
Help animals.

A hypertext narrative by

megan lessard

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2120

Choice count: 28

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 29 matches (birth, operation, bleeding, canine, clinic, conjunctivitis, contact, Doctor, dynamic, environment, exotic, foot, Health, heart, hospital, medicine, Monitor, pit, reaction, SAD, scar, species, stress, surgery, teeth, tumor, venom, wounds, treat)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 21 matches (animals, close, company, competence, complaint, contact, discovery, dogs, error, escape, House, illegal, living, minutes, offer, pension, register, secure, Special, volunteer, young)

Tourism : 21 matches (Australia, Benefits, Deal, Employee, Environment, Internet, Natural, US, bit, brand, course, door, field, monitor, pension, rate, register, slow, stop, tourist, watch)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pension (1 match)

put aside (1 match)


Help animals.

Finally out of school.

I finally received my animal health diploma, and now I have to choose what I want to do. I hesitate between starting my own canine daycare or to go work in a veterinary clinic and assist veterinarian. But sometime, we have bigger dreams. My dream since I'm young is to go work in another country with different species. I will definitely have to do job interviews, but the most important is what going to happen on-the-job-training.

Choice 1 : Canine daycare.

Choice 2 : Veterinary clinic

Choice 3 : Working in another country.

Animal health technology

Canine daycare.

Some people hate to have a lot of dogs at home, but me, I really love their company. So, I chose to start a canine daycare at my house. I also have a dog, but she's very scared because she was beaten by her owner before. She's wary of everyone and also of other dogs, so she's never in contact with them. Unfortunately, a dog find a way to escape and a fight between the two dogs start.I didn't know if it's better to separate them or I should not intervene to avoid being hurt.

Choice 1 : Separate the fight.

Choice 2 : Let the dogs finish

Dog in a yard

Veterinary clinic.

The best way to help animals is to treat them when they need care. In a veterinary clinic, you do this all day. I'm a little bit stress for my first day because you can't do error when it's time to treat them, or you will already have a foot in the door. A really nice veterinarian help me to learn the ropes of this clinic. She also asks me if I prefer big animals, like dogs, cats, farms animals, or the little ones, like mouse, rats, birds, snakes.

Choice 1 : Big animals.

Choice 2 : Small animals.

Veterinarian in action

Working in another country.

Since I was young, I have been dreaming of going to live in another country, and work with exotic animals. That's not everybody who has the chance to work with animals we don't see every day. One of my friends tell me I can go on the internet to register to be a volunteer in an organization that helps animals. The two country I want the most for living and working is Australia or Amazonian.

Choice 1 : Australia.

Choice 2 : Amazonian.


Separate the fight.

Quickly, I run to the two dogs and try to separate them. They were furious, and the two is very strong, so it's really hard. I'm afraid pg being bitten, but I don't have the choice. At this moment, the other dog bites me so hard that I can't take my hand off is mouth. Some of my employees come to help me and the finally stop all this. They take me to the hospital, because I'm bleeding a lot! The doctor tells me that he has to do a surgery or the scar on my hand will never leave. I'm afraid of dog now, so I don't think I can to this job for the rest of my life...

Choice 1 : Start over

Dog bite

Let the dogs finish.

When I arrive to the dogs, I realize the fight is too violent. I can't separate them, or I will be hurt. I look at my employees beside me, and they think the same as me. A few minutes later, the fight finally end, but it's because the other dog died. I didn't know what to do. I have to tell to the owner what happen, but I don't want to lose my job because of what my dog did. So, I could invent another story...

Choice 1 : Tell what happened.

Choice 2 : Keep the secret.

dogs fight

Tell what happened.

Inside me, I know I have to say the true story, because the owner needs to know. I'm afraid to tell her, so I prepare myself for what I will say. Even if I was prepared, his reaction is terrible and I don't know how to deal with it. The day after, I hear someone knock at the door. It's the police, and they're here to tell me they have to bring my dog with them. They have to euthanize him, because the owner of the other dog file a complaint against my dog. They tell me they consider him like a danger, so I can't keep him. I also lost my rights to work with animals.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Keep the secret.

I decide to inform my employees what will happen if the owner know what really happened to his dog. They don't want to lose their jobs, because it's their only pension, so they want to help me to keep the secret. We all tell the same story, so everyone thinks that he was attacked by a coyote and my dog wanted to help him, that's why he's hurt like this. Until one of my employees decide to go tell to the police I have a Pit bull, and it's illegal at Thetford Mines. My employee thinks he's a danger, so we have to euthanize him. I was so sad that I decided to go back to school because I don't want to work with dogs anymore.

Choice 1 : Start over


Big animals.

I think big animals makes the job more interesting and dynamic. Especially when you have to go tho the farm or somewhere else to treat them. I'm lucky, because a woman have called this morning, She need us to come at her farm for her pregnant cow. I suppose to assist the veterinarian with the dog, but the other veterinarian offer me to come with him to examine the pregnant cow.

