Becoming a Paralegal.

A hypertext narrative by

Laure Lafond

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2852

Choice count: 39

Section count: 29

Image count: 29

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 50 matches (absence, accused, act, assets, assignment, bias, case, charge, client, clients, close, contract, corporate law, criminal, evidence, fact, four, fraud, government, House, illegal, Information, judge, judges, jurisprudence, law firm, law, lawyer, lawyers, legal research, marriage, minutes, misconduct, month, mortgage, murder, notice, office, option, order, paralegal, pension, possibility, price, Sexual, suicide, test, theft, trial, trials)

Education : 28 matches (CEGEP, Education, P, School, assignment, choice, class, classes, college, don, field, first, grades, graduation, head, high school, knowledge, learn, professionalism, research, school, skip class, specific, student, technology, test, training, vacation)

Tourism : 22 matches (Client, Connection, Contract, Human, Opportunity, Permanent, US, adventure, bias, bit, charge, charges, contract, door, field, leg, option, p.m, passing, pension, vacation, watch)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

bias (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

cursory (1 match)

dread (1 match)

HR (3 matches)

income (1 match)

intern (2 matches)

internship (19 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

leave of absence (1 match)

leg work (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (5 matches)

set aside (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


Becoming a Paralegal.


Hi ! I can see that you chose to become a paralegal. This career will do a lot for you and there is a lot of opening in this field. You will have some choices to do during this adventure we call "life". This is a law career so as you can imagine, education can be pretty important for that now will that be the choice you make or not?

Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College in the paralegal technique.

Choice 2 : No Cegep, I'm intelligent enough for this job.

Girl waving Hi!

Go to Ahuntsic College in Paralegal Technology.

I see you went for Ahuntsic College. It's a very good school and the technique is very appreciated by the student. A few things you should know before starting your classes. The classes in the technique are quite full of material, also just know that by the amount of paper you will use there is a chance you might kill one or two forest per session, which is a good thing to know if you love trees. Also, the way you are going to work will matter, so I think you should choose what your work ethic will be.

Choice 1 : Work hard.

Choice 2 : Skip class and chill.

Ahuntsic College

No Cegep, I'm intelligent enough for this job.

I love your confidence, but I'm sorry. In this field education is very important and not just this field, school will help you get any job you want. Besides, I know for a fact that if you would have sent you CV to a law office they would have put it away as soon as they saw "no cegep". But, I still love the confidence. You do you girl!

Choice 1 : Welcome.

Black board with

Work hard.

Well, well we have a hard worker among us ! This is good. If you assimilate yourself with this kind of work ethic early on, it will be useful for you in the future. Also, your grades looks amazing, only straight A's! So now that graduation is around the corner and that you had all those amazing classes, the most important choice of all have to be made. Which field of law are you going to work in? It all depends on what you want and love, because working in a field you hate is not a good option. Anyway, I can see that you love criminal law and business law. Which one will it be?

Choice 1 : Criminal Law.

Choice 2 : Corporate Law.

Girl doing school work

Skip class and chill.

I honestly can't say anything because I also did that, but it's not the best way to work. But, you are an intelligent being and you seem to be passing your classes, but remember that passing a class is not the same as acing it. You shouldn't put aside your work if you want to pull off a class. And it can lead to cursory work and being meticulous is part of being a paralegal. Anyway, now that graduation is around the corner, you need to make to most important choice in your future career and that is the field you want to go in, you seem to love the criminal law and the business law, so which one will it be? Remember, you will work in that field for the rest of your career, so the choice is very important.

Choice 1 : Criminal Law.

Choice 2 : Corporate Law.

Girl sleeping at school

Criminal Law.

I like this field, because you can learn so much, and in a weird way it's the most fun. Let me explain, it's more fun because the cases that will get are more likely to be different every time, so it makes the job more interesting. Also, as a paralegal your job is to do research and find every information you can on the matter, and in criminal law most of the information you need is not inside the law itself, but inside the jurisprudence (the decision the judge makes in trials), so you have to play detective a little bit to find exactly what you need. This was a little law fact for you, now for your internship, what are you going to do? You need to know if you want to work for the government or if you want to work in defense?

Choice 1 : Criminal Law firm.

Choice 2 : The government.

Hamer and criminal law plaque

Corporate Law.

