You can either seal the wound bleeding profusely on his arm with a chest pad or you can use a tourniquet.

Choice 1 : Use a tourniquet.

Choice 2 : Use a chest pad.

Ambulance driving fast

You drive safely and slowly.

While you're on your way, you drive slowly to make sure you don't get in an accident. Because of that, you arrive at the scene too late and your patient lost all of his blood. Luckily, it was the shooter's partner who was accidentally shot. You're still fired. Go back to the beginning.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.

Dead Man

Use a tourniquet.

You put a tourniquet on the patient's left arm, which stops the bleeding effectively. While you are setting up your litter to transport him, you realize he is armed and was part of the robbery. You can either take off the tourniquet and let him die or you can leave it and try to save him even if he is a criminal.

Choice 1 : Take off the tourniquet.

Choice 2 : Leave the tourniquet.


Use a chest pad.

You put a chest pad on the patient's left arm but it doesn't stop the bleeding completely. You put a second pad on the wound and the bleeding finally stops. While you are preparing the transport, you realize there is a gun left beside the patient. You can either pick up the gun or leave it there for the police to take care of.

Choice 1 : You pick up the gun.

Choice 2 : You leave the gun on the ground.

Chest pad

You pick up the gun.

Because of the adrenaline, you pick up the gun without thinking because you don't want an accident to happen if someone else takes it. The police mistakes you as a threat and they shoot you. You die. Go back to the beginning.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.


You leave the gun on the ground.

You leave the gun and the man you are helping picks it up. At first, you panic and you don't understand but then you realize he is complicit in the crime. He shoots a cop before anyone can stop him. This event traumatizes you for the rest of your life and you end up in depression. Go back to the beginning.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.


Take off the tourniquet.

You take off the tourniquet and the criminal dies. You don't feel any remorse because you feel like you helped society by getting rid of a bad person. No one holds you responsible for his death because they don't realize you did it on purpose.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.


Leave the tourniquet.

You leave the tourniquet on your patient's arm. Later, you forget to take it off because of all the stress of your first call and the patient ends up losing his arm because he lost his circulation. You're fired. Go back to the beginning.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.

One arm man

You stay inside.

You stay inside the crack house and start your reanimation protocol but there is too much smoke around you. You breath it in and start feeling it's effects. You start feeling disoriented and dizzy. Someone comes towards you and hands you a bottle of water because you are thirsty from the smoke. You can either drink it or refuse it and stay dehydrated.

Choice 1 : You accept the bottle of water.

Choice 2 : You refuse the bottle.

Bottle of water

You accept the bottle of water.

You take the bottle of water you're being handed and drink it entirely. After a few minutes, you start feeling very dizzy and you lose consciousness. The next day, you wake up in the hospital after having suffered a GHB overdose. Your patient died and you get fired.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.


You refuse the bottle.

You don't take the bottle of water and you successfully reanimate your patient after giving him Naloxone for his drug overdose. You transport him to the hospital and you're being congratulated.

Choice 1 : Finally integrating the work environment.

Ambulance Hospital