The teaching life and other adventures.

A hypertext narrative by


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Word count: 1332

Choice count: 30

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 8

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 27 matches (Education, School, choice, class, classmates, college, diploma, elementary school, exam, fellow, first, grade, graduate, high school, learned, motivation, points, principal, report, school, speaking, student, students, teach, teacher, teachers, university)

Archaeology : 18 matches (bit, CAD, class, college, comes, exchange, form, here, history, keep, model, objectivity, park, point, region, study, tell, thing)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 15 matches (answer, arrest, case, corruption, criminal cases, criminal, excuse, hello, illegal, office, pension, police officer, Principal, reputation, Rules)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

dead-end job (4 matches)

drawback (1 match)

hinder (1 match)

overwhelm (1 match)

pension (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

straight A's (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)


The teaching life and other adventures.

High school is done.

You have just graduated from high school and it is time to choose your path. Knowing you were a model student with straight A's, will you decide to study History/Education or will you go for a dead-end job?

Choice 1 : College in History/Education.

Choice 2 : Dead-end job.


Dead-end job.

You have chosen to go for a dead-end job, in this case, a career at KFC. You will go on to live an honest yet modest life.

Choice 1 : Try again.


College in History/Education.

You have chosen to continue your studies in College. Now, which one to choose?

Choice 1 : Ahuntsic College.

Choice 2 : Bois-de-Boulogne College.


Ahuntsic College.

You have chosen Ahuntsic College, the biggest of its kind Montreal. It seemed like a solid choice at first, the many wannabe gangsters wasting their time in class begin to hinder your studies. Will you decide to try to pull off the impossible and try to ignore them or will you change schools?

Choice 1 : Ignore them.

Choice 2 : Change schools.


Bois-de-Boulogne College.

You have chosen to go to Bois-de-Boulogne College, one of the most prestigious in Montreal. Sadly, the workload here is excessive and begins to overwhelm you. You realise you will never graduate if you stay here.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Ignore them.

You have chosen to ignore them. While difficult at first, you got used to it and learned to be more patient and tolerant.

Choice 1 : Great!


Change schools.

You have chosen to change schools. After trying one school after the other, you realise this problem is everywhere. You wasted too much time changing schools and lost the motivation to keep studying and go for a dead-end job.

Choice 1 : Try again.



You made it through College and are now at Montreal's University studying History/Education. Everything is going well until you realise the mandatory internships are not paid in any way, shape or form. Will you join your classmates and manifest or will you simply accept things as they are and keep studying?

Choice 1 : Accept it and move on.

Choice 2 : Go manifest.


Accept it and move on.

You have chosen to do nothing about it. Sure, having less money makes a bit harder but not impossible. You have now graduated from University and it is time to decide your future job.

Choice 1 : Elementary school teacher.

Choice 2 : High school teacher.


Go manifest.

You have chosen to go manifest. At the manifestation, you see your friend from College police officer Vasya. Hello Vasya! As you approach him to shake hands, he tells you, "you are under arrest". The manifestation you went to was illegal. Surely, if you had thoroughly thought about it, you would've stayed at home since people with criminal cases can't become teachers.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Elementary school teacher.

You have chosen to become an Elementary school teacher. Getting the job was a walk in the park, no background check and only a small interview to make sure you had the required certificates. The drawback to this easy job is that the job itself is quite boring and what about your passion for History? You can't teach little kids about The Seven Years' War.

Choice 1 : Try again.


High school teacher.

You have chosen to become a High school teacher at Sophie-Barat. This was the right call. Teaching History to teenagers is very fulfilling for you and to top it off, you get a paid retirement. You also get along with the staff, everything is great!

Choice 1 : Fantastic!


Objectivity in History.

After showing The Last of the Mohicans, a movie about the Seven Years' War to your class, one of your students asks you, "who are the bad guys?". This is a tricky question, the French are clearly portrayed as evil but since we are in a French-speaking region of Quebec, the British are supposed to be the bad guys. What will you say?

Choice 1 : Ignore this ridiculous question.

Choice 2 : Answer with either the British or the French.

Choice 3 : Explain the different points of view.


Ignore this ridiculous question.

You have chosen to ignore the question. Clearly, you haven't been paying attention in University as there is no such a thing as a bad question. You are a poor excuse of a teacher.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Answer with either the British or the French.

You have chosen to answer with either the French or the British. This is the easy way out, you can give convincing arguments for both answers but you are still missing the point of your job. You need to help them understand that there is more than one point of view in History.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Explain the different points of view.

You have chosen to explain to your class that there is more than one way to see one historical event. It was a little difficult for some students to understand but with your help everything went well. Your student can now give detailed analysis from two different points of view, taking them one step closer to their diploma.

Choice 1 : Good!



Ten years have passed.You are still teaching at the same school and after the first midterm exams, one of your weakest students comes into your office during dinner break. You wonder what might be the reason for his visit but before you can ask him anything, he goes ahead and says he needs to have the passing grade for the last exam and that he's willing to pay me the modest sum of 30 CAD. This is a blatant example of corruption, what will you do?

Choice 1 : Accept the bribe.

Choice 2 : Refuse the bribe.


Accept the bribe.

You have chosen to accept this bribe. You have given the student a passing grade and received $30 in exchange. Surely, this will come in handy you tell yourself. However, really is often disappointing and your actions are found by your superior who fires you on the spot. You've lost your job and reputation. On the bright side, you still have your $30.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Refuse the bribe.

You have chosen to refuse the bribe. You knew it was the right thing to do. Now lies a very important question, the student did something he should not have. Will you give him another chance and keep this incident between you and him or will you report it to the principal and let him handle it?

Choice 1 : Keep it between the 2 of you.

Choice 2 : Report the incident to the principal.


Keep it between the 2 of you.

You have chosen not to report this incident. It is the easy way to go. If nobody knows, won't won't have to deal with the paperwork related to it and you will have given a student another chance. However, being a teacher is all about honesty and hard work, your decision goes against what gives meaning to your job.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Report the incident to the principal.

You have chosen to report the incident to the principal. While it seems a bit harsh, it was the right thing to do. The principal knows more than you about these incidents and how to solve them.Being a teacher is about honesty above all, you have to fellow rules.

Choice 1 : Good!


A conclusion to this story, you story.

You have done well, you made the right choices all your life and career and it is time for you to take your well-deserved retirement. With the pension you will receive and the money you saved all your life, you will be able to travel around the world, spend time with your loved ones and when the time comes, you will die without regrets.

Write a choice here.
