Word count: 1972
Choice count: 43
Section count: 28
Image count: 27
Error count: 1
Field Related Analysis:
Education : 29 matches (Education, School, absenteeism, choice, class, classes, college, don, exam, fails, field, first, goals, grades, graduate, high school, homework, learn, learning, memory, motivation, school, score, semester, social, student, students, teach, teacher)
Tourism : 24 matches (Cafeteria, Environment, First class, Food, Human, Program, US, checked, coffee shop, field, first class, hearing, mall, media, memory, multiple, option, pass, program, stand, stop, times, toll, watch)
Psychology : 22 matches (attention, Big One, class, dynamic, environment, FAST, field, focus, hearing, learning, love, memory, miss, motivation, need, phone, psychology, remember, set, sleep, stomach, stress)
Target Structure:
lack of (1 match)
though (2 matches)
You are finally done with high school. It was tough, but you made it! Now, you have to make a choice, what do you want to do?
Choice 1 : Take a break
Choice 2 : Go to Bois-de-Boulogne College.
Choice 3 : Go to Ahuntsic College
You really thought you could have taken a break, huh? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but as long as you are living under your mom's roof, you have to go to school and graduate, so no break for you!
Choice 1 : Make a better choice
You decide to attend Bois-de-Boulogne College because you heard a lot of good about it. Since your third year in high school, you have been passionate about the humankind, how we think, how we interact with others and the way we see the world around us. So, you go in Social Sciences. However, it is hard for you to choose between two branches of this program: Education or Psychology and Cultures? Which branch do you want to try?
Choice 1 : Education.
Choice 2 : Psychology and Cultures.
Your intention is good. You want to help students accomplish their dreams and reach their goals in life as a job. But you just realized something: you cannot teach! You are not the best at explaining yourself to other people, so when they struggle to understand you, guess what? You get impatient pretty quickly! You no longer want to be in this program.
Choice 1 : Let's try another branch!
You are in psychology, and you love it! You attend every class with a desire to learn more about human behaviors and reactions to certain situations in each environment. You are learning about great psychologists and their approaches in this field such as the Behavioral approach, the Humanistic approach or the psycho-dynamic one. But there is a small problem. As much as you like this branch, it is pretty hard to get a good R score. You struggle more and more to get good grades as the semester goes on because of the pressure you put on yourself to do more than what you are capable of. What are you going to do about it?
Choice 1 : Keep on struggling
Choice 2 : Take a small break to figure out what are you going to do
Unfortunately, the pressure you put on yourself became heavier by the end of the semester and it was becoming dangerous for your mental health. You decide to stop for a while.
Choice 1 : Choose wisely!
After talking to your mom and your friends about how hard it was becoming for you to do great at school, you come to the conclusion that the best option is to go to another college. You are now going to Ahuntsic College.
Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College
So, you are at Ahuntsic College. You do not know a lot of people here, but one of your closest friends is also going to your school. She is in the same program as you. You have known each other since high school, so you are really happy about that. As the semester goes on, you start to feel more and more comfortable. But it does not seem to be the case for your friend. She often misses class and her grades are slowly falling apart. Her lack of motivation concerns you. You tried to text her multiple times, but she is not answering. What can you do in that situation?
Choice 1 : Well I don't think I can do much about it
Choice 2 : I should probably call her
She does not pay attention to your explanations and seems distracted when you are doing homework. This does not happen once, but multiple times. She says that your explanations are bad and that she is even more confused. What? More confused? How dare she? You are trying your best to help her out when you can have been all rolled up in a blanket, watching your favorite shows, and now she is "more confused"? You just realized how ungrateful this girl can be. Alright, she does not collaborate, so why are you trying so hard? You decide to stop helping your friend out and you two become more and more distant until you stop talking to her.
Choice 1 : You can do better!
It is not normal. Before getting in this program, your close friend told you about how exited she was to start college. But now, she does not seem motivated at all. One day, you two go to a coffee shop, and casually talk to your friend about this issue. She tells you that her parents are constantly fighting, and that the atmosphere is becoming more and more suffocating in her house. The stress she has been feeling has taken a toll on her, and her motivation at school has been affected. After hearing that, you tell her that you are sorry about that and that you are always there if she wants to talk. Now, she is feeling better. After all that, what do you want to do?
