Word count: 1659
Choice count: 27
Section count: 19
Image count: 19
Error count: 0
Field Related Analysis:
Business : 19 matches (CEO, account, accountant, accounting, amount, business, company, contract, entrepreneur, manager, marketing, meeting, money, offer, profit, promotion, statement, the amount, transaction)
Education : 17 matches (CEGEP, choice, classes, college, course, courses, deliver, don, failed, failure, field, first, head, project, reading, semester, university)
Law/Paralegal-Technology : 15 matches (account, answer, Article, cartel, close, company, contract, half a year, Information, International, living, offer, predecessor, spying, statement)
Target Structure:
internship (4 matches)
After studying for 2 years at this College I decided to go International Business at University there are 2 well-known English universities in Montreal McGill and Concordia University.
Choice 1 : Go to Concordia.
Choice 2 : Go to McGill.
I chose Concordia because I decided to have a career in business, while studying there I realized the difficulties of the classes and there is much more math than in cegep I'm seriously thinking after this year of quitting. What should I do?
Choice 1 : Quit and try something else.
Choice 2 : Don't quit because I need to be rich !!
Well, after a year of studying Business I realized I'm to lazy actually to find another field and decide to just take a semester off for the moment. Now that I have too much free time my part-time work is the only distraction I have now. Since I have been working there for already three years my boss asks me if I want to be a manager what should I answer.
Choice 1 : I accept the offer.
Choice 2 : I decline the offer.
I accepted the offer and even became one of the best managers of the place but never became the boss, I just finished my life as a manager :(.
Choice 1 : Start Again :)
I declined the offer realizing I did not want to stay at this $12,50/hours paycheck! On the same day I declined I was asked by a woman and a man if I wanted to make big money I said no knowing I don't want to become some prostitute for a pimp, but they grab me by the arm saying they are not pimps but mafioso in need of an informant for a project. They must have seen the moment I rejected the offer since I can't work for such small money!
Choice 1 : To scared to say no I accept
WEEK 1: it's not that bad I only spy for them or deliver some goodies for them and the money is fantastic!! I calculated like that I will make more than the boss at my last work :) 6 MONTHS LATER : half a year in this business and I really like it I don't do anything really disgusting just do some deliveries and some spying money still good 1 YEAR LATER : I hate it some of the gang I was spying on caught that I was an informant for another group and I WAS KIDNAPPED, and they are asking me to give them information WHAT SHOULD I DO?
Choice 1 : Say everything that I know to save my life
Choice 2 : I say nothing
They think want I said was interesting enough, so they let me out but as soon I'm out a member of the gang shoot me right in the heart to be sure I'm dead.
Choice 1 : Start Again :)
By saying nothing knowing I'm not a big person in the gang they just kill me without caring.
Choice 1 : Start again :)
I decided to stay at Concordia because I want to have a great job and also the money that comes with it. Just because the first year sucked do not mean all of them will! On my next year over there it is actually easier for me now I have to decide which course I need for my future career but what do I want to do actually?
Choice 1 : An Accountant.
Choice 2 : An entrepreneur
I decide to take the courses related to an accountant, so my next two years are well-oriented towards this career and finally after two more years I'm done with University !!! Now I need to decide if I go with the company I had an internship with or to go with my friend that just started his company of phone!
Choice 1 : Go to my internship company
Choice 2 : Go to my friend new company.
So there were a lot of responsibilities to take, and I was not ready for all of that paperwork, both companies that reached to me to work with them do not want me anymore. I'm financially struggling I have no choice but to take a part-time job now !
Choice 1 : Start Again :)
By going to this company I already feel at ease knowing what I have to do. Actually I was so good during my internship that I had a promotion a few months after officially being part of the company. Of course, I accepted why wouldn't I? It's more money at the end for me :) And I continue to get promotion since in their eyes it seems I'm doing really well with my job and finally when I become the head of the department of accounting the CEO requested a meeting of all the heads. I was so happy finally close to the boss!! But during the meeting I can feel some tension I wonder what it could be? Then, the CEO enter and make a statement which is shocking in my eyes.
Choice 1 : He is a scary man
Choice 2 : This company is corrupted
It was a failure with Apple, Samsung, Huawei the phone were just a copycat of it, and we did not have any sponsor like my friend said thinking that having an accountant will do the job.
Choice 1 : Start Again :)
He is a scary man that's why there was a tension everybody is scared of him! I heard some rumors but never believe them since I did not see them by my own eyes and now I am seeing even the scariest head of department the marketing one who just passing by him is scary is like a Chihuahua in front of him, it's actually very funny, anyway he just go on and on saying that we must do our best since he wants the company to make the biggest profit possible in each transaction happening, and he says that while looking at me the new head of accounting. I was wondering why my predecessor was so happy to be out of there, he wasn't even that old !
Choice 1 : After this meeting I promised myself to never have to meet him again.
When he arrives the CEO welcomes me in the company saying that I will be really happy that I became the head of the accounting department. I thank him after he finishes with his speech and then everybody looked at me and say all of them at the same time ; this is not a normal meeting. I was shocked by them making me feeling weird what could they mean by that ! The head of the department of marketing told me to read the paper in front of me and I did so the attention will not be on me anymore they were seriously creeping me off right now As I open I saw that it was a contract but why for? To shut my mouth literary, actually this company was a disguise for a cartel of mafioso I was completely surprised how was that not discovered yet this company is on every article possible on the planet right now. When I finish reading all of it I can feel all the eyes looking at me and the CEO asks me if I want to be in or out so survive here or die ! Of course, I accepted how can I say no to a mafioso. I did not want to change work also this place was still nice knowing the facts behind it.
Choice 1 : I decide to quit a few months later not wanting to be part of this dark world.
Choice 2 : A few months later my life did not change actually I'm finally making the amount of money that I want.
I worked so hard that I never actually had the chance to have any use with my money this encounter with the boss scared me so much that I could not seriously not see him again while working so much I just had a burn out in the middle of work following by a heart attack that actually killed me :0 let's start again.
Choice 1 : Let's start again :0
This type of business is not the type I want to be associated with it is a disgusting type of living I think, so I just decided to start my own company of helpers for daily jobs around the world I hope it will work!
Choice 1 : It failed
This job wasn't that bad actually I did not do any of the "dirty" since I'm an accountant and also managed to make sure everything was there or detecting the problems and boom I have my money on my account :) and guess who is a millionaire at 24 now :).
Choice 1 : Want to start again?