Choice 1 : Examine the dogs.

Choice 2 : Examine the pregnant cow.

Big animals

Small animals.

I'm really fascinating by rodents, snake, and all these kinds of animals. I think their super cute and too often put aside, so I like to learn more about them. You have to be really nice with them, so it's a bit stressful. The veterinarian I assist asks me if I prefer to start with a mouse or I feel secure for working now with the snakes.

Choice 1 : Work with a mouse.

Choice 2 : Work with a snake.

Small animals

Examine the dogs.

The first thing the veterinarian want me to do is to euthanize a dog. He tells me it's the hardest thing in the work of a veterinarian, so I have to get used to it right away. I dreaded this moment, but I must do it. After that, I will know if I can really do this job in my life. When everything starts, I'm very afraid of my reaction. And I was right, because I'm so sad, I have to get out of the room. I decide I can't work with animals no more, because I'm not strong enough.

Choice 1 : Start over

Dog at the veterinary clinic

Examine the pregnant cow.

I wasn't expecting the cow will be this pregnant. I look at the owner, and she tells me she thinks the cow will give birth really soon. I have to put long gloves, and get my hand inside the cow to examine her. When I did, the baby was so close to get out. The veterinarian that I assist tells me we have to help her to get the baby out now. This is the most special experience of my life.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

Pregnant cow

Work with a mouse.

A mouse is very delicate so this operation is quiet stressful. She has a tumor in her heart and it must be removed. I took the scissors and pliers, and start the operation. After a few minutes, the heart rate monitor start to slow down. I do my best to save the little mouse, but it's too late. I'm really sad, and I don't know how to announce it to the little kid who is waiting for his mouse. I don't think I'm qualified for this type of job.

Choice 1 : Start over

Little mouse

Work with a snake.

A little boy enters the operating room with his parents and his brand-new snake. His parents have bought him a snake for his birthday, but he has not yet had his long teeth removed by which venom travel. Of course, there is no more venom in it, but I have to remove them, so that the kid will not be hurt. Suddenly, the snake surprises me by biting me really hard. I'm shook, I wasn't expecting that, so I passed out. When I return to myself, I was really afraid of going work with the snake again...

Choice 1 : Start over



I'm engaged in a refuge for animals who need care before being released into the wild. My job is to wash them, and give them their medicine every morning. One morning, I don't know what happen to the kangaroo, but they are really weird. When I'm beside the kangaroo, they start to get furious. They attack me, and there is nothing I can do to defend myself. After that, I can't work with kangaroo no more, so I'm hesitating between going home or try my luck with koala.

Choice 1 : Working with koalas.



One of my friends in Amazonian tell me he can bring me to a walk in the Amazonian forest and watch animals in their natural habitats. I'm so exciting! It's like overtime, but in really nicer, because we watch and learn more about animals, but in another environment. Unfortunately, we come face to face with monkeys who believe we are going to attack them. They try to protect their babies, so they attack us first. We run to be in safety. We arrive at a cave that seems not to have often been visited by humans. I ask my friend if we should go back to the house and tell everything about the cave, so specialist could go see it, or enter the cave now without anyone.

Choice 1 : Enter the cave.

Choice 2 : Tell it to specialists.

Amazonian forest

Working with koalas.

I'm really fascinating by the koalas. I know they are endangered and I want to help them in every way I can. I found a refuge that keeps the koalas in a safe place where they can live and be treat when they need to. One of the koalas has a conjunctivitis. It's a common problem among koalas, but for this one, it's more serious. Unfortunately, today, the koala has a lot of misery to breathe. We do our best to save him, but it was too late. For me, this is a failure, so I think I should return to school and change my field of study.

Choice 1 : Start over


Enter the cave.

The cave is very scary, but we want to discover what's inside. We found a baby leopard that seems to be hurt. He's alone, so we take him to a refuge where he will be healed. When we arrive, the people there tell us he can't be healed because his wounds are too serious. They have to euthanize him... I choose to go back to my town for studying more, because I want to have better competence to save them.

Choice 1 : Start over

Cave in Amazonian forest

Tell it to specialists.

We go see specialists, then they can accompany us to the cave and help us know more about the species in there. We discover species we didn't know about. Some were fascinating and I want to know more about them. The other tells me that we have to keep the secret of the cave, or they will kill us. They want to have all the benefits for the discovery of the cave. I want to inform the world about these species, but they are very clear in their words that a misfortune will happen to us if we talk about it.

Choice 1 : Don't talk about the cave.

Specialists of cave

Don't talk about the cave.

Like they told us to do, we keep the secret, and let them told people it is their discovery. I was afraid they would make it a tourist site, because it will hurt a lot the animals who live in the cave. I was right, because it's what they are doing right now. There is nothing I can do to stop all this. Every day, species that have been discovered in this cave are extinguished. I'm so angry! I have lost all my faith in humanity. I decide to go back to school to study more about the laws that protect animals.

Choice 1 : Start over

Tourist cave