This is a good choice, because corporate law is kind of simple in a way. Yes, there is a ridiculous numbers of laws, doctrines (books written by the lawyers, judges, etc. on a specific filed of law) and jurisprudence (decisions made by judges at trial) on the subject, but it's easy to understand so it's not that bad. And on the bright side, working in corporate law is very well-paid, but (there is always a "but" in these situations) the first to years of working (internship also) are hell, let just say that doing a 48 hours of work in a row is a common possibility but you still get paid so it's a win-win situation. Now that you know what's going to happen and that you are done with school, you can start your internship.

Choice 1 : Big corporate firm.

book with

Criminal Law firm.

You are now starting the internship of your dream, you are working for a big defense firm who is renowned in Montreal. If you do a good job on your internship, you are sure to have a career for a long time. But, being an intern can be hard, even if you are fresh out of school school this could be overwhelming for you, but you can do it ! You are assigned on your first case, you have to do the research on an important case, but the client is your bully from school and your research could be detrimental to her case, what will you do?

Choice 1 : Do the job well.

Choice 2 : Not giving a 100%.

Two lawyers talking

The government.

You now start your internship, or on-the-job-training, that will prepare you for your future career as a paralegal. It will be an opportunity to put a foot in the door and learn the ropes of your future job. But be prepared to be an intern can be tough this is a whole new world and who knows what might happen. And now comes your first assignment it's a case about a man who's accused of sexually assaulting his secretary, but the man in the case his your father. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Tell your boss about it.

Choice 2 : Keep the information for yourself.

DPCP, department of government that is in charge of fraud and the procuration

Big corporate firm.

You are now starting your internship, you are well-paid, but the hours are out of this world. You get a notice from your boss that a new case is coming and it is big. The client in the case is accused of fraud on his clients by selling them furniture who were made with damaged product (at a lesser price), but the man in question is your new step-father (which you hate by the way). In the past, you accused him of breaking the marriage of my parents and you blame him for your father's suicide. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Tell your boss about it.

Choice 2 : Keep the information for yourself.

Big buildings

Do the job well.

You decided to be the bigger person, on not put office politics above your opportunity to have a good career. You gave everything who had and did an amazing job. Your boss is very impressed with you and will remember it.

Choice 1 : The end of your internship.

person doing research in books

Not giving a 100%.

She made your life unbearable in high school. She would beat you more often than not and undermine you all the time, why would she deserve to receive your help? So, you decided to withhold the fact that you knew her and you did not do the job correctly. Your boss is very disappointed in you because you let your feelings get the better of you and it obstructed the case, which ended in them losing it. Your boss will remember that.

Choice 1 : The end of your internship.

Tell your boss about it.

You decided to be honest and tell your boss. You feel too close to it and don't want to be in a bias situation. Besides, you don't feel comfortable with all of that. Your boss agrees to take you off the case and assigns you to another one. He now knows how professional you are and will remember that.

Choice 1 : The end of your internship.

employee and boss talking

Keep the information for yourself.

You want to take the case, it's a big case and it could be a good opportunity for you. Despite everything and your personal connection to the case, you give everything you have even if you don't want to do it. Your boss gets knowledge that and comes to see you, his a little mad you didn't tell anyone, but you did such a professional job, that he now knows you can distance your feelings from the jobs you have to do. He will remember that.

Choice 1 : The end of your internship.

Boss speaking with two employees

The end of your internship.

You've just finished your internship. After all the good and hard work it is now time to know if you have a permanent job in the place you did your internship. So, what will your boss decide?

Choice 1 : Hired.

Decision of hiring or not

The end of your internship.

You've just finished your internship. After all the good and hard work it is now time to know if you have a permanent job in the place you did your internship. So, what will your boss decide?

Choice 1 : Fired.


Congratulation ! You are officially a part of the team. You did such a good job that your boss decided to keep you, you demonstrated professionalism and your work is fantastic. You are now starting your career which you work so hard for. That internship was the perfect test drive and it gave a view of what you will do for the rest of your life. (Please choose the career you did your internship with).

Choice 1 : Start career in Criminal Law firm.

Choice 2 : Start career in the government.

Choice 3 : Start career in big Corporate firm.

Person hiring someone


I am so sorry, but apparently your boss didn't think you were fit for the job. I guess after the incident of your first assignment he didn't think you could handle the job. But you can always work somewhere else or maybe this is not the career for you, besides the experience from a OJT can come in handy someday, who knows?

