
Special Care Counseling

A hypertext narrative by

Jessika Vachon

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1125

Choice count: 36

Section count: 24

Image count: 24

Error count: 13

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 17 matches (bipolar, borderline, compensation, consent, GIFT, hair, Health, heart, hospital, HR, hyperactivity, mean, nose, personality, personality disorder, position, ring)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 16 matches (answer, arrest, children, code, community, compensation, consent, gift, Local, office, Principal, silence, Special, term, threat, truth)

Psychology : 14 matches (attention, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, compensation, deficit, hyperactivity, hyperactivity disorder, love, mean, nose, patient, personality, run, touch)

Target Structure:

flirtation (1 match)

HR (2 matches)

maddening (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

OJT (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


Special Care Counseling

Your future workplace.

You finished your technique in Special Care Counseling, and you have to choose your future workplace. What kind of clientele do you want?

Choice 1 : Children.

Choice 2 : Mental health.

Choice 3 : Alzheimer.



You are still OJT (on the job training) to preparing you to do all of your tasks in a primary school because you took a vacant position. You enjoy your job and the training, but less when you have to intervene about Billy. Billy is a kid with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and he is bipolar. During the afternoon, he enters in your room. He has been fighting with another student. He looks at you and says " You're a slut! " This situation is totally maddening.

Choice 1 : You slap Billy on his face.

Choice 2 : You answer " Go fuck yourself ".

Angry kid


You have been working for 6 months for the local community service centre because the wage is higher than everywhere, but more often than not you have to do overtime. Zack is a schizophrenic and has borderline personality disorder.He is your favorite patient and you like work to help him. Today during your meeting with him, he wants to give you a cat key ring because he likes how you work, and he knows that you love cats.

Choice 1 : You accept it.

Choice 2 : You refuse it.

Cat keyring


You have been working for one year in a long term care hospital with people who have Alzheimer. You come in a bedroom and you see 100 dollars on a desk.

Choice 1 : You take 20 dollars.

Choice 2 : You take all the money.

100 dollars


After slapping his face, Billy was shocked. He looks at you and he waits for you say something.

Choice 1 : You say that you are sorry and you ask him to keep secret what just happened.

Choice 2 : You say to Billy that he deserve it.

surprised kid

More tension.

After saying to him go fuck yourself, the situation goes worst. Billy is screaming and crying louder and louder. The principal comes in the room and ask you what happen.

Choice 1 : You lie.

Choice 2 : You say the truth.


Was it a mistake?

Even if in the office it's forbidden to accept a gift from a patient, you accept the cat key ring and you thank him. Two days later, he comes in to your office, and he wants to give you a necklace. He is convinced to love you, so he claims his flame, and he does some flirtation.

Choice 1 : You say nothing.

Choice 2 : You accept the necklace.


Angry Zack.

You refuse the cat key ring and Zack become angrier. He is saying that he loved you, but now you have breaking his heart. He threats you to punch your face if you don't become his wife.

Choice 1 : You run away to find some help.

Choice 2 : You raise your voice and you tell him to calm down.

Angry man

Was it worthwhile.

You think that the person just gonna forget how much money he has, and that's gonna be a compensation for your good work. But that's not what happen...Someone is seeing you stole the money, so you have to justify yourself.

Choice 1 : You say that the 20 dollars was on the ground and you wanted to put it at the right place.

Choice 2 : You say that you wanted to check if it was a real 20 dollars.


Good lucks to justify yourself.

You are putting thoroughly the money in your pocket and the daughter of the patient enters the room and look at you. What are you doing?

Choice 1 : You kill her with a chair.

Choice 2 : You threat her.

Bad thief

Everything is alright.

You ask him to keep the secret and he agrees. You keep your job and nobody will ever know.

Choice 1 : Start over.

right choice

A bad choice.

You tell him that he deserve it, and he stops talking at everyone that day. The next day, the HR want to see you. They want to know why you did that, because HR handles code of business conduct and you didn't respect this code. You explain the situation, but you are dismissed.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Good bye.

The person doesn't believe you and she tell it at you boss. At the end you lost your job.

Choice 1 : Start over.

losing job


Good job! The person believes you.

Choice 1 : Start over.



The woman is dead by your fault !

Choice 1 : You run away.

Choice 2 : You go find some help and you accuse another person.

dead budy

Trouble with police.

The police find you and arrest you. You are going in to a jail.

Choice 1 : Start over.



After a big and long investigation, the police arrest you.

Choice 1 : Start over.



You tell at the woman that you will kill her if she denounces you. She does what you tell her and no one never known it. Good job.

Choice 1 : Start over.



You tell at the principal that he scream for nothing, he just want some attention, and everything OK. So, the principal believes you and go away. Good job!

Choice 1 : Start over.


Say goodbye to your job.

To be honest is not always the better choice ! You are banished of every school.

Choice 1 : Start over.


Silence doesn't mean consent.

He come closer and he tries to touch your butt. You tell him that you don't want it, but now he tries to touch between your legs. You slap his face and you begin to run away, but he got you by your long hair, and he put out his thing. You kick him right there and you start to scream. Someone hears you and call the police. Zack is going at the hospital.

Choice 1 : Start over.



You accept it because you like shiny things. After that, He asks you to help him hide his drogue. You accept this deal, and he continues to give you some expensive gift. No one will know that you are corrupted!

Choice 1 : Start over.


Long hair.

You try to run away, but he grabs your long hair, and he punches your face. You wake up at the hospital, your nose is broken but you are alright. Zack is in jail for now.

Choice 1 : Start over.

long hair

Good idea.

After that, he calms down, you explain to him the situation, and everything is good.

Choice 1 : Start over.

good job