
The choices of Béatrice...

A hypertext narrative by

Béatrice Gagné-Roberge

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1841

Choice count: 31

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 4

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 31 matches (Budget, Customer, Destination, Driver, Food, Guided tour, Highway, Landscape, Plane, Program, Restaurant, administration, balance, bias, bit, charge, destination, door, field, guided tour, highway, p.m, pass, passing, program, responsible, stop, ticket, tour, trip, vacation)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 30 matches (accident, alienation, arrested, assignment, balance sheet, bias, Budget, charge, Child, company, cost, credit, driver, driving, fact, Financial, harassment, highway, hire, House, interest, living, possibility, promise, rent, road, Sexual, shock, statement, test)

Psychology : 27 matches (alienation, anxiety, behavior, bit, class, dream, drive, field, habit, happiness, harassment, interview, love, miss, need, pain, performance, phone, reason, risk, sexual harassment, shock, sleep, smile, theory, touch, trip)

Target Structure:

alienation (1 match)

bias (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (6 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)


The choices of Béatrice...

I have to make a big choice.

I just finished my two years of college at Thetford College and I have to make a big choice. In fact, it has been two years of hard work and I'm a little exhausted. For my future, it would be better if I continued school, but I would like to go on a trip too.

Choice 1 : I go to university.

Choice 2 : I go on a trip in the U.S.A.

My mind right now.

My destination.

I'm so happy to go on vacation, but I have to decide on a destination. I hesitate between two places : Hawaii or California. I would like to go to Hawaii because everybody is unanimous that the beaches are spectacular and beautiful. However, I would like to go to California too because I know that I would feel like a star on the Hollywood Boulevard.

Choice 1 : I go to California.

Choice 2 : I go to Hawaii.

The Hollywood Boulervard

Plane or car?

I have two choices : I drive or I fly. Flying is faster, but more costly. In addition, I will have to rent a car when I arrive there. Driving is longer but less costly.

Choice 1 : I fly.

Choice 2 : I drive.

A car and a plan


I'm so sad! Right now, I am listening to the news and I see on the television that there is a landslide in Hawaii. I can't believe it! I can't stop crying. At the same time, I don't want to risk my life. I can't go to Hawaii… The place is destroy. More often than not, it takes a lot of time to rebuild the houses that are ruined. I want to do a beautiful trip, so I don't have any choice, Hawaii is not a good destination for now.

Choice 1 : Start again.

A landslide.

The cost of the tickets.

Unfortunately, the cost of the tickets is way too expensive. I'm sad because it would save a lot of time. At the end, if I want to do a lot of activities when I am there, I need to keep my money. I make my decision, I am not taking the plane. I have to put aside this possibility.

Choice 1 : Start again.

A ticket.

The road to reaches California!

For now, the road goes so well! I already make the half of the time and the landscape is more than beautiful. It's 11 p.m. and I start to be exhausted, so I need to find a bias. I don't know if I consume a coffee and I continue my road or I stop to a truck stop sleeping a little bit.

Choice 1 : I consume a coffee.

Choice 2 : I stop to a truck stop.

I'm really tired.

My dead...

I am so tired, so my eyes are closing. I can't see the road anymore… Unfortunately, I'm on a highway and I can't stop. BANG! The story of my life is passing in front of me. I just make an accident and my body can't absorb the shock. This is the end of my life, I die.

Choice 1 : Start again.

I die.

My sleep takes me back to life.

It's now 7 a.m. and I'm ready to continue the road. Eight hours later, I reach California and I'm so happy. I realise a big dream, and I want to leave it to the fullest. Right now, I'm hungry, so I find a little restaurant. At this one, I meet a very nice boy. He pays for my food, and he invites me to explore the country with him. This is so fun, I have a guided tour. The day passes quickly and it's already the night. Thomas invites me to sleep at his home for tonight. However, I already rent an Airbnb, so I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : I go to Thomas's house.

Choice 2 : I go to the Airbnb.

The road of California.

I made a bad decision.

We just arrive at Thomas's house. We just pass the door and Thomas starts to kiss me. I don't understand this behavior, so I ask him to stop. He starts to touch my ass, and he tells me that he finds me really beautiful. I thank him for this compliment but incite him for the second time to stop. This is kind of flirtation, but I don't want this. It stats to be sexual harassment. I feel so bad… I push him in the face and I start running outside of his house. I don't want to stay in California. I buy the first plane's ticket that I see on my phone and I let my car there. This is the worst decision of my life.