Choice 1 : Go to a mall to cheer her up and then go home
Choice 2 : You both go at your respective homes, but you have a great chat trough the phone
You just got back home from the mall. Wow, how come you did not buy anything, there were a lot of cute stuff there! Oh. Yeah, right, as always you are broke. That is what happens when you spend all your money in the school cafeteria for food! But anyway, you had a great time with your friend and you are glad that she is feeling better. Now, time to study for the exam tomorrow. How long do you want to study?
Choice 1 : An hour
Choice 2 : Fifteen minutes should be enough
You laughed so much talking in the phone with your friend about high school memories that your stomach hurts. You really had a good time and you are happy that your friend feels better now. But, you still have to study for the exam tomorrow. Now, how long do you want to study?
Choice 1 : An hour
Choice 2 : Fifteen minutes should be fine...I guess?
Okay that was a lot! But you feel ready for the exam and you think you'll do great. Now you feel a little sleepy, what are you going to do?
Choice 1 : Set the alarm for tomorrow morning
Choice 2 : Check your social media one last time before going to bed
You are confident about yourself, and you know you will do great at the exam. What do you want to do now?
Choice 1 : Go to sleep
Choice 2 : Watch the last episode of show that you like
Wow! You made it! You are such a good student. Now, what do you want to do?
Choice 1 : Go to sleep
Choice 2 : Go on your social media
Although fifteen minutes went by quickly, you are now you are ready for the exam. What are you going to do now?
Choice 1 : Finish a chapter of a very interesting book
Choice 2 : Go on social media
You woke up on time and now you are going to school. The exam you've been studying for is on the first hour, but you are not sure about which classroom your teacher told you to go to take your exam. Do you want to check your agenda to see where are you supposed to go?
Choice 1 : Nah I know where to go
Choice 2 : Yes let me check my agenda
Yup, it is the right classroom, your memory never fails you. You have such a good memory that you remember everything that you studied and you successfully pass your exam! Life is great, right?
Choice 1 : The End
You checked your agenda and now, you are going to the classroom to take the exam. But there is a problem: you just realized that you are in the wrong classroom! You checked the wrong day in your agenda, and now you are rushing to the right class so you won't be too late. Fortunately, despite your mistake, you make it on time and you successfully pass the exam. Congrats!
Choice 1 : The End!
Turns out that the fifteen minutes you spent checking your social media last night became two hours because you fell asleep and you woke up late! You have your exam in your first class today, so you need to hurry. You are trying to get ready as fast as possible and now you are on your way to school. Fortunately, you made it on time, and you did your best during the exam. Now, you just have to wait for the results!
Choice 1 : The End
Unfortunately, last night you fell asleep without setting your alarm, so you woke up late this morning! And your exam is at the first hour of your schedule! Okay, do not panic. Everything is fine. You just have to be sure about the class you are supposed to go to take your exam. Do you want to check your agenda to see where are you taking your exam?
Choice 1 : No I already know
Choice 2 : Yes I need to be sure
You were right about the classroom and you successfully pass your exam! Congratulations!
Choice 1 : The End
You did not check your classroom number on the right day in your agenda, so we have a problem here: you are in the wrong classroom! Now you are running to the right one so you will not be late. Fortunately, you made it on time, and successfully pass your exam. Hooray!
Choice 1 : The End
Last night, you planned on watching one episode of your show. However, you could not help yourself but to watch a couple more episodes. As a result, you woke up late this morning and you are feeling tired. You do not even see the point of going to school today. What? Do you want to miss an exam?? Well, anyway it is not a big one, you will have other exams to better your grades.
Choice 1 : The End
You are trying to focus on your school work, but you feel bad about your friend. What is going on with her? Is everything okay for her? You cannot stand this anymore and you decide to call her.
Choice 1 : It would be better to try calling her
Even though you did not expect her to answer your phone call, she did! But she tells you that she does not feel like going to school anymore. She finds it really hard now to attend her classes. What can you do to help her out?
Choice 1 : Help her out with her homework and assignments.
Choice 2 : Try to understand the cause of her absenteeism
You fell asleep quite early last time, so you woke up on time. Now, you are ready to pass your exam with flying colors!
Choice 1 : The End
Fortunately, even though you fell asleep while trying to finish your read, you woke up on time today and you successfully passed your exam.
Choice 1 : The End