
Police Officer Study.

A hypertext narrative by

jose yanez

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1062

Choice count: 24

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 20

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 19 matches (argument, arrest, arrested, children, client, close, court, declaration, detention, documents, drugs, judge, lawyer, police officer, priority, secure, security, street, truth)

Computer Science : 18 matches (Argument, call, choice, client, clock, close, Declaration, mark, name, planning, population, priority, running, search, security, station, store, verify)

Education : 13 matches (National, School, academy, choice, college, detention, don, first, learned, mark, school, students, technology)

Target Structure:

OJT (2 matches)

retirement (2 matches)

wage (2 matches)


Police Officer Study.

At the beginning.

Hi, my name is Jose and I have been studying for one year in Police Technology in college Ahuntsic. I would like to become a police officer. It's my second year of college and I need to perform to be first to enter at the academy.

Choice 1 : The National School of Police of Québec

Choice 2 : Working While I'm Waiting Nicolet

College Ahuntsic

The National School of Police of Quebec.

Now I'm studying at the ENPQ because I study hard and get the best mark between the other students. As a result I'm first at Nicolet and I like all of my classe. I wake up at 5 o'clock to run around the school and then I go to the cafeteria and eat my breakfast to be ready to go at my classe. After a long day studying, I have to train at the gym of the school and make some friends in my room, but I have to be careful because it's better to not have a girlfriend at the ENPQ. I do a lot of effort in my study because I want to be accepted in a cobra that is something like the OJT because you see a real cop doing his work.

Choice 1 : Find a New Job


Working While I'm Waiting Nicolet.

I don't study too much and at night I have chosen to go party and not to complete my assignments. As a result, I'm her waiting to be accepted at the ENPQ. To positive side of this situation, is that I can work as a security man. I don't have to do a lot of things and the wage is very good. I am still planning go to Nicolet because this wage is not enough to pay my bills and secure my retirement.

Choice 1 : The National School of Police of Quebec.


Find a New Job.

Now that I have my qualifications to be a policeman, I'm starting to search a new job. My first choice is where I did my OJT in Montreal. I already know some people that work there and I would like to work and spend my time with them. My other choice is to work in the entire Quebec with the SQ.

Choice 1 : SQ

Choice 2 : SPVM



In my first day in the SQ, I arrested someone because he was selling drugs to some teenagers and I had to pull him over. Now I'm preparing my documents to testify at the court.

Choice 1 : At The Court.



I worked few weeks for the SPVM and I finally arrested my first man. He was running naked and drunk outside in the street. He was funny but the joke end when some children saw him. I have to prepare declaration to present it to the judge.

Choice 1 : At The Court.


At The Court.

I testified what I saw that day and the guy get like 2 years in detention, but when I was leaving the place, I saw a beautiful women and I directly go to talk her.

Choice 1 : Talking to The Girl.

The Court

Talking to The Girl.

I arrived to talk her and she told me that she doesn't have too much time because she had to work. At this moment, I learned that she was a lawyer. At this moment, I had the choice to tell her to get a coffee with me later or to give her my number.

Choice 1 : Give my Number.

Choice 2 : Take a Coffee Later.


Give my Number.

I gave her my number hopping she calls me later. At night, she called me, and I was so exited that I forgot to reserve a restaurant to eat with her, so I invited her to drink a coffee with me.

Choice 1 : Take a Coffee Later.

My Number

Take a Coffee Later.

She accepted to drink a coffee with me, and we start to talk. Finally, we decided to form a couple and try it because both of us like the personality of the other.

Choice 1 : Few Months Later.


Few Months Later.

After some weeks, we decided to live together and start a serious couple life and see if it works. I continue working as a policeman and collecting the money for my retirement ans she did it the same but as a lawyer.

Choice 1 : The Suspect.


The Suspect.

I was working like every day when I saw a man running away from a store and somebody yelled at me to catch him. I ran and I catch the guy, but when I saw his face. He was my girlfriend client's.

Choice 1 : Arrest Him.

Choice 2 : Ask my Partner About Him.


Arrest Him.

I decided to arrest him because is my job and I could not close my eyes in this situation for my girlfriend. The priority for me at this moment was the security of the population and I put my feelings aside.

Choice 1 : Arresting The Suspect.


Ask my Partner About Him.

I decided to ask my partner to verify if I was doing the good thing.

Choice 1 : Arresting The Suspect.


Arresting The Suspect.

I arrested the suspect and put him in detention while his waiting for his comparution. At the same time, I call my girlfriend to come to the police station to defend his client.

Choice 1 : My Girlfriend at The Police Station.

Choice 2 : My Girlfriend at The Court.


My Girlfriend at The Police Station.

She was mad at me because I arrested his client, but told her that this is my job.

Choice 1 : The Decision of The Judge.

At The Police Station

My Girlfriend at The Court.

She defended his client and said some argument to the judge and I just say the truth.

Choice 1 : The Decision of The Judge.

At The Court

The Decision of The Judge.

The judge listens to the two version and put the suspect in detention and give him 2 years of prison.

Choice 1 : At Home.


At Home.

Arriving at home, she was mad at me.

Choice 1 : The end.


The end.

We finally decided that she doesn't go to represent the people that I arrest to not to be in this situation again.

Write a choice here.