Choice 1 : Welcome.


Start career in Criminal Law firm.

Everything is going great so far, you colleagues are amazing. You are working in a team of four paralegals under the order of one lawyer named Chris Hammer. Mister Hammer is nice to you, but maybe a little too nice. He seems to be flirting a lot with you but it's normal, right? You dread that something might happen so you try to be as professional with and to always have other people in the room when he's around. Then one day, you go to the bathroom and you hear the door lock. What are you going to do?

Choice 1 : Go see who locked the door.

Creepy boss

Start career in the government.

You now work for the government and you love it. It's a safe job, with good hours and a good pay. You work hard and well, but some of your colleagues seem shady. One one them to be exact, her name is Hannah Miller, and she's quiet and doesn't share much. You have been working here for three years now and everyone is friendly, and we know everything about everyone, except for her. She came working with us a year ago. And she always leaves at 3:45 p.m. every day for fifteen minutes and then appears out of nowhere.

Choice 1 : Follow her.


Start career in big Corporate firm.

You have started your career and you love it. The great advantage of working in corporate law is the income and there are a lot of leg work to do, you are constantly on your feet to do your legal research as good as possible. You have now been working for two years at the firm and after all the overtime you did you deserve a good vacation.

Choice 1 : Going to the HR.

Hard work

Go see who locked the door.

You go out of the stall and you see your Mister Hammer right there. You ask him what he's doing in the lady's room? He says he saw the way you looked at him, and then he tries to kiss you. You turn your head and try to get out of his grip. He grabs you and touches you and you try to get out, you have to act quick.

Choice 1 : Defend yourself.

Sexual hassault

Defend yourself.

You managed to get out of his grip and to push him on the floor. You run out of the bathroom and go straight to the desk of one of the partners of the firm (your boss's boss). You explain to him everything that happened and lucky for you he believes you. Chris Hammer gets fired because of sexual misconduct and you press charges against him on the same accusation. You were strong and everything worked out for the better.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Strong Woman

Follow her.

You are tired of this and decides to follow her. She seems to be going to the evidence room, why would she go there? You follow her and watch quietly, she doesn't seem to know you are there. You watch some more and then you see her tempering with evidence on a case involving the Mafia. You notice she's not tempering but stealing evidence of a murder than happened three months ago. You than come out of hiding to confront her, and she threatens you to keep quiet or I will regret it, and then she leaves.

Choice 1 : Research.

Threatening to keep quiet


You decide to do more research on her, the girl threatened you, now it's personal. You discover that she's corrupt, and she works for the Mafia. She must be one of their assets inside the government facilities to find out what we know about them and to know how the case goes. She must have been bribed by them to work for them, and she does the theft of evidence for them. You find more evidence on her and decide to go to your boss directly. They fired her and then called the police for tempering with evidence on an ongoing case. Everything seems to have worked out.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Finding evidence

Going to the HR.

You need a vacation, so you go to the Human Resource Department person to get those vacation days approved. You arrive at the office and explain to the person in charge the situation. You tell her that you wish to take two weeks off in the next month as a vacation. The HR lady refuses you request, saying that due to the leave of absence of one of your colleagues for maternity leave she as many vacant positions to fill, and she can't accept the request.

Choice 1 : Defense your case.


Defense your case.

You have legal knowledge and you work in a legal firm might as well use that to your advantage. You decide to defense your case and explain to your boss that according to your work contract you have a right to at least two weeks of paid vacation per year and you have been working for the last two years without taking any personal or vacation days even once. Even is she has vacant position to fill she has to accept your request because it is not last minute nor is it illegal. You end up winning your case and spend two weeks in the Bahamas, well-deserved.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Girl on the beach


You have work hard for forty years now. You are now 65 years old and the drive of work is becoming too much. You have decided to take your retirement and after working for so long you have earned a great pension. You now have enough money to pay of the mortgage of you house and live your life as a retired old person.

Choice 1 : Rest of my life.

Retired people walking

Rest of my life.

I guess now you have to figure out what to do with the rest of your life. You have set aside enough money for your kids ans for you to travel until you can't. The future choice you have to make are now yours. I can't help you anymore, but you got to say it was really fun while it lasted. Have a good life my friend.

Choice 1 : Welcome.

Person waving bye