Choice 1 : Start again.

My mind.

My life in California.

I sleep so well in my Airbnb that I'm already here for three weeks. I have good moments in California, but I don't have a lot of money anymore. I try to find a job, so I give my resume to a store near of my place. The boss calls me for an interview. I prepare myself to be sure that I will give a good performance. For example, I read about the history of this store to learn their values. However, I'm really stressed, so I don't if I show up at my interview.

Choice 1 : I go to the interview.

Choice 2 : I don't go to the interview.


Ten years later...

I'm already in California for ten years. I took the best decision when I decided to go to my interview when I was 19 years old. Right now, I'm the new manager of this store and I developed a new passion for fashion. In addition, I have a big wage. I met a boy call Oliver, and we are together for seven years. Last year, I delivered a baby girl, and her name is Catherine. I love her so much. I make the best decision to come in California, I have a beautiful life here.

Choice 1 : Start again.

My familiy.

I don't have money anymore...

My anxiety was too high, so I decided to not go at the interview. I just have $500 left, so I don't have other choice. I have to come back to Quebec. I leave tomorrow and I feel so sad. The road will be so long. However, I keep wonderful memories in my mind and I promise myself to come back in ten years.

Choice 1 : Start again.

I don't have money anymore.

Laval or Sherbrooke???

I know that I want to go in the Administration program, but I really don't know where to go. I make my budget and even if the cost of living is higher in Quebec, I can afford both of them.

Choice 1 : I study at Laval University.

Choice 2 : I study at Sherbrooke University.

My mind.

Quebec is definitely not my place!

Honestly, I don't have any fun in Quebec. I feel alone because I don't have friends. I lost my happiness and my smile. It's kind of alienation because I'm not the same person anymore. In addition, my evil being pushes me to not go to school. I'm absent, so I miss a lot of theory and I can't follow the group anymore. For example, I miss the class about the cash flow and the cash cycle, so I failed the test. It's not in my habit. I need a break… I make my decision, I drop out of school.

Choice 1 : Start again.

Laval University.

Sherbrooke University is definitely the best university!!!

Wow! I'm in love with this university and my program. My Accounting courses are so interesting. I learn about capitalized interest, finance, bank loan, down payment, assignment credit, etc. I succeed in every class and I have straight A's in every exam. One of my teachers ask me to give councils to the students who have difficulties. I help them to do well at school. For example, I help them to study for their exams and I give them tools to have good time management. We are now at the moment to choose the place we want to do our internship. I don't know if I go to Montreal or I stay in Sherbrooke to do it.

Choice 1 : I make my internship in Montreal.

Choice 2 : I make my internship in Sherbrooke.

My grades.

I get arrested.

I lost my driver's license last night… I was drunk, and I drove. I get arrested by a policeman, and he gives me a ticket. I'm so mad because it's all my fault. Right now, I can't do my internship in Montreal because I can't drive my car anymore. I will have to find another place, but I'm shy to tell the reason why I can't.

Choice 1 : Start again.

The police.

My internship in Sherbrooke.

I realise that I'm in the good field of study. Even if it's intern, I have so much fun, and it's not a pain in the neck to come back every day. The person responsible in charge of my internship is Mary. She learns me so many things. It gives me the chance to put in practice what I learn at school. For example, my teachers teaches me how to do a balance sheet, so I was able to do it when Mary asks me. I also did a financial statement for a customer last day. Mary finds me excellent and the boss wants to hire me. I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : I stay at this company.

Choice 2 : I find another company.

My office.

I didn't know this...

I'm so angry! I decide to stay in this company because I had good moments there with Mary, but it was only for a short moment. In fact, this company closes because they had too many debts. I have to find another job unfortunately.

Choice 1 : Start again.


Definitely not my field of study!!!

I have been working in this company for 2 years now. I realise that I don't choose the good field of study. When I was at the university, I really liked the theories, but right now, I'm finding this job really long and not enough entertaining. I had a baby in the last year, so I don't know if I stay home with him or I returned at university.

Choice 1 : I stay home with my baby.

Choice 2 : I return at university.

My mind.

My little boy Colin.

I really like to stay home with my little boy Colin. I see him grow up and we share quality moments. I'm so lucky to have a boy in health. I love him so much. I'm already pregnant of my second child.

Choice 1 : Start again.


I want to be a teacher.

I decide to go in the teaching program because I really like kids. For now, I'm really happy of my choice. I hope that I will be happier as a teacher than as an accountant.

Choice 1 : Start again.

My job.