
What a scholarship!

A hypertext narrative by

Émile Livernoche

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


What a scholarship!

The end of high school.

You just finished high school and you always wanted to get done with school as fast as possible but your parents are suggesting that you go study before you go out and get a job in accounting as fast as you can. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Go study to College

Choice 2 : Go do a DVS (Diploma of Vocational Studies)

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When you arrive at college you notice that it is some the same thing as high school. It is completely different everyone does their things as they want and no one is there to help students in difficulties with their grades. Also, you see everybody is talking about grades and everything because they need good grades to go to university and it is making you wonder to quit college because it is not really made for you. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Stay at college and do your program

Choice 2 : Quit college because it's not for you

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Trip or work?

You just started your DVS and you really like it because it is about the real things you need to know to be able to work in accounting and it is really concrete. Also, because it's not so long which means you will be able to work fast. But, you always wanted to do a big trip around the world that last for about one or two years. But it will penalize you to find a job because it will be longer before you work. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Stay in Canada and do finish your DVS

Choice 2 : Leave and do your trip around the world

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The end of college.

You just finished your technique in accounting. And you putted so much effort into this technique to be able to succeed really well that you are enjoying it as much as you can. But, because you putted so much effort and putted so many things besides, concentrating on studies. Also, you always wanted to go work as fast a possible but, if you continue studying you will be more prestigious. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Go on, and go find yourself a job

Choice 2 : Continue to study and go to university

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What a choice!

Because you decided to quit college, you are currently in your bedroom playing video games most of the time. Your parents are not happy and told you that if you don't find anything interesting for you to go study they will kick you out of the house because they don't want you to do nothing.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Safety or risky?

You decided to stay and finish your DVS in accounting and management. When you finished it you were wondering what to do, because you always wanted to get involved in stock exchange and to be living off of this. Because it is something that you find really fascinating but you're not sure what to do. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Find a safe job in accounting

Choice 2 : Get yourself involved in stock exchange

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Life change.

You decided to leave for your trip and while you were doing it, you decided to stay in Costa Rica and live here for a company that produces coffee. So, you now live here and work in coffee plantation with a terrible wage, even less than the minimum wage. Good choice of life.

Choice 1 : Start again

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An important decision.

You just started on the labor market and you are handing up a lot of CV to most of the accounting firms you find while searching. One day one firm contact you to let you know you got the job. So, you start working here and you are really happy of it. But, two years later you would like to have a better salary but because it is a small firm they can't really give you an upgrade of salary. But, if you quit you think you won't find another job. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Stay in the small firm to keep the job

Choice 2 : Quit the small firm because of the salary

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A university choice.

You finished college and now you are heading towards university. You have been accepted to HEC who is one of the most renowned university for accounting but, you prefer UQAM because it is less far from your house and also because all your family has been to UQAM. What should you do?

Choice 1 : You go to HEC

Choice 2 : You go to UQAM

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Owner or not owner?

You decided to find yourself a job. As a job, you always dreamed to be the owner of your company you created and that you started. But you are not sure if you would be good enough and if you should just find a normal accounting job in a big company that would not stress you with having make a company works. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Find a normal job in a company

Choice 2 : Realize your dream and become the owner of a company

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Big loss.

You decided to take some risks and involve yourself in stock exchange. At the beginning, you were gaining so much money and you were so confident about it. So, you continued to put some money in stock exchange to gain more money. But, one day you lost all of your money and you became ruined because of this. So, you had to live in the street.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Good choice!

You decided to keep the job in the small firm and you are really happy of it because all the other employees are really kind. Also, because surprisingly they made you an upgrade of your salary which makes you really satisfied. Also, it putted you in a good financial situation because you can buy some luxury items for yourself. Which makes you and your family really happy.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Bad decision...

You decided to quit the small firm because you were pretty much sure that they wouldn't be able to give you an upgrade of salary. But, when you left the job you started searching for another job but not even one firm wanted you because they needed someone with a better formation than just a technician in accounting.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Too difficult!

You decided to go to HEC but, when you arrived there you noticed it was all people of were only thinking about school and that were really competitive. Also, it was too much difficult for you. So, you abandoned this project to study to HEC. You finished by not getting accepted to another university so, you had to wait longer before having a job.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Best decision ever!

You decided to go study at UQAM University. This was one of your best decisions because you really liked the people and the teacher. Everyone was so kind to you and also you were having good grades in all of your classes. So, when you got out of university, you directly found yourself a job with good conditions and a good salary that placed yourself in a good financial situation.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Required qualifications or not?

You decided to work in a normal company so it will be less stressful. One day your boss asks you to do something for him that you don't know how to do. You are not sure if you should tell him because you don't want him to think you are not qualified for this job. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Tell him you don't know

Choice 2 : Do not tell him and do it by yourself

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Decision of a boss.

You decided to start your dream to become the owner of a company but you realized it was ten times more difficult than you thought it was. So, you started thinking about giving up on this and about stopping giving some efforts to maintain your company alive and working. But, it would be something that would make people see you as a bad owner and leader. What should you do?

Choice 1 : Continue to maintain the company alive

Choice 2 : Stop giving some efforts for the company

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Keeping the job.

So, you decided to tell your boss you don't know how to do it, and he just showed you how it works for you to be able to do it for now and for the other times if he asks it back to you. So, you keep your job and now you learned something about this job.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Getting fired!

You told yourself would be better to not tell him and tried your best to do it. But, you did not understand anything at all and still managed to hand it back to your boss. He realized you did everything wrong and it was really not good like it did not even make sense. So, he fired you because he discovered that you didn't know how to do it and thought you were not qualified for this job.

Choice 1 : Start again

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Good leader.

You decided to keep it alive and continue giving some efforts and as much as you worked hard, you started to develop an interest in this and started to like to be the owner of a company. So, you are a company owner and your life is going well.

Choice 1 : Start again

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The bankruptcy effects.

You decided to stop giving some efforts to maintain the company in function. So, the company started to lose some money and soon the company was losing more money than she was gaining some. You only had the option to declare bankruptcy because of this and now you don't have any job and no one wants you because they think you are not able to work well and to deal with money and everything.

Choice 1 : Start again

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