
Life choices!

A hypertext narrative by

Laury Cliche

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1096

Choice count: 32

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 16

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 22 matches (access, Cause, Child, children, clients, close, community, contact, domestic violence, family life, family, House, living, market, pension, section, short title, Special, test, title, volunteer, young)

Nursing : 18 matches (autonomy, cancer, contact, test, Doctor, environment, Health, heart, hospital, medicine, position, section, social, surgeon, surgery, trisomy, treatment, sick)

Education : 18 matches (CEGEP, Education, School, choice, classes, continuing, disadvantaged, elementary school, integration, market, placement, reading, research, school, social, test, training, university)

Target Structure:

internship (9 matches)

leg work (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

put aside (3 matches)

retirement (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

test drive (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


Life choices!

Give this section a short title.

Leah is an 18-year-old woman who has just finished her studies in Social science. She has straight A's in each of her classes. She wanted to do a job where she would make a difference in people's lives, whether it was in terms of community involvement or health. Since I was young, I have dreamed of becoming a doctor to save lives. For some time now, she has been getting to know the fabulous job of a specialized educator. In this business, it could also save people's lives, but in a different way. Leah hesitates between continuing on the same path and going to university to study medicine or returning to CEGEP in special education to enter the job market in 3 years.

Choice 1 : university.

Choice 2 : Special care counselor.



Leah continues her journey to become a doctor. She hesitates between going especially with the children or in surgery.

Choice 1 : with children.

Choice 2 : surgery.


Special care counselor.

Leah wants to continue her studies at CEGEP in special care counselor. She wants to help people to have a better autonomy and a good social integration in their living environment. She hesitates between children's clients and women who are victims of domestic violence.

Choice 1 : Children.

Choice 2 : Women who are victims of domestic violence.

Special care counselor

with children.

Leah wants to heal and heal children. She wants to give them better living conditions. For her on the job training, she hesitates between sick children to give them the best in treatment or at the end of their lives or to become a family doctor and help all age groups.

Choice 1 : On the job training with the sick children.

Choice 2 : On the job training with the family doctor.



Leah wants to save people's lives. She wants to help people to have good health and a better life. She wants to help people live better and the world to be healthier. She hesitates between doing an internship in the research laboratory to develop cures for cancer or being a specialized surgeon for children.

Choice 1 : Internship with the research laboratory.

Choice 2 : Internship with the children surgeon.



Leah wants to become a special care counselor to help children, she loves children very much and this since they are very young. She has a very good contact with children and loves to have fun with them. She is reluctant to go to a stimulation centre or go to an elementary school and overtime at the daycare.

Choice 1 : Stimulation center.

Choice 2 : Elementary school and daycare.


Women who are victims of domestic violence.

Being a special care counselor is not only for children, most people forget that most people can go to them for help and support. Special care counselors can help adults, the elderly, children, children, people with intellectual disabilities. Leah is wondering if, at the end of her internship, she should go on a volunteer trip to help children in disadvantaged countries or if she stays in Quebec to be in the job market.

Choice 1 : Volunteer trip.

Choice 2 : Job market.


On the job training with the sick children.

Leah has the cause of sick children at heart. She wants them to live a better life and to live their youthful moment. She wondered if she was not making a donation to the research or if he put aside his money for later.

Choice 1 : Donation.

Choice 2 : Put aside from later.


On the job training with the family doctor.

Leah would like to do her internship with family doctors because she wants to be able to help all the people in a family. She hesitates to move to Montreal for a better chance of placement or to stay in Thetford to be close to her family.

Choice 1 : Move to Montreal.

Choice 2 : Stay in Thetford.


Internship with the research laboratory.

She wants to do research to improve people's living conditions by doing research for cancers. She wonders if she stays for cancer or if she becomes a researcher for specialized educators such as trisomy 21.

Choice 1 : Cancer.

Choice 2 : Special care counselor.


Internship with the children surgeon.

Leah did her internship at Sainte-Justine Hospital with the sick children. She was very surprised and thinks she is applying for a position after her internship. She will even have access to a pension fund for her retirement.

Choice 1 : End.


Stimulation center.

She loves her work at the stimulation centre, she has been hanging out with children who are intellectually challenged. She wants to do this job for the rest of her life.

Choice 1 : End.


Elementary school and daycare.

She loves her job and does not regret her choice. It is sometimes hard because it is leg work. She does not regret her choice and wants to do this all her life.

Choice 1 : End.


Volunteer trip.

She went to Haiti to help the children. She loved her experience and would do it again any time.

Choice 1 : End.


Job market.

She has entered the job market, she does not regret her choice. She entered a vacant position. She now has a home and is talking about having a child soon.

Choice 1 : End.



She loved making a donation because it helped a lot. She's going to do more often than not.

Choice 1 : End.


Put aside from later.

She wants to save her money for the future. To have a house, children, etc.

Choice 1 : End.


Move to Montreal.

She goes to Montreal because he has more job opportunities. And this for a better salary. She will be able to work for a shorter period of time. So she wouldn't need to do a test drive, because she doesn't need a car in this city.

Choice 1 : End.


Stay in Thetford.

She stays in Thetford because she's going to have a better family life. She will be able to be close with her parents and siblings.

Choice 1 : End.



She continues her journey by doing research for cancer. She wants to find a cure for cancer.

Choice 1 : End.


Special care counselor.

She is doing research to help the special care counselors. She finds ways to better help people and reduce the symptoms of various diseases.

Choice 1 : End.



End. Thanks for your reading!

Choice 1 : End.
